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The provision for the "Maintenance of naval auxiliaries" has been increased $25,000; this increase is due to the fact that the wages of all the men on auxiliaries have been increased. There are eighteen vessels included in the Naval Auxiliary Service, each one having a crew of from twenty-five to forty men, and from seven to nine officers each.

The appropriation recommended for the naval training station in California has been increased from $50,000 to $60,652, an increase of $10,652. The committee deemed this increase proper in view of the fact that a great many more men will be at this station on account of the fleet's being on the Pacific, and as recruits are enlisted from the interior they will be transported to this training station in California. The appropriation for the Rhode Island Naval Training Station has been increased by $8,500 in order that many of the enlisted men who now do work not incident to the naval service about the station can be taken from this work and engaged in the work for which they enlisted, and their places to be taken by others not in the naval service. The appropriation for the naval training station, Great Lakes, has likewise been increased $9,860, for protection of the water front. The appropriation for the Naval War College is the same as last year, and there is a decrease of about $3,500 in the Naval Home, Philadelphia. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE.

Public works, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery..

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.

$285,000.00 405,900.00 7,365,845.21

Bureau of Construction and Repair.


$450,000.00 425,000.00 7,337,320.30 8,502,824.25

Bureau of Steam Engineering..





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in this bill:

Bureau of Ordnance.

Naval Academy..

Marine Corps:

Public works.



Increase of the Navy:

Construction and machinery.

Armor and armament..


Subsurface or submarine boats..


The first paragraph of the bill relates to

The following table gives a comparative statement of the appropriations for 1908, estimates for 1909, and the amounts recommended

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The estimates as submitted in the Book of Estimates for the naval establishment called for an increase of 3,000 men, and later, at the hearings before the committee, it was demonstrated that an increase of 6,000 men in all would be necessary to man ships that are in commission and those about to be commissioned. The total estimate for pay for the 42,000 men and officers amounts to $27,274,201. After careful consideration the committee judged it to be unwise to reduce this estimate, in view of the fact that at the time of the hearings the enlisted force was recruited within 600 men of the full allowance, and for the past three or four months over 2,000 men have been recruited monthly. It is therefore the belief of the committee that the additional 6,000 men herein provided for will be shortly recruited, and the amount herein recommended will be necessary for pay.

The additional 6,000 men are recommended, as it will be necessary to put the following ships in commission within the next few months: California, Mississippi, Idaho, New Hampshire, South Dakota, North Carolina, Montana, Chester, Birmingham, and Salem, and in addition 1,500 men are required to commission torpedo boats not now in commission.

The appropriation for " Pay, miscellaneous," has an apparent increase of $48,000. This increase is due to a plan of consolidating all the charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus for ice, telephone rentals and tolls, telegrams, cablegrams, and postage, foreign and domestic, post-office box rentals, and express charges, so that they may be paid through one office instead of being paid through offices in the several bureaus, thereby preventing the multiplication of vouchers and duplication of work, which will result in economy. The various bureaus and appropriations from which these charges have been heretofore paid have been reduced in amounts equal to the amount necessary to pay these various charges. Therefore, while there is an apparent increase of $48.000 in this appropriation, there has been a corresponding reduction of $48.000 in the appropriations from which these charges have been heretofore paid. Otherwise the appropriation Pay, miscellaneous," remains the same as last year, while that for " Contingent, Navy," likewise remains the same.

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Ordnance and ordnance stores:
Procuring, producing, preserving,
and handling ordnance mate-
Ammunition and other supplies
for new ships..
Smokeless powder, purchase and
manufacture of...
Machine tools for navy-yard, Bos-
ton, Mass

Machine tools for navy-yard, New
York, and magazine, Dover,

N. J.

Machine tools for navy-yard, Mare
Island, Cal.

Auxiliary hoist, building No. 111, navy-yard, Mare Island, Cal.. For Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D. C.:

New and improved machinery for
existing shops
Machinery, cupolas, furnaces, etc.,
for proposed new foundry....
Remodeling 110-ton crane in north
gun shop..

Machinery for locomotive house..
Mines for issue (for mine ship).
Experimental work in the devel-
opment of armor-piercing pro-
jectiles, fuzes, powders, and high
explosives, erosion tests, mounts,
sights, etc.

Advance base outfits.. Modernizing battery of Iowa.. Modernizing batteries of Monterey and Monadnock..

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New turret sights for 4 monitors of Arkansas class...

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New battery for the Brooklyn.. Modifying mounts and providing new sights.. Replacing 3-pounder and 6-pounder guns and mounts and sights on board battle ships and armored cruisers by 3-inch 50-caliber guns, mounts, and sights... Purchase or manufacture of new ammunition-hoisting arrangements for all turret ships to and including the South Carolina and Michigan... Replacing 8-inch guns on Maryland and class (20 guns) Replacing 12-inch Mark III with Mark V guns on all battle ships (18 guns). Lining eight 12-inch Mark III guns.. Replacing firing locks on 5-inch and 6-inch guns..

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Outfits on first enlistment..

Maintenance of naval auxiliaries.

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571,540.00 525,000.00

Naval training station, California..




Naval training station, Rhode Island..


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Naval training station, Great Lakes:

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Salaries clerical force (1 clerk, in

crease of $200 submitted)..

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ships, monitors, and cruisers.. Reserve stock of mines and mine appliances

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Naval War College..


Torpedoes and converting torpedo


Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa..


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boats, etc...

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Replacing small arms and automatic guns Fire-control instruments for

1,996,663.00 2,566, 267.80 2,438,276.00

The appropriation for transportation has been increased $75,000, because the Navy has enlisted more men this year than in any previous year, and a great many of the recruits came from the interior and had to be transported to the various stations along the coast, and transportation has increased in cost greatly. The Navy Department has been unable to make satisfactory contracts with the railroads, as has previously been the case, and a great many of the recruits have been transported to the Pacific coast, thereby necessarily increasing the amount of this appropriation.

The appropriation for "Outfits on first enlistment" is increased to $900,000 by reason of the increased cost of materials which enter into the manufacture of the outfit and the increase in the number of enlistments, as heretofore stated. A deficiency of about $300,000 is estimated under this appropriation for the present year.

Reserve ammunition.

Reserve guns for ships of the Navy. Repairing, modernizing, and fitting with sights 4-inch and 5-inch guns and mounts not needed for vessels in commission...

Reserve torpedoes and appliances.
Torpedo station, Newport, R. I..
Naval Militia

Repairs, ordnance.
Contingent, ordnance
Civil establishment


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The appropriation for "Ordnance and ordnance stores" has been increased by $500,000. This might be termed the working appropriation of the Bureau. A large part of this appropriation is for target

practice, and owing to the fact that there will be in full or partial commission during the fiscal year of 1908-9 24 battle ships, 12 first-class cruisers, 66 second and third rate vessels, 60 torpedo vessels, and 15 auxiliaries, making a total of 177 vessels, an increase for target practice must be provided for. This appropriation includes all work at navy-yards, magazines, and naval proving grounds; all material and labor necessary for the care and preservation of ordnance stores on shore and afloat; furniture in ordnânce buildings at navy-yards and in magazines and stations; labor, watchmen, fuel, tools, and a great variety of miscellaneous items not otherwise provided for.


The appropriation for smokeless powder is increased $150,000. committee deemed it wise to allow this increase for the purpose of reworking deteriorated or useless powder at Indian Head powder faetory. This process renders useless powder of great value at onefourth the cost to manufacture the same quantity of new powder. The appropriations "Ammunition and other supplies for new ships" and Reserve ammunition" have been consolidated under the appropriation "Ammunition and other supplies for ships." Upon investigation the committee found that there had accumulated under the appropriation "Increase of the Navy, armor and armament a large quantity of ammunition which was only available for use on new ships as they were placed in commission, and likewise a large quantity under the appropriation "Reserve ammunition" which could not be properly used on the ships in commission, but held as a reserve supply. this resulted in a deterioration of this ammunition the committee deemed it wise that the ammunition accumulated under these two appropriations should be made available for issue and used before deterioration and replaced by new ammunition from time to time.


The appropriation for new and improved machinery at the Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D. C., is the same as last year.

The committee recommend the completion of the work of modifying the 4-inch 40-caliber mounts and the 5-inch 40-caliber mounts, but reduces the appropriation to $60,000. The committee also recommend an appropriation of $415,000 for replacing the 3-pounder and 6-pounder guns by 3-inch 50-caliber or larger guns, because of the increased effective range of the latest type of torpedo. These new guns give the ships protection from long-range torpedo discharge. The committee also recommend the replacing of 8-inch Mark V guns with 8-inch Mark VI guns on the Maryland and her class, and the relining and converting of 12-inch Mark III to Mark IV guns; also the replacing Mark X two-firing locks with Mark X firing locks on 5 and 6 inch guns, in order that the batteries of the ships may be kept in the highest state of efficiency.

The appropriation for fire-control instruments for the ships is the same as last year.

The committee recommend an appropriation of $650,000 for torpedoes and converting torpedo boats, in order that the torpedo boats may be brought up to the highest degree of efficiency for the discharge of the modern torpedo, and that the most modern torpedoes be either purchased or manufactured for the same. In addition thereto the committee recommends an appropriation of $300,000 under the title Torpedoes and appliances," the latter appropriation being intended mainly for the cost of manufacture of torpedoes and appliances at the Government's torpedo station at Newport, R. I. The appropriation for the maintenance of the torpedo station at Newport is the same as last year.

The committee recommend an increase of the appropriation "Arming and equipping Naval Militia" to $100,000, in order that this branch of the Naval Reserve of the United States might be more efficiently conducted.

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The appropriation "Equipment of vessels" is increased $500,000 over the appropriation of last year. This increase is due to the increased number of ships put in commission and the necessity of fitting them with fire-control apparatus, as well as wireless telegraphy. The greater part of the increase is due to items for electrical work. The Department is asking an increase of $690,000 alone for the electrical branch. There are 75 vessels of the Navy fitted, or about to be fitted, with wireless, and it is estimated that the maintenance of the stations on board ships amounts to $50,000 annually. In this appropriation is included an item of $35,000 to cover necessary work to be done on vessels loaned or to be loaned to the States for the use of Naval Militia. In view of the increased number of ships in commission and about to be commissioned, the committee recommend the increase above stated.

The appropriation "Coal and transportation" is increased $850,000. The committee recommend this increase because of the greater number of ships in commission and the policy of the Department to have fleet maneuvers on such a scale as to test the battle efficiency of the fleets. The principal causes of the increase are as follows:

(a) Increase in the number of purposes for which the appropriation is applied.

(b) Increase of the number of ships in commission.

(c) Increase in size of ships and consequent coal consumption. (d) Increase in the first cost of coal at tide water.

(e) Increase in freight rates due to transporting coal to greater distances than heretofore.

An appropriation of $450,000 is recommended by the committee for "Depots for coal," which will enable the Secretary of the Navy to execute the provisions of section 1552 of the Revised Statutes, which amount is to be used for completing the coal depots at San Diego and California City Point, as there is a very pressing demand for coaling stations on that coast.

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The committee recommend an increase of $300,000 under the appropriation "Maintenance of Yards and Docks." This increase is due to the consolidation of the heat, light, and power plants in all the navyyards, whereby it is believed a great reduction in cost will ultimately be realized. Another item in the increase is due to the fact that all the telephones installed in the various navy-yards are now placed under this Bureau instead of being under several, as heretofore. It is believed this will result in a great saving. Another item in the increase is due to a considerable increase in the cost of labor and material. There will likewise be an increase in cost on account of the change in the system of accounting, which will enable the Paymaster-General to give an exact account, and is an excellent system, whereby the value of stock on hand can be ascertained at any time.


The following table gives a comparative statement of the appropria tions for 1908, estimates for 1909, and the amounts carried in this bill: Appropri- Estimates, ated, 1908. 1909.

Navy-yards and stations.

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287,000.00 402,500.00 365,500.00 1,950,500.00 248,500.00 786,800.00




258,500.00 1,491,500.00





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It will be seen from the above table that the estimates amounted to $12,054,822; but after careful consideration of these estimates and hearings thereon the committee recommend this year a total of $3,170,400, which is a small increase over the appropriation of last year. The committee recommend the insertion of the following provision regarding the expenses of consolidation of power plants, etc.: "The Secretary of the Navy shall report to Congress at the commencement of the next regular session the amount of money expended on consolidation of power plants since the authorization for such consolidation was given, in 1904, such statement to be in detail for each navy-yard and to indicate amount expended for building and machinery separately; also to include a statement of the value of building and power plants at each navy-yard at the date of the above-noted authorization; also the total amounts appropriated for power houses and power plant extensions which had not been utilized on April 27, 1904, the date of the authorization of the consolidations."

It will be noted that the committee recommend the expenditure of money in the navy-yards and stations principally toward the completion of the consolidation of the heat, light, and power plants, work which has already been begun and is well advanced.

PUBLIC WORKS UNDER THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. The committee recommend an appropriation of $62,000 under this appropriation, in which is included $15,000 for maintenance and care of lepers at the naval station, Island of Guam. The remaining $47,000 is for the enlargement of the water plant at the Naval Academy and other smaller items. The enlargement of this water plant at the Naval Academy will result in a total saving of from $18,000 to $20,000 a year in water bills.


The following table gives a comparative statement of the appropriations for 1908, estimates for 1909, and the amounts recommended in this bill for public works under the Bureaus of Navigation, Ordnance, Equipment, and Medicine and Surgery:

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The committee recommend improvements to the amount of $29,500 for the naval training station in California, $139,890 for the naval training station in Rhole Island, and $1,095,600 for the naval training station, Great Lakes. This appropriation for the Great Lakes naval training station completes the buildings in accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress approved June 29, 1906, and will complete the electrical mains and conduits and pay the cost of inspection, architect's fee, and other necessary improvements to the station.


The committee recommend minor improvements to the extent of $14,760 at the naval proving ground, Indianhead, Md.; $14.600, naval magazine, Fort Millin, Pa.; $11,500, naval magazine, Mare Island, Cal.; $54,150 at torpedo station, Newport, R. I.; $10,000, naval magazine, New York Harbor; $34,550, naval magazine, Puget Sound, Washington; $5,000, navy-yard, Pensacola, Fla., and $8,000 for naval magazine, Olongapo, P. I., making a total of $152,360, a reduction of over $217,000 in the appropriation for last year.


An appropriation of $10,000 is recommended, the same as last year, for the Naval Observatory.


The committee recommend an appropriation of $75,000 to complete the naval hospital at Puget Sound, as authorized by the naval act of March 2, 1907; also $85,000 for the erection of new wards at the naval hospital, Annapolis, Md. The need of the contagious wards contemplated to be built by this appropriation has been demonstrated by an epidemic of diphtheria among the midshipmen at Annapolis in the past four months, when the patients had to be quartered in tents. hundred thousand dollars is recommended to complete the appropriation for the naval hospital at Norfolk, Va.. as authorized by the act of Congress approved June 29, 1906. A like appropriation is recommended for a naval hospital at Great Lakes, as at present there is no provision made for the sick at that station.



The committee recommend an appropriation of $210,000 for public works for the Marine Corps, a reduction of $137,000 in last year's appropriation. Of this amount, $70,000 is for the purchase of ground adjoining quartermaster's depot and building an addition to same, which is urgently requested. The remaining appropriation is divided among the navy-yards. Philadelphia, Pa., Norfolk, Va., Charleston, S. C., Boston, Mass., New York, N. Y., Olongapo, P. I., and Sitka, Alaska.


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2 seagoing tugs. Civil establishment..

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Steam machinery:

For completion, repairing, and preservation of machinery, boilers, etc...

For purchase, handling, and preservation of material, stores, etc. For incidental expenses for naval vessels and yards.. Improvement of steam engineering plant:

Portsmouth, N. H., Navy-Yard..
Boston, Mass., Navy-Yard..
New York, N. Y., Navy-Yard..
Philadelphia, Pa., Navy-Yard..
Norfolk, Va., Navy-Yard..
Pensacola, Fla., Navy-Yard..
Mare Island, Cal., Navy-Yard.
Puget Sound, Wash., Navy-Yard.
New Orleans, La., Laval station..
Guantanamo, Cuba, naval sta-

Cavite, P. I., naval station.
Olongapo, P. I., naval station..
Engineering experimental station,
United States Naval Academy,
Anaapolis, Md.:

For civilian assistant to director..

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17,900.00 5,729,420.00

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The appropriations, as will be seen from the above table, are practically the same as last year, there being an increase of $20,000 due to the enlistment of additional men under the provision of the naval act of March 2, 1907.

The appropriations for this Bureau are practically the same as last year with the exception of an increase of $250,000 under "Steam machinery" and $250,000 for the preservation of machinery tools in navy-yards and stations and the handling and preservation of all machinery stores and running the yard engines. This increase is due to the fact that the Navy is larger and more ships are in commission.

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2,070,089.00 2,814,971.00 2,316,999.00

4,914,087.46 5,787,656.08 5,265,200.08

The small increases under Pay, Marine Corps," are because a greater proportion of officers are serving abroad and a great proportion of officers became entitled to longevity pay during the past year. The increase of $13,000 in "Undrawn clothing," is due to the expected discharge of 3,000 men upon the expiration of their enlistment, and they are entitled to be paid the money value of the clothing they have saved. The increase of $100,000 in the appropriation "Provisions, Marine Corps," is due to the increased cost of 16 per cent in the cost of rations. An increase of $50,000 is recommended under " Clothing, Marine Corps," because of the fact that about 1,000 men are serving in Cuba, in the field, at such work as is particularly destructive to their uniforms. An increase of $20,000 under "Fuel, Marine Corps," is necessitated by the increase due to the Army act which increased the number of rooms to which officers are entitled, and, therefore, the amount of fuel that they consume. The increase in "Transportation and recruiting, Marine Corps," is due to the fact that the cost of transportation of the military has increased considerably, as the Department is unable to make competitive contracts with the railroads. The increase under "Repairs of barracks," is due to the repairs to the barracks on the Isthmus of Panama being paid from this appropriation, where the Isthmian Canal Commission has formerly paid for same. The other appropriations for the Marine Corps remain practically the same as last year.

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The amount necessary to be appropriated to pay for the work now progressing and contracted during the next fiscal year is $17,232,962.


List, by years and sessions of Congress, of naval vessels authorized by acts of Congress from 1883 to 1907, inclusive. 1883 (47TH, 2D)-Page 7.

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7,000,000.00 400,000.00 1,445,000.00

Contract price of hull and machinery.

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