Trustees may re ning at § 17. The trustees shall have power, in their discretion: 1. To restrain cattle, horses, sheep, swine and geese strain run from going at large in the highways or streets, under a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each animal, to be inflicted on the owner thereof. Animals so going at large shall also be liable to be distrained, impounded and sold as may be provided in the by-laws. large of animals. Incumbering of streets and sidewalks, and encroa hments. Removal thereof. Removal of snow or ice. Explosive com pounds. Nuisances. 2. To prohibit the incumbering of the sidewalks, highways and streets of said village, and to cause buildings and other structures encroaching thereon to be removed at the expense of the owners or occupants thereof, and to permit building materials to be deposited on the street or highways in front of any lot to such extent and for such time as they may prescribe. 3. To compel the removal, by the occupant, of snow or ice from the sidewalk in front of any lot, within such time, after notice, as they may direct. 4. To limit the quantity of powder or other explosive or combustible material which may be kept in any store or building within any specified part of the village. 5. To determine the existence in any part of the village of a public nuisance, and to compel its removal or abatement, and if not done within such time as the trustees may allow therefor, to cause the same to be Expense of removed or abated at the expense of the village, and to be a lien. declare such expense to be a lien on the lot on which the nuisance existed, and to enforce the collection of such expense in the manner prescribed in this act. removal to Flying of kites, play ing ball, 6. To prohibit the flying of kites, playing ball, rolling hoops, sliding down hill, firing of guns, crackers or fireworks, artificial fireworks, or the fast driving of horses in any specified part or parts of the village. etc. Appoint ment of firemen. Improvement of Name of streets. 7. To appoint and dismiss firemen and members of fire engine and hook and ladder companies, and to make regulations for their conduct and government. 8. To direct the grade and mode of improving the highways. highways and streets, and parts thereof in said village. 9. To give names to highways and streets, and numbers to the tenements and lots, and to change the same, Map of vil- to cause a map of the village to be made and lithographed or engraved, and to sell the same to reimburse the expense thereof. lage. tions for 10. To cause prosecution upon any contract or liabil- Prosecu ity in which the village is interested, or for penalties or penalties. fines imposed by this act, or by any by-law of the village, and to enforce the collection thereof, or to remit the same or any part thereof. 11. To employ attorneys in the prosecution or de- Attorneys. fense of any action by or against the village, or for the transaction of any business of the village requiring legal skill. ment of § 18. The trustees shall, within thirty days after he Assessfirst meeting, and every annual meeting, direct the as- tax. sessors to proceed and assess, upon the taxable inhabitants and property liable to taxation in the village, the sums of money directed by such meeting to be raised for the ordinary expenses of the village, and for special purposes, provided such sums' do not exceed the amounts limited by this act. They shall also, in addition, deter- Highway mine the number of days of highway labor to be assessed for every thousand dollars on the assessment roll, and which shall not be less than two nor more than four days for every thousand dollars. labor. Construcwalks. tion of side land abate' nuis 19. Whenever the trustees shall direct a sidewalk in front of any lot or piece of ground to be made, they shall direct the grade, width and form of construction, and may prescribe the materials, or direct it to be covered with gravel or with flagging stone, hard brick or plank, with such curbing as they may deem proper. At least twenty days' notice shall be given to the owner Notice to or occupant of the lot or piece of ground where a side- owners. walk shall be ordered; for repairs only ten days' notice of such requirement shall be given. When a nuisance Notice to shall be declared to exist on any lot or piece of ground and required to be removed or abated, such reasonable notice as the trustees may direct, allowing sufficient time for the removal or abatement, in no case to exceed twenty days, shall be served on the owner or occupant. If, in any case specified in this section, the owner or occupant of the lot or piece of ground shall fail to comply with the requirement of which he has been so notified, within the time limited by the notice, the trustees shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the village. Such Expense of expense when determined and allowed by the trustees, ances. foregoing, to be a lien. shall thereby become a debt of the village against the owner of the lot or piece of ground upon or in front of which the said sidewalk was made or repaired, or the nuisance existed, and a lien upon such lot or piece of How col ground, and the debt may be collected by action or the lien enforced by leasing the lot or piece of ground as hereinafter provided. lected. Village as sessors to prepare assessment roll. Their powers. Notice of review. Assessors to appor § 20. It shall be the duty of the assessors, within thirty days next after the first or annual election thereafter, to prepare an assessment roll and valuation of property subject to taxation in the village, and to complete the same in all respects, as nearly as practicable, in the manner prescribed by law in respect of town assessors, and the village assessors are hereby invested with the same powers in respect to assessments as town assessors have, including the power of administering oath, and to correct the valuation on the application of the persons interested. Notice of the time and place of meetings to hear applications to correct the valua tion shall be posted in three of the most public places of the village. § 21. Upon the completion of the assessment roll of tion taxes. Valuation, and on receiving from the trustees their di rection stating the several sums to be raised by general tax for the current year, authorized by this act, the assessors shall proceed and apportion the amount_re quired to be raised according to the valuation, and in the same manner as required for town and county tax lists. Assessment of highway labor. 22. The village assessors shall also perform the duty, and they are hereby vested with the powers of commissioners of highways of a town in assessing highway labor upon the persons and property in the village subject to assessment therefor; and when their assessment shall be completed, it shall be certified and delivered to the trustees and filed and kept with the clerk Delivery of of the village. Upon the delivery of the highway assessment by the assessors to the trustees of the vil lage, they shall cause a copy thereof, together with their warrant for the collection thereof in money, at the rate of cents for each day's labor assessed, to be delivered to the collector of the village. assessment to collector. commis of streets. port. § 23. The street commissioner shall have the care and Street supervision of the streets and highways within the vil- sioner to lage, to keep them in good repair and condition and have care clear of obstructions, and shall be subject to the control and direction of the trustees. Such commissioner His duties. also shall have power, when directed by the trustees, to cause to be worked and improved any of the roads or highways in the town of Chateaugay leading to the village. It shall be his duty, as early as practicable after Annual rehis appointment, in each year to inspect all the streets and highways in the village, and to report to the trustees upon their condition, showing what improvements and repairs are necessary, with an estimate of the ag gregate expenses. He shall, also, whenever required Report by the trustees, report upon the condition of such repairs. streets and highways, with an estimate of the probable expense for proper repairs and improvements. The trustees shall cause the necessary funds arising from the highway assessment to be placed at his disposal, for the purpose of repairing or improving the said streets and. highways from time to time, or they may cause such repairs and improvements to be done by contract by the lowest bidder who will give good security. upon street tion. how paid. 24. The compensation of the street commissioner Compensa shall be determined by the trustees, at a specified sum for each day actually and necessarily spent in the discharge of his duties, or by some other fixed rate of com pensation, and his account for services shall be verified Accounts; and audited as other charges against the corporation are required to be verified and audited, and shall be paid out of the highway assessment fund; but such compensation shall not, in the aggregate amount thereof, in any year exceed fifteen per cent of the whole amount collected on the highway assessment. It shall be the duty Annual reof the street commissioner, at least ten days before the moneys exannual election in each year, to report in writing to the pended. president of the village, showing the whole amount of money expended for highway labor, or in improving or repairing streets and highways during the past year, specifying the highways or streets, the particular work or improvements, and stating the condition of the streets, issue war rants to collector. and fees. with his opinion of the repairs and improvements for the ensuing year, and the estimated expense. Trustees to § 25. All taxes and assessments made under this act may be collected under a warrant for that purpose, to be issued by the trustees, to be returned to them within sixty days after the receipt thereof by the collector, with his certificate showing his collections thereon. His powers The collector shall be invested with the same powers and entitled to the saine compensation and fees in respect thereof, as the collector of taxes in a town, and shall proceed in the same manner, except as herein otherwise provided, and shall, within the time fixed for the return of his warrant, pay over to the treasurer all moneys collected by him. Renewal of war raul. Reassessment of taxes. of descrip roll. 26. In case the collector shall fail to collect the whole amount of any tax or assessment, for the collection of which a warrant may have been issued to him, the same may be renewed for thirty days, and such renewal may be repeated; but upon any renewal, a notice by the collector shall not be requisite as on an original warrant, nor shall any such renewal be construed to discharge or exonerate the collector, or his sureties, from any liability incurred on the original warrant, or on any prior renewal thereof; but nothing in this section shall give authority or sanction to the collector, to retain in his possession any taxes which may have been by him collected for town, village, county or State purposes. § 27. If any assessment or tax of any person or any property shall fail to be collected, the assessors for the ensuing year shall add the amount thereof to the assessCorrection ment of the same person or property for that year. If tions in tax any property of a non-resident shall be insufficiently described to enable a sale thereof to be made, the assessors who made the same may alter or correct the description at any time during the year. All taxes and assessments on property of persons not resident in the village shall be liens on the lots or pieces of land assessed or taxed, when properly described. Taxes to be a lien. Treasurer; his duties. § 28. The treasurer shall receive, keep and disburse the funds of the village. He shall keep proper accounts of all moneys received and paid out, referring in his |