hereby created, and until said commissioners shall have. organized and entered upon their office as herein provided. § 32. All laws and parts of laws, so far as they are Repeal. inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. 33. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 567. AN ACT to authorize the purchase of a farm for the town poor of the town of Hempstead, Queens county. Passed May 4, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows of farm. SECTION 1. The supervisor, town clerk and overseers Purchase of the poor of the town of Hempstead, in Queens county, are hereby authorized and empowered as commissioners to purchase a farm in said town, the title to which, when purchased, shall be taken in the name of the overseers of the poor in said town, at an outlay not Outlay to exceed the sum of eight thousand dollars; which sum shall include the purchase price of said farm and such immediate alterations as may be necessary in the buildings thereon. therefor. row money 2. The supervisor of said town is hereby author- Supervisor ized to borrow at a lawful rate of interest the sum of may bormoney required to purchase said farm, and make the necessary alterations and repairs upon the buildings thereon, if any are required; which sum shall not exceed the said sum of eight thousand dollars. And the indebt- Tax thereedness thus created shall be liquidated by raising by a tax upon the taxable inhabitants of said town in the next succeeding year, and in the same manner as other taxes are now levied and collected, the said sum and the interest that may be due thereon. §3. The said farm shall be the property of the said town of Hempstead, and shall be under the charge and control of the overseers of the poor of said town; and they for. Farm to be trol of under con Overseers of poor. Employ. ment of paupers upon farm. Products of farm, how applied. are hereby authorized and directed to employ a suitable person or persons at a reasonable compensation to take charge of said farm and the paupers thereon, under the direction and control of said overseers. § 4. The said overseers may cause such of the paupers upon said farm, as are able, to be employed in such reasonable service thereon as may be required. § 5. It shall be the duty of said overseers to apply the products of said farm to the support of the poor Annual ac- thereon; and the said overseers shall account annually in respect to said farm, in the same manner as they are now required to report and account by law. count. Official acts legal. ized. Proviso. § 6. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 568. AN ACT to legalize the acts of Henry E. Bar- SECTION 1. The official acts of Henry E. Barnard, a justice of the peace of the county of Clinton, are hereby declared as legal and valid as if the constitutional oaths of office had been taken by him after his appointment and election for the several terms during which he held said office of justice of the peace, and the same had not been lost or disappeared from the office of record and had been recorded. Nothing in this act contained shall be held or construed to affect any action or proceeding now pending. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 569. AN ACT in relation to the fees of the sheriff of SECTION 1. All sales of real estate hereafter made in the city and county of New York under the decree or judgment of any court of record (except sales in cases of partition, and where the sheriff of said city and county is a party) shall be made by the sheriff of said city and county. Sales of real estate by sheriff. fees on sales. § 2. In cases of sales on foreclosure, he shall be enti- Sheriffs' tled to receive the following fees and no more: for foreclosure receiving order of sale and posting notices of sale, ten dollars; for attending sale, ten dollars; for drawing each deed of premises sold, five dollars; for attending and adjourning a sale at the request of the plaintiff in the action or by order of the court, three dollars, but no more than three such adjournments in one action shall be charged for; for making report of sale, five dollars; for paying over surplus moneys, three dollars. And all disbursements made by him for printers' fees Disburseat the rate allowed by law therefor, fees of officers for ments to be taking acknowledgments and administering oaths, and for internal revenue stamps affixed to conveyances executed and delivered by him, and all auctioneers' fees Auctionactually paid by him, but not to exceed for such auctioneers' fees twelve dollars for each parcel separately sold, which auctioneers' fees shall be paid by the purchaser of the parcel in addition to the amount bid by him therefor. paid. eers' fees. ments by tices. 3. In cases where there is no other officer to whom, Commitaccording to the provisions of law, a police justice may police jusdirect a commitment, and when no such officer is present, such police justice shall direct the same to the sheriff Sheriff's of said city and county, who shall be entitled to receive such fees for his services therefor, not exceeding fifty fees. Referees' fees on par cents on each commitment, as shall be allowed by the supervisors of the county of New York. §4. In cases of sales in actions of partition by referees tition sales. appointed by the court, they shall be entitled to receive the same fees and disbursements as are allowed by section two hereof to the sheriff of the city and county of New York, and in addition thereto commissions on all moneys received and paid out by them, at the same rate as are allowed by law to executors and administrators. Aggregate Provided, however, that the commissions allowed by this section shall not, in any case, exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. Commissions allowed. commis sions allowed. City may borrow money for city hall. Issue of city bonds. When pay rate inter able, and est. Chap. 570. AN ACT to authorize the city of Oswego to borrow money for the purpose of building a City Hall. Passed May 4, 1869; three-fifths being present. The People af the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The city of Oswego is hereby authorized to borrow a sum of money not exceeding sixty thousand dollars, upon the bonds of said city, to be issued as hereinafter directed, for the purpose of building a city hall in said city, on the lot heretofore purchased for such purpose, and situate on the southeast corner of block number thirty-four in the third ward of said city, and to pay the expenses of issuing and negotiating said bonds. § 2. The common council of said city shall issue to the treasurer of said city the bonds of said city, to be executed by the mayor under the seal of said city, and to be countersigned by the clerk thereof, in such sums, and from time to time, as shall be required for the purpose of building such city hall, but to an amount not exceeding the sum of sixty thousand dollars, which said bonds shall be payable within twenty years from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy, and shall be conditioned to pay interest thereon, not exceeding seven per centum per annum, semi-annually, on the first days of January and July in each year, and to pay the principal in ten equal annual installments from and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty. be raised, interest of cipal and bonds. 3. The common council of said city are hereby Money to authorized and directed to cause to be levied, assessed to pay prinand collected in each year, upon the taxable property in said city, at the same time with the general city tax, and in addition to the sum said council are now authorized by law to raise, such amount of money as shall be necessary to pay the interest and such amount of the principal of said bonds as shall become due during said year, which money, when collected, shall be applied in paying said interest and principal as the same shall become due as aforesaid. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 571. AN ACT to confirm the title of the Excelsior The People of the State of New York, represented in SECTION 1. The conveyances heretofore made by the conveycorporation known as the Excelsior Fire Insurance Com- ances of lands legalpany of certain lots of land and real estate, in the city ized. of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, shall not be deemed or held invalid by reason of any want of power of said corporation making the same; and the title to said lots and real estate heretofore conveyed by said corporation shall not be deemed or held to be forfeited, divested, impaired or in any way affected by the fact, that such real estate, or any part thereof, was acquired by said corporation more than five years before its conveyance by said corporation, or by the omission of said corporation to sell the same within five years after the same was acquired. said Power to 2. It shall be lawful for the said company, and the company is hereby empowered to hold, for the estate. sell real |