Imágenes de páginas


Egypt is a country far away.
It never rains in Egypt.
The Sun shines every day.
There is a large river in Egypt.
It is the river Nile.

In the Spring the river is full.
The snow on the mountains melts

The water runs into the river.

That makes it very full.

It runs over the land.

The water covers the ground on both

sides of the river.

It makes the ground wet.

Then the people are glad.

They plant seeds in the wet ground.

They know that the wheat and rice will grow.

They know that the pretty
green reeds will grow.

The reeds grow by the river.
They are tall and straight.

The people make baskets

out of reeds.

They make roofs of


They make mats.

The lotos grows in

the river Nile.

The lotos is a beautiful lily.

The people of Egypt love the lotos.

When they see it, they know that the rice and wheat will grow soon.

They make pictures and borders of the lotos.

They make lotos borders on their vases.. They make lotos borders on their houses. They thought that the Sun slept in the lotos.

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Once there was a little baby boy. His mamma loved him very much. A bad man wanted to hurt him. The mamma did not know what to do. "I must hide my baby," she said. "Where shall I hide him?"

She lived near the river Nile.

The reeds were growing by the river.

They were tall and green.

"I will hide my baby among the reeds," said the mamma.

She made a basket of the strong, green reeds.

She made it the way we make mats.

Then the baby was put into the basket.


The mamma hid it among the tall reeds. She told the baby's sister to stand far


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