gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden metal, Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In violating marriage' sacred law, You break a greater honour than yourself. To be a king is of a younger house Than to be... Knights and Their Days - Página 342por Dr. Doran (John) - 1856 - 479 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Edward Capell - 1760 - 284 páginas, you cannot give ; For Ctesar owes that tribute to his queen : That love, you beg of me, I cannot give ; For Sarah owes that duty to her lord. He, that doth clip, or counterfeit, your ftamp, Shall die, my lord : And will your facred felf Commit high treason 'gainft the King of heaven,... | |
 | William Hone - 1827 - 894 páginas
...give ; For Csnar owes that tribute to his Queen, fhat love, yon beg of me, 1 cannot give ¡ For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp. Shall die, my Lord : sma shall your sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, Го stamp his image in... | |
 | William Hone - 1828 - 468 páginas
...give ; For Cssar owes that tribute to his Queen. That love, yon beg of me, 1 cannot give; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or...sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden metal, Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In violating... | |
 | William Hone - 1828 - 512 páginas
...give ; Tor Caesar owes that tribute to hit Queen. That love, you beg of me, 1 cannot give ; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp. Shall die, ray Lord : aod shall your sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his... | |
 | William Hone - 1835 - 936 páginas
...gire ; For Caesar owes that tribute to his Queen. That love, yon beg of me, 1 cannot give ; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or...sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden metal. Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In violating... | |
 | Charles Lamb - 1835 - 802 páginas
...give ; For Caesar owes that tribute to his Queen. That love, you beg of me, I cannot give ; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or...sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden metal, Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In violating... | |
 | William Hone - 1837 - 984 páginas his Queen. That love, you beg of me, 1 cannot give ; Гот Sara owes that duty to her Lord. H«, that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp. Shall die, my Lord : and shall your sacred »elf Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, Го »tamp his image in forbidden metal. Forgetting... | |
 | William Hone - 1838 - 890 páginas
...give ; For Ctt*ar owes that tribute to his Queen. That love, you beg of me, 1 cannot give ; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or...sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden mi-tal. Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In violating... | |
 | William Hone - 1841 - 896 páginas
...Shall die, my Lord : and shall your sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, Го stamp his image in forbidden metal, Forgetting your...violating marriage' sacred law, You break a greater Honour U.*n yourself. To be a King, is of a younger house Than To be married : your progenitor. Sole-reigning... | |
 | Charles Lamb - 1844 - 322 páginas
...give ; For Caesar owes that tribute to his Queen. That love, you beg of me, I cannot give ; For Sara owes that duty to her Lord. He, that doth clip or...sacred self Commit high treason 'gainst the King of Heaven, To stamp his image in forbidden metal, Forgetting your allegiance and your oath ? In viokting... | |
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