} STATE OF NEW YORK, ALBANY, April 29, 1869. We certify that at a joint meeting of the Senate and Assembly, held in the Assembly Chamber, April 29, 1869, pursuant to a concurrent resolution of the two Houses, Henry Smith, of the city and county of New York, was duly elected a Metropolitan Police Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police District of the State of New York, in place of Thomas C. Acton, resigned. Witness our hands and the seals of the Senate and Assembly, this 29th day of April, 1869. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION giving consent by this State to cession to United States National Cemetery by Pennsylvania, Whereas, By an act entitled "An act to establish and protect national cemeteries," approved February twentysecond, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, Congress has adopted an uniform system for the management and care of all the soldiers' national cemeteries throughout the United States, and made provisions for their maintenance; and, Whereas, The State of Pennsylvania has, by an act approved the fourteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, ceded and relinquished to the United States all its title to the grounds and property of the Soldiers' National Cemetery, at Gettysburgh, vested in it in trust for the States which participated in the establishment of said national cemetery, of which States the State of New York was one, therefore, Resolved, (if the Assembly concur), That the State of New York hereby consents to and approves the said cession, by the State of Pennsylvania to the United States, of the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettys burgh. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENATE, May 5, 1869. The above resolution was duly passed. JAMES TERWILLIGER, Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, May 7, 1869. The above resolution was duly passed. } EDWARD F. UNDERHILL. Clerk. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION for printing Transactions of the State Agricultural Society. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That fifteen hundred copies of the Transactions of the Agricultural Society for eighteen hundred and sixty-eight be printed for the use of the said Society; fifteen copies for each member, officer and reporter of the Legislature; twenty copies for county agricultural societies in counties electing one Member of Assembly, and a proportionate number in counties electing more than one Member of Assembly; ten copies for each town and Union agricultural society, and fifty copies for the Regents of the University; and that said report be bound in the same manner as last year, and be distributed as above provided, without delay. STATE OF NEW YORK, The above resolution was duly passed. By order of the Senate, JAMES TERWILLIGER, Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, May 8, 1869. Concurred in without amendment. By order, } EDWARD F. UNDERHILL, Clerk. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION for printing Transactions of the American Institute. Resolved, (if the Assembly concur), That ten copies of the annual report of the Transactions of the American Institute for eighteen hundred and sixty-eight be printed for each member, officer and reporter of the Legislature; one thousand copies for the Institute; ten copies for each county society in counties electing one Member of Assembly, and a proportionate number in counties electing more than one Member; ten copies for each town or Union agricultural society, and twenty-five copies for the Regents of the University, for exchange; and that said report be bound the same as last year, and be distributed without delay. STATE OF NEW YORK, The above resolution was duly passed. JAMES TERWILLIGER, Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, May 8, 1869. Concurred in without amendment. By order, } EDWARD F. UNDERHILL, Clerk. NAMES CHANGED, Under and in Pursuance of Chapter Eighty, of the Laws of 1860, Amendatory of Chapter 464, Laws of 1847. STATE OF NEW YORK, and of Bbany.} City and County of Albany. SS. I, Isaac N. Keeler, clerk of said city and county, in pursuance of the act entitled "An act to authorize persons to change their names," passed December 14, 1847, and the act amending the same, passed March 17, 1860, do hereby certify that the name of the following person has been changed under and by virtue of the said acts during the year ending December 31, 1868, to wit: Sarah Kelly, to Sarah W. Burt. To take effect October 24, 1868. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at the city of Albany, this 31st day of December, 1868. I. N. KEELER, [L. S.] Endorsed "Filed January 2, 1869." Clerk. GENESEE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, BATAVIA, Dec. 31, 1868. I hereby certify that the names of the following persons have been changed by the county court of this county during the year 1868. Lyman Tabor, to Lyman Eaton. [L. S.] Order entered April 15, 1868. Clerk. Endorsed "Filed January 4th, 1869." STATE OF NEW YORK, SS. I, John J. White, clerk of the county of Kings, do hereby certify that the following changes of names were made in this county during the year 1868, viz : Franz John Carlson, to Franz John Hall. To take effect Feb. 10, 1868. Amasa K. Weeks to William Wilson. Order made March 5, 1868. John Minehan, to John Miner. Order made April 7, 1868. "The Rector Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Free Church of Saint Matthew in the Ninth Ward of the city of Brooklyn," to "Saint Matthew's Protestant Episcopal Church in Brooklyn." Order made May 18, 1868. To take effect 30 days thereafter. "The German Evangelical St. John's Church in the city of Brooklyn," to "The German Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church." Order made July 27, 1868. To take effect 30 days thereafter. Abner Leather Small, to Abner Leather Raymond. Order made Nov. 14, 1868. To take effect Dec. 15, 1868. John Berkley, to Daniel Benedict Magill. Order made Dec. 22, 1868. To take effect Jan. 2, 1869. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand [L. S.] and affixed the seal of said county, this 12th day of January, 1869. 5 c. U. S. Int. Rev. Stamp. canceled. JOHN J. WHITE, Clerk. Endorsed Filed January 14, 1869." |