SECTION 1. Silas Ball, Horace S. Hulburt, A. T. Ran- Corpora
dall, W. J. McKee, H. F. Fenin, B. F. Melrose, J. E.
Chapin, Joseph H. Petty, H. H. Morse, Samuel Gott-
wals, Chancey Boughton, J. A. Vance, M. M. Earl, M.
E. Dunham, G. Bowen, jr., W. W. Lyle, G. Clarke, M.
C. Bignall, John O'Donnell, J. B. Van Petten, E. M. K.
Glenn, Jessie T. Reynolds, Samuel B. McIntyre, Charles
M. Scholefield, R. Š. James, William B. Taylor, Sanford
M. Foster, Addison B. Tuttle, S. R. Pratt, J. W. Mitch-
ell, and all persons who now are or may hereafter
become associated with them, or their successors, are Corporate
hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the
name and title of the "Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Good Templars of the State of New York,"
and as such shall have perpetual succession, and be Powers.
able to sue and be sued in all courts of record, and else-
where, and they and their successors may have and use
a common seal, and alter and renew the same at pleasure;
and for the purpose of their incorporation as hereinafter May hold
named, and for no other purpose, to purchase and receive, personal
take and hold lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods,
money, chattels and all kinds of estate which they may
obtain by gift, grant, devise or' bequest in any last will
or testament, so far as the laws of this State in regard
to devises will permit, and the same to sell, alien, devise
or convey as the interests of said organization may re-
quire: provided, always, that the clear yearly income Annual
of the real and personal estate held by the said corpo- therefrom.
ration shall not at any time exceed the sum of twenty
thousand dollars.