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many men with crowns on their heads, palms in their hands, and golden harps to sing praises withal.


There were also of them that had wings; and they answered one another without intermission, saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord." And after that, they shut up the gates; which when I had seen, I wished myself among them. -BUNYAN.

My young friends will, I am sure, now read with pleasure Cowper's beautiful apostrophe to Bunyan.

O thou, whom borne on fancy's eager wing
Back to the season of life's happy spring,
I pleased remember, and while memory yet
Holds fast her office here, can ne'er forget;
Ingenious Dreamer! in whose well-told tale
Sweet fiction and sweet truth alike prevail;

Whose humorous vein, strong sense, and simple style,
May teach the gayest, make the gravest smile;
Witty, and well-employed, and like thy Lord,
Speaking in parables his slighted word;
I name thee not, lest so despised a name
Should move a sneer at thy deserved fame;
Yet e'en in transitory life's late day,
That mingles all my brown with sober gray,
Revere the man whose Pilgrim marks the road,
And guides the Progress of the soul to God.

1. What river is here meant, and what | gate?

2. Have any mortals ever got to the gate without crossing the river?

3. What answer was returned to the question, "Are the waters all of a depth?" 4. What did Christian say when he began to sink?

5. What did Hopeful say to cheer him? 6. What did Christian say to this, and what happened to him afterwards?

7. How was Christian harassed in the passage over the river?

8. With what words did Hopeful cheer him?

9. Quote the words about the death of the wicked.

10. What words of Hopeful dispelled the darkness of Christian's mind?

11. What did Christian then say, and what of the enemy after that?

12. Who met them on the other side? 13. Where was the city placed?

14. What made their ascent of the hill easy?

15. What words were written over the gate?

16. Who looked over the gate? 17. What did the pilgrims hand in? 18. What command did the king of the celestial city give?

19. Tell what took place when the men entered in at the gate?

20. From the glimpse of the glorious city which the dreamer got, what does he say about it?

21. When Bunyan says "I wished myself among them," are you not each disposed to say, I wish I was there too?

22. If we were wise, should we not all become Christian pilgrims?

[blocks in formation]

THE distribution of animals over the surface of the globe is, like that of plants, greatly influenced by climate and temperature. Animals, also, like plants, belong to particular regions, or have their natural stations and habitations, though, since a considerable number of animals possess the power of transporting themselves from one region to another, these cannot in all cases be so determinately fixed.

The arrangement of the animal kingdom proposed by the celebrated Cuvier, is that which is now generally adopted. He distributes the different forms of animal life into four grand divisions, viz., 1. Vertebrated animals. 2. Soft-bodied animals. 3. Articulated animals. 4. Radiated animals. Vertebral animals are such as have a back-bone, which is called the vertebral column, as consisting of segments of the skeleton which turn one upon the other, and as being

the centre on which the whole body can bend or rotate-from the Latin, verětre, to turn. This division includes man, quadrupeds, birds, serpents, frogs, tortoises, crocodiles and those fish which have a bony skeleton, as cod, herrings, &c. This first great division of the animal kingdom is subdivided into four classes:-1. Mammalia, (Lat. Mamma, a breast), or animals which suckle their young, as the cow, the elephant, the whale, &c. 2. Aves; birds. 3. Reptilia; reptiles, such as the serpent, crocodile, &c. 4. Pisces; fishes, that is such as possess a bony skeleton.

The second great group consists of the Mollusca, or softbodied animals; popularly known as "shell-fish ;"—so named from the Latin word, mollis, soft. Molluscs for the most part have shells, forming a defence and covering for their soft bodies, as the snail, oyster, limpet, whelk, &c; some are destitute of this covering, as the cuttle fish, the common garden slug, &c. This second division is separated into six classes, viz., 1. Cephalopoda, (Gr. kephale, the head, and pous, a foot,) foot-headed animals, as the cuttle-fish, the nautilus, &c. 2. Pteropoda (Gr. pteron, a wing,) wing-footed animals, as the clio, the chief food of the whale. 3. Gasteropoda (Gr. gaster, the stomach,) belly-creeping animals, as the snail, limpet, whelk, &c. 4. Acephala (Gr. a, without, and kephalē, the head,) headless, as the oyster, muscle. 5. Brachipoda (Gr. brachiōn, the arm,) armfooted, as the bivalve shells. 6. Cirripeda (Lat. cirrus, a curl, and pes, the foot,) clasp-footed, as the barnacle. The third sub-kingdom includes the Articulated animals, so named (from Lat articulus, a little joint,) on account of their peculiar formation, which consists of a head and successive members jointed together. This third group is divided into four classes, viz., 1. Annulata, (Lat. annulus, a ring,) or ringed animals, as worms, leeches, &c. 2. Crustacea, (Lat. crusta, a shell,) or animals covered with shells, as crabs, lobsters, &c. 3. Arachnides, (Gr. arachnēs, a spider,) including spiders, scorpions, &c. 4. Insecta, (Lat. secare, to cut,) or small animals having the body divided into three portions, whence their name, as flies, bees, wasps, butterflies, &c. The Radiata, (Lat. radius, a ray,) form the fourth great division of the animal world. In them the nervous system, as far as it has been observed, presents a rayed or radiated arrangement, like the petals or flower leaves of a daisy, or anemone. Animals of this division are also called

zoophytes from the Greek words, zoon, an animal, and phyton, a plant, because they bear a great resemblance to plants in their structure. The Radiata are divided into five classes, viz., 1. Echinodermata, (Gr. echinos, a hedgehog, and derma, a skin,) spiny-skinned animals, including star-fishes, and seaurchins. 2. Entozōa, (Gr. entos, within, and zōon, an animal,) intestinal animals. 3. Acalepha, (Gr. acalephe, a nettle,) stinging animals, as the Medusa, Jelly-fish, &c. 4. Polypi, (Gr. polus, many, and pous, a foot,) sea-animals with many feet. 5. Infusoria, (Lat. infusor, a pourer in,) a class of minute animals, found in water in which vegetable matters are contained, and to which the term animalcules is commonly applied. They can be seen only by the microscope.

1. What influences greatly the distribution of animals on the earth's surface? 2. State Cuvier's four grand divisions of the animal kingdom.

3. Why are vertebrated animals so named, and what is their peculiar characteristic ?

4. What animals are included in this division?

5. Name the four classes into which the first grand division is sub-divided.

6. To what class does the whale belong? 7. Is the whale correctly called a fish? 8. Why are molluscous animals so named, and what animals belong to the division?


9. Give the names of the six classes in this division.

10. Explain the names, and give examples of animals in each class.

11. Name the third sub-kingdom and explain the name.

12. Into what four classes is it subdivided?

13. Explain the names, and give examples under each.

14. Why are radiated animals so named? 15. Explain the names of the five classes, and give examples under each.

16. Name soine animals that belong to this division.

17. Explain the term zoophyte.





Pre-pon'der-ance, n........ .pondus.
Veg'e-ta-ble, adj.. .vegēre.
In-hab'i-tants, n ..habēre.
Er-ro'ne-ous-ly, adv....errare.
Con-stric'tor, n............................
Grad'u-al, adj...... ...gradi.
Di-mi-nu'tion, n.........minuĕre.
Re-cede', v................cedĕre.
Ex-tended, part.........tendere.
Fe-rocious, adj..........ferox.
Re-strict'ed, part........stringĕre.
In-ter-me'di-ate, adj....medius.

Quad'ru-peds, n................



In-clude', v... ..........................claudere.

[blocks in formation]

In the Old World the animal kingdom holds the preponder


ance over the vegetable, as the vegetable kingdom does over the animal in the New World. The animals of the Old World generally differ in species from those of the New World. The ape and baboon, the hyæna, panther, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, horse, ass, camel, buffalo, crocodile, python, &c., are inhabitants of the Old World; while the puma, (erroneously called the American lion,) the jaguar, the sloth, the armadillo, bison, llama, alligator or caiman, boa constrictor, and rattlesnake, are peculiar to the New World. In the animal as well as in the vegetable kingdom, the largest number of species are met with in the warm regions of the globe, the heat, light, and abundance of vegetable food tending to their increase; and a gradual diminution in the number, both of species and genera, takes place as we recede from the equator. The zoophytes, as coral and madrepore, are there abundant, and the shell-fish are large and brilliantly coloured, particularly in the Indian seas. Insects, reptiles, birds, swarm in great numbers, together with herbivorous animals of gigantic size, as the elephant, camelopard, buffalo, tapir, &c.; as also the formidable carnivorous, or flesh-eating beasts, the lion, hyæna, vulture, and condor. The effects of light and heat appear to be extended even to the inhabitants of the ocean; the sharks, and some other fish, are larger, and more ferocious, in the seas of tropical regions, and some species of fish are here adorned with gayer colours, than those in higher latitudes. The flying-fish, and the porcupine-fish, are found only in the warm seas. The most enormous of all animals in existence, are the cetacea or whale tribe; they are found more particularly, however, in the cold seas of high latitudes, except the sperm whale, which abounds chiefly in the warm seas. The researches of naturalists have shown that certain fishes are not merely limited in their range according to the laws of geographical distribution, but also have certain depths, to which they are in a great degree restricted. Hence some are most usually found at or near the surface; some are ground feeders, and are taken at considerable depths, and some occupy various intermediate stations. The temperate zones are favourable to all herbivorous quadrupeds, so useful, yea, so indispensable to man, as the horse, ass, ox, deer, sheep; the wolf, lynx, fox, bear, otter, being the chief beasts of prey. Animal life decreases rapidly as we advance to the polar regions. There the larger quadrupeds, and birds, are only summer visitants-as deer, elks. The beaver builds

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