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4 It was not the instant pressure of the arm of despotism that roused them to action; but the principle upon which that arm was extended. They could have paid the stamp-tax, and the tea-tax, had they been increased a thousand fold. But payment acknowledged the right, and they spurned the consequences of that acknowldgment.

5 They could have lived, and happily too, in spite of British impositions. They could have bought and sold, and got gain, and been at ease. But they would have held these blessings by the tenure of dependence on a foreign power;-at the mercy of a king and his minions. They saw that their prosperity would be temporary, their possessions, precarious, and their ease, inglorious.

6 But above all, they foresaw that those burdens, though light to them, would be multiplied and grievous to their children. They knew that ere long a desperate struggle must come; and they chose it should come in their own times and persons. They were willing to meet the crisis, endure the trial, and incur the hazard, that their descendants might reap the harvest and enjoy the blessing.

8 Generous men! exalted patriots! immortal statesmen!For this deep moral affection, this elevated self devotion, this noble purpose and bold daring, the multiplying myriads of your posterity, as they thicken along the coast, from the St. Croix to the Mississippi, and from the Atlantic to the lakes, from the lakes to the mountains, and from the mountains to the Pacific; shall, on all succeeding anniversaries of their national birth-day, through all future time, come up, as we at this hour, to the temple of the Most High, with song, and anthem, and thanksgiving, and choral symphony, and hallelujah, to repeat your names,-to look steadfastly on the brightness of your glory, to trace its spreading rays to the point whence they pour,- -and to learn in your character and conduct, a practical illustration of public duty, in the day of public emer



NOTE 1. Evolution implies the extraction of the roots of powers. The root is that number on which the power is based, and which, being involved in itself a given number of times, produces the given power, the root of which is sought.

The square root, or root of the second power, of any number, may be found by the following

RULE 1. Separate the given power by points, into periods of two figures each, commencing at the units place.

2. Subtract from the left hand period, its greatest square, and place the root of that square as a quotient for the first figure of the answer.

3. To the remainder, bring down the next left hand period for a dividend, double the first quotient figure for an imaginary divisor, and find how often it is contained in the dividend, excepting the units place.

4. Put the result for the second figure of the answer, and also on the right of the imaginary divisor, for a real divisor, then divide and subtract as before.

5. To the remainder, bring down the next period for a new dividend, double the quotient for a new imaginary divisor, place the result as before, and thus proceed through all the periods.Thus:

(1) What is the square root of 20736?

2’07′36(144 root.


Ans. 144.




PROOF. The square of the root, with the remainder added, if any, will equal the given power.-144X144—20736.

NOTE. 2. Every number has a root; and when it can be accurately obtained, it is called a rational root; otherwise, it is called a surd.

The square root is distinguished by this character. Thus:-36-6. implies, the square root of 36 equals 6. The other roots are determined by the index of the power placed over this character; thus:- means the third power or




The 2d thus:

cube; the biquadrate, &c. When the power is ed by several characters, seperated by or, a line is drawn over all from the top of the sign of the root. 366; the 3d thus: 24-3, &c. (2) What is the square root of 5499025? (3) What is the square root of 10342656? (4) What is the square root of 2985984? REMARKS, &c.-LESSON 24.

Ans. 2345.
Ans. 3216.
Ans. 1728.

3. Personification is that figure in language which attributes life and action to inanimate objects. It originates in the influence which the imagination and passions have upon the percep

tions and opinions of man. As, the thirsty earth asks for rain; she drinks copiously of the falling shower, and again smiles in prestine beauty.

RULE. Avoid the use of this figure when the subject is destitute of dignity; when used, avoid dressing it up in a trifling and fantastic garb.


She shall be dignified with this high honour;

She shall bear my Lady's trail. lest the base earth,
Should, from her vesture, chance to steal a kiss;
And, of so great a favour, growing proud,
Disdain to root the summer smelling flower,
A d make rough winter everlastingly.

(Why is our ancient mother earth, degraded by the epithet base, and made to change sexes with Jupiter, to steal a kiss from a lady's robe? Why so proud of the favour as to refuse the future embellishment of the summer smelling flower, and choose rather to lie wrapped, everlastingly, in rough winter's frosty winding sheet? If this is mother earth, she is base indeed!) Then sated hunger, bids his brother, thirst,

Produce the flowing bowl;

Nor wanting is the brown October, drawn,
Mavure and perfect from his dark retreat
Of thirty years;---and now his honest front,
Flames in the light refulgent.

(Here the bodily appetites and gratifications are represented as holding intercoure, which, if not subjects of an order too low for this figure, appears to exhibit, at least, affected passion.) Dear fated name! rest ever unreveal'd,


Nor pass these lips, in holy silence seal'd,
Xide it, my heart, within that close disguise;
Where, mix'd with God's, his lov'd idea lies:
Oh! write it not, my hand! His name appears
Already written;--blot it out my tears!

The two last lines detract greatly from the dignity and beauof the four first. They are not the language of native passion, but the suggestions of conceit. Few can read the whole without feeling a regret that the faulty lines were added.)

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ap-per-ti-nent ap per te-nent be-at-i-tude

ap-pre-ci-ato ǎp-pré'she-ēte bol-lig er-ant


ap-pro-pri-ate ap-pro'pre-ate be-nef-i-cence be-net ́ē-sense

ap-prox-i-mate ap-prõks'ē-mäte bi-en-ni-al


a-rith-me-tic ǎ-rith'mē-tik bi-og-ra-phy bi-og'rã-fe

[blocks in formation]


àr tif'ē-sur


brû tǎlē-tê kǎ-du'shē-us


kā lăm'ē-tē

ar-tif-i-cer ar-til-ler-y àr-til'lur-ē as-cen-den-cy as-sen'den-sẽ cal-ca-ri-ous kǎl-kā'ré-us as-per-i-ty ǎs-pĕr'ē-tē ca-lum-ni-ate ka-lum'nē-āte as-sas-si-nate as-sas'se-nate ca-mel-o-pard ka-mě!'lō-pàrd as-sid-u-ous ǎs-sid'yū-ūs can-thar-i-des hăn thărê-de as-sign-a-ble ǎs-sin'ă bl ca pac-i-ty as-sim-i-late ǎs sim'ē-late ca-par-i-son


Washington's Resignation.

kǎ-päs'ē-tē ka-păr′ē-sun

1 The war of the Revolution closed in the fall of 1783, and Washington immediately repaired to Congress, then in session at Annapolis, to resign his commission. That august body gave him public audience on the day succeeding that of his arrival, at 12 o'clock. He was introduced by the Secretary, and conducted to a chair. Soon after, the President arose and informed him that the United States, in Congress assembled, were prepared to receive his communication.

2 With a native dignity, improved by the solemnity of the occasion, the general rose and delivered the following address: Mr. President:--

The great events on which my resignation depended, having at length taken place, I have now the honour of offering my sincere congratulations to Congress, and of presenting myself before them, to surrender into their hands the trust committed to

me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country.

3 Happy in the confirmation of our independence and sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the U. States of becoming a respectable nation, I resign, with satisfaction, the appointment I accepted with diffidence;--a diffidence in my ability to accomplish a task so arduous, which, however, was su perceded by a confidence in the rectitude of our cause, the sup port of the supreme power of the Union, and the blessing of Heaven.

4 The successful termination of the war, has verified the most sanguine expectations;—and my gratitude for the interposition of Providence, and the assistance I have received from my countrymen, increases with every review of the momentous contest.

5 While I repeat my obligations to the army in general, I should do injustice to my own feelings, not to acknowledge in this place, the peculiar services and distingushed merits of the gentlemen who have been attached to my person during the war. It was impossible that the choice of confidential officers to compose my family, could have been more fortunate. Permit me to recommend in particular, those who have continued in the service to the present moment, as worthy of the favourable notice and patronage of Congress.

6 I regard it as an indispensable duty, to close this last act of my official life, by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendance of them, to His holy keeping.

7 Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of action, and, bidding an affectionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my commission, and take my leave of the employments of public life.


OBS. 1. When decimals occur in the given power, point off both ways from the seperatrix, and, to make complete periods in the decimal places, add a cypher. The root will consist of as many places as there are periods in the respective numbers.


(5) What is the square root of 164.396?

Ans. 12.82.

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