Imágenes de páginas

whether the system of paragraphing is continuous and harmonious or is characterized by abrupt changes; whether the thought is expressed in plain language or in figured speech, and if so how the meaning is modified or expanded; does he in any point exaggerate or take a false position, and finally, having defined his purpose, has he attained it?

If this method of study is carefully followed out, and supplemented by a wider reading of Macaulay's works, it is believed that the student will not only be benefited intellectually, but that something of the author's strong sweet spirit will enter into his life to broaden and elevate it.



Fragments of a Roman Tale. June, 1823.

On the Royal Society of Literature. June, 1823.
Scenes from Athenian Revels. January, 1824.

Criticisms of the Principal Italian Writers, No. I.,
January, 1824.


Criticisms of the Principal Italian Writers, No. II., Petrarch.
April, 1824.

Some Account of the Great Lawsuit between the Parishes of
St. Dennis and St. George in the Water. April, 1824.
A Conversation between Mr. Abraham Cowley and Mr. John
Milton touching the Great Civil War. August, 1824.

On the Athenian Orators. August, 1824.

A Prophetic Account of a Grand National Epic Poem, to be entitled "The Wellingtoniad," and to be published A.D. 2824. November, 1824.

On Mitford's History of Greece. November, 1824.

NOTE. -Up to this time his essays were published in Knight's Quarterly Magazine, but all the rest appeared in the Edinburgh Review.

Milton. August, 1825.

The West Indies. January, 1825.

The London University. February, 1826.

Machiavelli. March, 1827.

Social and Industrial Capacities of Negroes. March, 1827.

The Present Administration. June, 1827.
John Dryden. January, 1828.

History. May, 1828.

Hallam's Constitutional History. September, 1828.
Mill on Government. March, 1829.

Westminster Reviewer's Defence of Mill. June, 1829
Utilitarian Theory of Government. October, 1829.
Southey's Colloquies on Society. January, 1830.
Mr. Robert Montgomery's Poems. April, 1830.
Sadler's Law of Population. July, 1830.

Southey's Edition of Pilgrim's Progress. December, 1830.
Sadler's Refutation Refuted. January, 1831.
Civil Disabilities of the Jews.
Moore's Life of Lord Byron.

January, 1831.
June, 1831.

Croker's Edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson. September,


Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden. December, 1831.

Rev. Edward Nave's Memoirs of Lord Burleigh. April, 1832. Étienne Dumont's Memoirs of Mirabeau. July, 1832.

Lord Mahon's History of the War of the Succession in Spain. January, 1833.

Horace Walpole. October, 1833.

William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. January 1834.

Sir James Mackintosh. July, 1835.

Lord Bacon. July, 1837.

Sir William Temple. October, 1838.

Gladstone on Church and State. April, 1839.

[blocks in formation]

Frederick the Great. April, 1842.

Madame D'Arblay. January, 1843.

The Life and Writings of Addison. July, 1843.

Barrere. April, 1844.

The Earl of Chatham. October, 1844.

NOTE.-The following biographies were contributed to the Encyclopædia Britannica.

[blocks in formation]

In addition to these essays he wrote upwards of eighty short biographical sketches of persons more or less noted.

In 1848 he published the first two volumes of his History of England from the Accession of James II. In 1852 the third and fourth volumes appeared. He was engaged in the preparation of the fifth volume, when he died.


Epitaph on Henry Martyn.

Lines to the Memory of Pitt.

A Radical War-Song.

The Battle of Moncontour.

The Battle of Naseby.

Sermon in a Churchyard.

Translation from A. V. Arnault.

Dies Irae.

The Marriage of Tirzah and Ahirad.

The Country Clergyman's Trip to Cambridge.

Political Georgics.

The Deliverance of Vienna.

The Last Buccaneer.

Epitaph on a Jacobite.

Lines written in August, 1847.

Translation from Plautus.


Inscription on the Statue of Lord William Bentinck.

Epitaph on Sir Benjamin Heath Malkin.

Epitaph on Lord Metcalfe.


The Battle of Ivry.

The Armada.

The Cavalier's March to London.

The Lays of Ancient Rome:


The Battle of the Lake Regillus.

The Prophecy of Capys.

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