Imágenes de páginas

Verband der jüdischen Lehrervereine im Deutschen Reiche (Association of Jewish Teachers Unions). Founded 1895. Constituent local unions, 18, with about 900 members, about two-thirds of all Jewish teachers in the German Empire. Trustees: Dr. Adler, Berlin; Blumenfeld, Adelebsen; Bernhard, Tarnowitz; Dr. Blashke, Berlin; Feiner, Hamburg; Graf, Essen; Gutkind, Cassel; Steinhardt, Magdeburg; Sturmann, Osterode; Wertheimer, Heldenbergen. Subventioned by the Deutsch-israelitischer Gemeindebund.

Deutscher Rabbinerverband (Union of German Rabbis). President, Dr. S. Maybaum, Berlin.

Centralverein deutscher Staatsburger judischen Glaubens, Karlstrasse, 26. Committee: Dr. Max Horwitz, Dr. Fuchs, Weile, Dr. Senator, Dr. Julius Wolff, M. Moszkowski, Alfred Loewenberg, Eugen Landau, Dorn, Dr. Schneider, Dr. Loewenfeld, Dr. Ginsberg, Dr. Blashke, G. Josephthal, Kulish, Dr. Levy, Dr. Loewinsohn, Dr. Mendel, Dr. Mendelsohn, Dr. Pariser, Dr. Pinner, Pringsheim, I. Rosenthal. Secretary, A. Levy.


Union of Jewish Teachers of Religion (Achawah). President, A.
Van Creveld.


The central body is a consistory.


The central body is a consistory. Chief Rabbi, M. Wertheimer, Geneva.


The central body is a consistory. President, Isaac Molcho Pasha, Constantinople. The ecclesiastical head is a Chief Rabbi, elected by the representatives of the congregations, subject to the approval of the Sultan.

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President, Martin Schweiger; Secretary, Dr. Josef Simon; and 15 Trustees. Faculty: Dr. W. Bacher; Armin Balog; Karoly Bein; Professor Ludwig Blau, Ph. D.; Moses Bloch; Dr. Henrik Bloch; Adolf Lazarus; Salomon Schill.

Israelitisch-theologische Lehranstalt, Tempelgasse, 3. Founded 1893. Governed by 15 Curators. President, Moritz Karpeles; Secretary, Josef Fuchs. Faculty: Rector, Professor Adolf Schwarz, Ph. D., Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, Gaonic Responses, and Homiletics; M. Friedmann, Reader in Midrash: Professor D. H. Müller, Ph. D., Bible, Exegesis, Hebrew Grammar, Biblical Aramaic, and Religious Philosophy; Professor A. Büchler, Ph. D., History of the Jews. Special course for teachers of religion. Graduates, in 1899, 6 rabbis, 3 teachers; students, 24 in the course for rabbis, 11 in the course for teachers. Last report contains: Seder Eliahu rabba und Seder Eliahu zuta (Tanna d'be Eliahu), nach einem vaticanischen Manuscripte aus dem Jahre лn (1073), ediert, kritisch bearbeitet und commentiert, by M. Friedmann.



Jews' College, Queen Square House, Guilford St., W. C.
Founded 1856. Governed by a Council consisting of rep-
resentatives of the Elders of the Spanish and Portuguese
Synagogue and representatives of the United Synagogue.
President, The Very Rev. Dr. Herman Adler, Chief
Rabbi; Secretary, Henry H. Hyams, 8 Duke St., Aldgate,
E. C. Faculty: Principal, M. Friedländer, Ph. D.; Senior
Tutor, Israel Abrahams, M. A.; Theological Tutor, S. A.
Hirsch, Ph. D.; Masters: G. Washington Kilner, M. A.,
Classics; Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph. D., M. R. A. S., Semitic
Languages; Rev. I. Samuel and Rev. F. L. Cohen, Music:
A. Antoine, French; S. L. Hasluck, Elocution. To ob-

tain a Rabbinical diploma, an examination in the following subjects must be passed: Religious Philosophy (Maimonides, Jehuda Halevi, Ibn Gebirol, Saadiah, and Albo); Jewish History: Bible; Commentaries; Talmud (2 Masechtas); Halacha (Shulchan Aruch); Grammar (Hebrew and Chaldee); Homiletics. Special courses for teachers of Hebrew and Religion.


Judith Montefiore College. Founded 1869, by Sir Moses Monte-
fiore. Collegians: N. I. Berlin; Rev. Dr. J. Chotzner; L.
Levin; Rev. B. J. Salomons; Rev. E. Slevansky; M. L.



Séminaire et Talmud-Torah, 9, rue Vauquelin. Governed by the Chief Rabbi of France; the Chief Rabbi of Paris; three representatives of the Central Consistory; and three representatives of the Paris Consistory. Faculty: Director, Joseph Lehmann, grand-rabbin; Rabbis Israël Lévi and Mayer Lambert; Ad. Beer, Reader to the Seminary: Albert Cahen; Lucien Lévy-Brühl; Ricquier; Charles Salomon, and Jacques Kahn.



Lehranstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Lindenstrasse, 48-50. Founded 1872. Governed by 9 Curators. President, Dr. S. Neuman: Secretary, Georg Meyer. Faculty: Dr. Baneth, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch; Rev. Dr. S. Maybaum, Midrash and Homiletics; Dr. Martin Schreiner, Biblical Exegesis and Commentaries, Religious Philosophy, and Jewish History. One graduate in 1899; students, 26. Last report contains: Studien über Jeschu'a ben Jehuda, by Dr. Martin Schreiner.

Rabbinerseminar, Gipsstrasse, 12a. Founded 1873. Governed by 13 Curators: Dr. I. Hildesheimer;' Dr. Selig Auerbach, Halberstadt: H. Gumpertz, Hamburg; Chief Rabbi Hirsch, Hamburg: Lazar Mainz, Frankfort-on-the-Main; Professor I. Barth, Ph. D.; Dr. A. Berliner; Dr. H. Hildesheimer; Dr. D. Hoffman; Dr. I. Wohlgemuth; Rector, Dr. H. Hoffmann,

1 Deceased.


Jüdisch-theologisches Seminar, Franckel'scher Stiftung, Wall-
strasse 1b. Founded 1854. Governed by 3 Curators.
Faculty: Director, Dr. M. Brann, Biblical Exegesis and
Commentaries, Shulchan-Aruch, Jewish History, and
Pedagogics; Dr. S. Horovitz, Hebrew Grammar, Talmud,
Religious Philosophy, Homiletics, Midrash; Dr. I. Lewy,
rabbi to the Seminary, Talmud and Shulchan Aruch.
Graduates in 1899, 3; students, 24. Last report contains:
Die Psychologie Ibn Gabirols, by Dr. S. Horovitz.



Theological Seminary. Director, Dr. J. H. Dünner, Chief Rabbi of Amsterdam.



Collegio Rabbinico (successor to the old Rabbinical Seminary at Padua). Opened in 1897. Director: Chief Rabbi Dr. S. H. Margulies; assisted by Dr. Ismar Elbogen.



Rabbinical Seminary founded by the Alliance Israélite Universelle (see p. 63). Director, Rabbi Abraham Danon.



MICHAEL W. ASH was born in Pennsylvania. He was a Representative in the 24th Congress, from that State, from 1835 to 1837, serving as a member of the Committee on Naval Affairs.

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JUDAH P. BENJAMIN attained eminence as a member of the United States Senate, as Cabinet officer of the Confederate government, and as a member of the bar. He was born at St. Croix in 1811 and reached Charleston, S. C., about 1816. He received a classical education at Columbia (S. C.) College. After many changes of residence, he finally settled in New Orleans, La., and was admitted to the bar there. In 1834 he wrote A Digest of Reported Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana." In 1845 he was a member of the State Constitutional Convention; in 1847, a United States Commissioner; in 1848, a Presidential Elector for Louisiana; and in 1852 was elected to the United States Senate, and re-elected in 1859, resigning his seat on the secession of his State. He became identified with the Confederate cause, and was Attorney-General and Acting Secretary of War of the Provisional Government of the Southern Confederacy. In February, 1862, he was appointed Secretary of State of the Confederacy, which position he held until its fall in 1865. He settled in London, England, after the war, and was made Queen's Counsel for Lancaster. During his residence abroad he wrote his celebrated treatise "On Sales." He died in Paris, France, in May, 1884.

EDWIN EINSTEIN, of New York City, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, November 18, 1842. He removed, in 1846, to New York, where he has since resided. He received a collegiate education at the College of the City of New York, and entered Union College, but was not graduated. He has always been engaged in mercantile pursuits. He was elected, as a Republican, from the 7th District, New York, to the 46th Congress. NATHAN FRANK, of St. Louis, Mo., was born in Peoria, Ill., February 23, 1852. He was educated in the public schools of

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