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" As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body, palace to my soul, Away from her, and yet retain my soul. My body is her bower, her court, her abbey, And she an angel, pure, divine, unspotted ; If I should lend her... "
Knights and Their Days - Página 342
por Dr. Doran (John) - 1856 - 479 páginas
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Prolusions; Or, Select Pieces of Antient Poetry,--compil'd with Great Care ...

Edward Capell - 1760 - 284 páginas
...But thou may'ft lend it me, to fport withal. / Cou. As easy may my intelleftual foul ' Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body, palace to my foul, Away from her, and yet retain my foul. My body is her bower, her court, her abbey, And fhe an...
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The Table Book..., Volumen1

William Hone - 1827 - 894 páginas to «port withal, Court. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, Ai lend my body (palace to my soul) ' Away from her, and yet retain my ion!. My body is her bower, her court, her ablief, And she an angel pure, divine, unspotted ; If I...
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The Table Book, Volumen2

William Hone - 1828 - 468 páginas
...But thou may'st lend it me to sport withal. Сим. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body (palace to thee, I kill my poor soul, and my poor soul me. King. Didst thou not swear to give me what I would ? Count. I did, my liege, so what you would, I could....
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The Table Book, Volumen2

William Hone - 1828 - 512 páginas
...King. But thoo may'st lend it me to sport withal, Conn. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body (palace to my...and yet retain my soul. My body is her bower, her conrt, her abbey. And she an angel pure, divine, unspotted ; If I should lend her honse, my Lord, to...
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Specimens of English Dramatic Poets: Who Lived about the Time of ..., Volumen1

Charles Lamb - 1835 - 802 páginas
...King. But thou may'st lend it me to sport withal. Court. As easy may my intelleetual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body (palace to thee, I kill my poor soul, and my poor soul me. King. Didst thou not swear to give me what I would ? Cotm. I did, my liege, so what yon would, I could....
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calandar of Popular ...

William Hone - 1835 - 936 páginas
...King. But thon may'st lend it me to »port withal. Conn. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, * As lend my body (palace to...retain my soul. My body is her bower, her court, her abliey, And she an angel pure, divine, unspotted ; If I should lend her house, my Lord, to thee, I...
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The every-day book and table-book; or, Everlasting calendar of ..., Volumen1

William Hone - 1837 - 984 páginas sport withal. Com* As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As Irad my body (palace to my soul) Away from her, and yet retain my soul. My body i» her bower, her court, her аЫ*у, And ihe an angel purr, divine, unspotted ; If I khould lend...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calendar of ..., Volumen3

William Hone - 1838 - 890 páginas
...King. But thou may'st lend it me to sport withal* Conn. As easy may my intellectual »oul Be lent away, and yet my body live. As lend my body (palace to my...My body is her bower, her court, her abbey, And she ao angel pure, divine, unspotted ; If 1 should lend her house, my Lord, to thee, I kill my poor soul,...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book; Or, Everlasting Calendar of ..., Volumen3

William Hone - 1841 - 896 páginas
...King. But thou may'st lend it me to sport withaL Coua. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body (palace to my...retain my soul. My body is her bower, her court, her abliey, And she an angel pure, divine, unspotted ; If I should lend her house, my Lord, to the«, X...
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Specimens of English Dramatic Poets: Who Lived about the Time of ..., Volumen2

Charles Lamb - 1844 - 322 páginas
...King. But thou may'st lend it me to sport withal. Coun. As easy may my intellectual soul Be lent away, and yet my body live, As lend my body (palace to thee, I kill my poor soul, and my poor soul me. King. Didst thou not swear to give me what I would? Coun. I did, my liege, so what you would, I could....
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