Saunders, her body was by her express request dressed ' in a very fine Brussels lace head-dress, a holland shift with a tucker and double ruffles of the same lace, and a pair of new kid gloves, and was then wrapped in a winding-sheet of fine linen. Knights and Their Days - Página 335por Dr. Doran (John) - 1856 - 479 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1802 - 302 páginas
...pomp, interred at Westminster Abbey, adorned, at her own request, with a head-dress of Brussels lace ; a holland shift, with tucker and double ruffles of the same lace ; and a pair of new kid gloves. Her patl was supported by Lord de la War, Lord Harvey, the Right Hon. George Bub Doddington, Charles... | |
 | 1805 - 448 páginas
...pomp, interred at Westminster Abbey, adorned, at her own request, with a headdress of Brussels lace ; a holland shift, with tucker and double ruffles of the same lace ; and a pair of new kid gloves. Her pall was supported by Lord de la War, Lord Harvey, the Right Hon. George Bub Doddington, Charles... | |
 | John Heneage Jesse - 1847 - 474 páginas
...actress, Mrs. Oldfield. Her corpse, having been decorated with fine Brussels lace, "a holland shift with a tucker and double ruffles of the same lace, and a pair of new kid gloves," was conveyed from her house in Grosvenor Street to the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster, from whence,... | |
 | Leigh Hunt - 1848 - 348 páginas
...was, to be sure, "mortal fine." — "She had on," says the writer, " a very fine Brussels lace-head, a Holland shift with tucker, and double ruffles of the same lace ; a pair of new kid gloves, and her body wrapt up in a winding sheet." * Yet we are of Montaigne's... | |
 | 1894 - 664 páginas
...remains were deposited in Westminster Abbey. Egerton, her biographer, tells that "she was interred in a Brussels lace head-dress, a holland shift with...double ruffles of the same lace, and a pair of new kid gloTcs." HILDA САМЫХ Cunden Lawn, Birkenhead. STARCH USED FOR PASTE (7th S. xii. 226, 293). —... | |
 | 1894 - 666 páginas
...Westminster Abbey. Egerton, her biographer, tells that "she was interred in a Brussels lace bead-dress, a holland shift with tucker and double ruffles of the same lace, and a pair of new kid gloves." HILDA GAHLIN. Cunden Lawn, Birkenhead. STARCH USED FOR PASTE (7 th S. xii. 225, 293). —If one may... | |
 | 1912 - 666 páginas
...Mrs. Saundcre'a Direction thus laid in her Coffin. She had on, a very fine ВгыввсЬLace-Head ; a Holland Shift with Tucker, and double Ruffles of the same Lace ; a Pair of new Kid-Gloves, and her body wrapped up in » Winding Sheet." Mrs. Saunders was an actress,... | |
 | Robert Southey - 1850 - 860 páginas
...GBEGOBIE'S Sermon on the Re>«r•ectioii, p. 61. 7í>-2 793 MBS. OLDFIELD was buried in a winding sheet, a Brussels lace head-dress, a Holland shift-, with...of the same lace, and a pair of new kid gloves.—' Gentleman i Magazine, vol. ip 116. " I own I grow to look on tombs as lasting mansions, instead of... | |
 | 1852 - 782 páginas
...published in 1734. Mrs. Oldfield escaped the " woollen," and was really " buried in Westminster Abbey in a Brussels lace headdress ; a Holland shift with...of the same lace ; and a pair of new kid gloves." — Gent. Mag-., March, 1731. C. In reference to this subject, the parish register of Bretforton, Worcestershire,... | |
 | 1852 - 650 páginas
...woollen," and was really " buried in Westminster Abbey in a Brussels lace headdress ; a Holland shirt with tucker, and double ruffles of the same lace ; and a pair of new kid gloves."— Gent. Mag., March, 1731. C. In reference to this subject, the parish register of Bretforton, Worcestershire,... | |
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