Containing the State Treasurer's Annual Reports for the Years 1853 and 1854; also Certified Statements of Boards of Supervisors relative LIST OF ACTS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1855. No. Title. 1. An act to provide for taking the census of Saginaw county, approved January 12, 1855,.. 2. An act to provide for the payment of the members and officers, and incidental expenses of the Legislature, approved January 16, 1855, 3. An act to amend sections thirteen and fifteen of an act entitled "an act relative to free schools in the city of Detroit," approved February 17th, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two; approved January 20, 1855,-- 4. An act to enlarge the powers of school district number 6. An act to change the name of Elizabeth Alger, approved 8. An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the 9. An act to organize the township of Greenland, and define the boundaries thereof, and other purposes, approved January 30, 1855,.... Page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 |