Chap. 697. AN ACT to provide ways and means for the support of government. Passed May 7, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: State tax one-fourth general of one and mill, for fund. SECTION 1. There shall be imposed for the fiscal year, beginning on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, a State tax of one and one-fourth of one mill on each dollar of real and personal property of this State, subject to taxation, which tax shall be assessed, levied and collected by the annual assessment and collection of taxes for that year in the manner prescribed by law, and shall be paid by the several county treasu rers into the treasury of this State, to be held by the Treasurer for application to the purposes of the general fund, and for the payment of those claims and demands which shall constitute a lawful charge upon that fund; and all taxes due from the city and county of New York Provisions remaining unpaid on the first day of December in each New York year shall be subject to the payment of interest to the city taxes. State from that date at the rate authorized to be charged other counties by section five of chapter three hundred and ninety-three, laws of eighteen hundred and sixty three. 1 concerning one-fourth тоя §2. The State tax of one and one-fourth of one mill One and on each dollar of valuation of real and personal property mill tax, in this State subject to taxation, shall be assessed, for comlevied and collected for the maintenance of common schools. schools, as directed by the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and shall be paid by the county treasurers into the treasury of this State, to be held by the Treasurer for application to the purposes of the free school fund, for the maintenance of common schools in this State, and the additional tax of one-eighth of one Tax of mill on each dollar of valuation of real and personal mill, for one-eighth property subject to taxation, pursuant to chapter two debt. hundred and seventy-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, for payment of the interest and redemption of the principal of the State debt of two and Two and one-fourth bounty debt. a half million of dollars, then legalized, to be held by the Treasurer for that purpose, as aforesaid. § 3. There shall be imposed, as authorized by chapter mill tax for three hundred and twenty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, a State tax of two mills and onefourth of one mill on each dollar of the valuation of real and personal property in this State, subject to taxation, which tax, subject to the conditions of said act, shall be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid, and shall be paid by the several county treasurers into the treasury of this State, to be held by the Treasurer for the purposes specified by the act aforesaid. Chap. 698. AN ACT to increase the salaries of the Judges of the Court of Appeals and of the Justices of the Supreme Court hereafter to be elected, of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals and of the Reporter of that Court. Passed May 7, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Judges of the Court of Appeals, hereafter elected, shall each receive an annual compensation of six thousand dollars, payable quarterly, in lieu of all other compensation; and the Justices of the Supreme Court of this State, hereafter elected, shall receive an annual compensation of five thousand dollars, payable quarterly, in lieu of all other compensation. In case of the removal of the present constitutional restriction the Justices then in office shall, for services thereafter rendered, receive compensation as provided in this act. § 2. The Reporter of the Court of Appeals and the Clerk of the Court of Appeals shall each receive an additional annual compensation of fifteen hundred dollars, payable quarterly, in lieu of all other compensa. tion. Chap. 699. AN ACT relating to the House of Mercy, New York. Passed May 7, 1869. The People af the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Mercy, real and SECTION 1. The corporation known as the House of House of Mercy, New York, shall have power to take and hold may hold any real or personal estate by gift, devise, bequest or personal purchase, subject, however, to all existing provisions of estate. law relative to devises and bequests by last will and testament; but such real estate shall not exceed the Yearly yearly value of twenty thousand dollars, nor shall the value of property or income of such corporation be applied or appropriated to any purpose other than is specified in this act. real estate. § 2. The object of the said corporation is to establish objects of and manage an asylum, or asylums, for the reception corpora and reformation of destitute and fallen women, who may wish to avoid or abandon a vicious course of life, Magisor who may be committed to said asylum, for reforma- make comtion, by the magistrates of the city of New York. trates may mitments thereto. tion of building. §3. The said corporation shall have power to pro- Erection cure, or erect and maintain, either within the city of and loca New York, or in some other suitable place within the State asylum of New York, and distant not more than thirty miles from the city of New York, a suitable building or buildings for such asylum; and also to procure or erect and House of maintain, within the city of New York, a house of recep- Receptio tion where such females may be received and tempora- city. rily accommodated. trustees. 4. The property, business and affairs of said corpo- Board of ration shall be managed by a board of fifteen trustees, which may be increased by a vote of the board at any annual meeting, to any number not exceeding twentyfive members. § 5. At all meetings of the trustees, five members Business shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of ordinary business; but no purchase, sale or other disposition of real estate, nor the appointment or removal of any General powers and officer, or the passage or repeal of any by-law, shall be made without the presence of a majority of the trustees. § 6. The said corporation shall have and possess all privileges. the powers and privileges, and be subject to the provisions and restrictions prescribed and specified in title three, chapter eighteen, part one of the Revised Statutes. § 7. This act shall take effect immediately. Widening of Ninth avenue. of Fif teenth street. Chap. 700. AN ACT to widen and improve Ninth avenue and Fifteenth street in the city of Brooklyn. Passed May 7, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Ninth avenue in the city of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, is hereby widened from its intersection with the plaza of Prospect park southwesterly to its intersection with the circle at the westerly angle of said park, to the width of one hundred feet, adding twenty feet in width to the southeasterly side of said avenue, as now laid down on the commissioners' map of Widening said city. And Fifteenth street in said city is hereby also widened from the intersection with the same circle southeasterly to its intersection with the Coney Island road, to the width of one hundred feet, and shall be so opened by adding twenty-five feet in width to the northeasterly side of said street, and fifteen feet to the southwesterly side thereof as now laid down on the said map. § 2. The Brooklyn Park Commissioners are hereby directed to take proceedings to open and otherwise improve the said street and avenue, widened as aforesaid. And, for the purpose of determining the amount to the owners of land and tenements required to be taken therefor, they shall apply to the Supreme Court in the estimate second judicial district at special term, upon notice of ment to be not less than ten days, to be inserted in two of the daily appointed. newspapers, printed and published in the city of Brooklyn, for the appointment of three commissioners to esti mate the expense of said widening and opening, and the Brooklyn park commissioners to open and improve same. Commis sioners of and assess amount of damages to be sustained by the owners of land and all other persons to be affected thereby, and to apportion and assess the same as herein after directed, and the court shall thereupon proceed to make such appointment. §3. Before any assessment for such widening and opening is made, the said park commissioners shall, by resolution, fix a district of assessment beyond which the assessment to liquidate and defray the expenses and damages incident to said widening and opening, and the subsequent improvement thereof, shall not extend. District of assess ment to be fixed. ment of 4. The commissioners so to be appointed by the Assess court shall estimate the expenses and damages occa sioned by the said improvement, and, after their report thereon shall have been confirmed, they shall apportion and assess the same as they shall deem just and equita ble upon the lands and premises in their judgment benefited by the improvement within the district of assessment so to be limited by the park commissioners. And Assess in making the assessment for widening and improving Ninth aveNinth avenue they shall apportion and assess three-fifths of the said expense and damage upon lands lying south- ment. east of said avenue, and the remaining two-fifths thereof upon land lying northwest of said avenue. ment for nue im- relative to ing streets, applicable. § 5. All laws now in force relative to the widening City laws and opening of streets and avenues in the city of Brook- widening lyn, subsequent to the appointment of commissioners of and openestimate and the proceedings thereon, and the duties of how far the several persons to be employed therein, substituting the said park commissioners in place of the common council and street commissioners, substituting also the said commissioners of estimate and assessment in place of the board of assessors, and the counsel of the said park commissioners in place of the corporation counsel of said city, so far as relates to the widening and opening of said streets and avenues, including also payment for the work and the levy and collection of the assessments for such improvements, and the lien thereof, so far as the said laws are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply to and regulate all proceedings that may be had or taken under this act; but Proceed all such proceedings shall continue under the direction under di ings to be 1 |