PAGE. State Society, printing of Transactions of vol. 2, 2421 Town Societies, payment to, in absence of County Societies, 308 972 Basin, work upon.. Albany Basin and Pier. 51 Pier, actions against city for damages by freshet.. vol. 2, 1521 Albany Board of Lumber Dealers. Albany Basin 66 51 .vol. 2, 1773 Albany Board of Lumber Dealers... Albany Dispensary, appropriation for.... ..vol. 2, 2069 vol. 2, 2064 Albany Hospital Dispensary, appropriation for....vol. 2, 2069 vol. 2, 1521 Albany Railway, rate of passenger fare.. ... vol. 2, 1524 PAGE. 437 844 Albany Union Foundry Company, increase of capital.......... tal.. 437 Capital Police District, act amended.... .....vol. 2, 2262, 694 Commercial Warehouse Company, time for organization, Jail, salary of keeper of... Juvenile Retreat, appropriation for.. St. Vincent Orphan Asylum, appropriation 686 vol. 2, 1605 vol. 2, 2064 .... vol. 2, 1395 State Hall Park, grant of part of, to Lutheran Church, con- 146 firmed (See also Albany County.) Albany County. Albany Board of Lumber Dealers, charter of......vol. 2, 1773 vol. 2, 1350 911 Albany Penitentiary, contract with, by Broome County. ...vol. 2, 694 2423 468 Capital Police District, act amended........ vol. 2, 2262, .vol. 2, 2323 Cohoes Gas Light Company, extension of works 249 vol. 2, 2365 PAGE. Island Park Bridge, act repealed. Great Western Turnpike, additional tolls for......vol. 2, 1361 Green Island, village charter.. .vol. 2, 2167 Jail, salary of keeper of... Plank Roads, additional tolls in............... Union Turnpike Road, inspection of...... Washington Park, Albany, lands for.......... vol. 2, 1520 .vol. 2, 1360 468 ...vol. 2, 1395 Watervliet, collection and election districts in..... vol. 2, 2395 Watervliet, compensation of assessors. 1204 Westerlo Turnpike Road, inspection of 468 West Troy, canal across Water street authorized................ 95.0 .....vol. 2, 2146 West Troy, tax for sewer in .vol. 2, 2398 (See also Albany City.) Albany County Penitentiary. Broome county, may contract with.. Convicts from Sing Sing State prison, when to be removed 911 vol. 2, 2035 to..... Lands set apart for public park.. PAGE. ... vol. 2, 1524 Albany Sovereign Consistory, &c. May hold real estate... Albany Union Foundry Company. Increase of capital stock..... 437 Goldstein Isaac, conveyance by, confirmed 471 Heas Thomas and others, may take real and personal pro- Metzger Christian, lands of, released.. 164 vol. 2, 1570 Roesing Johannes, conveyances to, declared valid................... Stimrock John G., lands of released Wall Thomas, lands of released... (See also Escheats and releases.) 163 420 vol. 2, 1602 Allanson P. Appropriation for...... vol. 2, 1926 Allegany County. Belfast, collection of taxes in, time extended... Orphans and homeless persons, support of............. PAGE. 104 404 .vol. 2, 1944 14 Scio and Wellsville, town line between, changed...vol. 2, 2413 Wellsville, auction sales in, regulated. Amended Constitution. (See Constitution.) 105 340 80 .vol. 2, 1306 American and Foreign Commercial Company. Act to incorporate... ... vol. 2, 1833 American Female Guardian Society and Home for the American Umbrella Frame Company. Name changed to American Manufacturing Company, vol. 2, 1872 Organization legalized.. ... vol. 2, 1872 |