6V483 .W33 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MONROE C. GUTMAN LIBRARY SEPT. 15, 1925 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, BY J. MADISON WATSON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. RENNIE, SHEA & LINDSAY, STEREOTYPERS AND ELECTROTYPERS, 81, 83, & 85 CENTRE-STREET, NEW YORK. PRINTED BY C. A. ALVORD, 15 Vandewater-st., NEW YORK. PREFACE. HANKS to the noble efforts of modern educators and philanthropists, the community is waking up to the importance of special physical culture, and earnestly asking how it may best be secured. The purpose of the present volume is to solve this problem, by presenting, in a simple and well-defined form, the means of rendering physical training easy and certain to the rich and the poor, to persons of all ages, either individually or in classes, thus serving as a companion-book to the many excellent works on mental and moral culture, and affording the necessary additional facilities for the acquisition of a symmetrical education, with its attendant blessings. Believing that physical culture may be secured more expeditiously and profitably in its entirety than in "shreds and patches," the author has aimed to make this a complete gymnastic drill-book, with words of command and classes of movements systematically arranged, embracing all necessary exercises for the lungs, the voice, the organs of speech, the joints, the sinews, and the muscles. PART FIRST, under the head of Vocal Gymnastics, is a thorough, comprehensive, and practical Treatise on Respiration, Phonetics, and Elocution, in which the principles and rules are stated in a succinct and lucid manner, accompanied by examples and exercises of sufficient number and extent to enable the student to master each point as presented, and acquire a distinct comprehension of the parts as a whole. It gives some of the choicest gems of English verse, with the design of combining Poetic Recitation with Calisthenics and Gymnastics, thus rendering this a sufficient work for advanced classes in Reading and Oratory. PART SECOND, under the head of Calisthenics, exhibits the most extended and varied course of exercises, without the aid of apparatus, ever published. It also embraces all needful directions, rules, and explanations for instructors and students; and all varieties of marking time, while executing the movements, by counting, Phonetics, |