Delicious Horsford's Acid Phosphate with water and sugar only, makes Allays the thirst, aids diges- Dr. M. H. Henry, New York, says: "When completely tired out by prolonged wakefulness and overwork, it is of the greatest value to me. As a beverage it possesses charms beyond anything I know of in the form of medicine." Descriptive pamphlet free. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. ADVERTISING RATES stitutional life, in which these general ideas become organ. ized is thus the principle of selection on which to determine what is most deserving of attention. This main thot is worked out in detail in the material of American history, and to this the greater portion of this volume is devoted. That it is a stimulating book even this bald outline will clearly indicate. It is no mere collection of didactic rules, nor discussion of miscellaneous problems relating to history, like many manuals in this field, but a vigorous effort to think out philosophically the principles of history teaching, and as such challenges the thoughtful attention of all advanced students and teachers in this field. -VIA LATIN: an easy Latin reader, by William C. Collar (203 pp.: 85c), follows the recommendation of the committee of ten in presenting a first Latin Reader much easier than the books now in use. It contains interesting matter, the story of the Argonauts, the story of Ulysses, the story of the Seven Kings of Rome, fables, and biographies of Cæsar and Alcibiades. The preface demands also an increase of time for Latin to nearly double that now allowed. The editor's work has been thoroughly well done, as might be expected from so experienced a hand. We therefore all the more marvel that he should have omitted to tell anywhere in his book whence he obtained these selections. Surely it is worth while even for a beginner to know when he is reading Viri Romae and what it is, or Nepos, and who he was, and what and when he wrote. -THE FINCH PRIMER, by Adelaide V. Finch, -three hundred words (90 pp.; 35c.) is a beautiful book with its numerous colored pictures and half-tone cuts. Its lessons are adapted to the different seasons of the year; it inculcates love of home, country, nature and companions; and it confines itself to a limited vocabulary in order that the little learner may advance more rapidly in the acquisition of the printed forms. -VERTICAL ROUND HAND WRITING BOOKS, by H. W. Shayler (seven numbers; 96c. per dozen), are noteworthy for the roundness of the forms which makes rapid writing easier and without any sacrifice of legibility. The copies are indeed very attractive. The Macmillan Company, New York. -ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, by Ralph S. Tarr (488 pp.; $1.40), has been some time before the public, and has made its way rapidly into the schools. Mechanically it is an almost perfect book: beautifully printed on white calendered paper, with a wealth of fine illustrations prepared especially for it, and well selected and thoroly excellent in workmanship. It is bound in a plain and most substantial manner. It is modern in its treatment of the subject, embodying much new matter, especially in the portion relating to the land surface. The discussion of river valleys and flood plains, of coast line, of economic products of the earth, and of man and nature. may be especially referred to in confirmation of this. The author has skillfully avoided the error of overcrowding his topics with details which serve only to burden and confuse the learner. The descriptive portions of the book are generally lucid and effective. Its effort to "furnish the main story in a connected way' seems to us admirable and successful. What the young learner needs above all-and this book is for young learners as its title "elementary" indicates-is to get the general view of the earth as a system forming part of a larger system, and of the way all elements found on it interact on each other. This general view is effectively presented. Laboratory and field study has not been attempted; it could not be without swelling the volume unduly; and th is must at present be left to the skill and insight of the teacher, altho suggestions of value towards it are found in the appendix. Each chapter has at its close a limited bibliography. The work seems to us a very teachable one. Any intelligent class, which has acquired in the grammar grades the art of learning from books, ought to be able to use it successfully in the first year of the high school. H. Holt & Co. -LYRICAL AND DRAMATIC POEMS, selected from the works of Robert Browing, (275 pp.; 60c.) edited by Edward T. Mason, opens with the admirable ninth chapter of Sted CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc.l For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO., 861 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Scientific American Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNN & CO PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York City. CHATTANOOGA B. Y. P. U. And Nashville Centennial; Half Rates via Monon Route. Get stop over at Mammoth Cave and West Baden and French Lick Springs. M. Hunter C. & A. Milwaukee; Chicago City Ticket Office, 232 Clark St. SCHOOL TEACHERS-Please send me your address and I will send you a copy of my new NATIONAL MEMORIAL HYMN, the words and music of which are artistically printed upon the American Flag as a background. Have your school pay tribute to the old veterans "whose ranks are thinning fast." The song is a lesson in patriotism and can be sung at a glance. J. EDMUND ESTES, Fall River, Mass. man's Victorian Poets, which gives an appreciative and thoroly discriminating critque of Browning's work. This is followed by twenty-five selections, a few lyrical, mostly dramatic monologes such as every reader of Browning knows, none lacking in interest nor containing that involved style and rugged measure which have served to repel so many from Browning. All here is simple and inspiring. Such pieces as Saul, Abt Vogler, and Martin Relph appeal to all readers. -LITERATURE FRANCAISE, dixhuitieme et dixneuvieme siecle, par E. Aubert, (290 pp.; $1.00) contains brief notices of the foremost French writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, followed by extracts from their works-a plan such as we are familiar with in English literature. The selections are interesting in subjects and valuable in treatment, but necessarily brief, and therefore imperfectly representative of the writers. The book, however, is but an introduction to the literature, and will have done its best service when it has guided its readers to the great authors themselves. -LA MARE AU DIABLE, par George Sand, edited by Edward S. Joynes, with notes and vocabulary, (122 pp.; 40c.) makes an ideal French book to follow the reader. Its style is easy and simple, its pictures of rural life and scenery fascinating and its sentiment wholly delightful. Sainte Beuve called it a little masterpiece," and Coro "a delicious idyll." The introduction gives sketch of the life, works and genius of George Sand and her influence upon French life. D. C. Heath & Co. -INDUCTIVE ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL SCIENCE with inexpensive apparatus, and without laboratory equipment, by F. H. Bailey, (XXXI and 105 pp; 50c.), seems to be a very ingenious and practical guide for laboratory work by young pupils. The apparatus required is very simple, the pupil is put upon making his own inferences, and the method is distinctly individual, but such as can be readily applied in large classes. About one-third of the book is given to "auxiliary apparatus and experiments," for quicker pupils, who may do more or less of it and thus find full employment while the slower ones work out the first part alone. Some quantitative work is introduced in this auxiliary part. The experiments are in general very simple and easily performed by grammar grade pupils The book deserves the attention of those who are interested in developing science teaching in the grades. -STORIES OF LONG AGO in a new dress, by Grace H. Kupfer, (177 pp.: 35c.), retells the Greek and Roman myths for young readers in attractive style. A number of poems from English classic writers and nineteen full-page pictures from great works of art add to the interest and value of this little volume. -DREI KLEINE LUSTSPIELE, edited with introduction and notes, by Benj. W. Wells, (121 pp.; 30c.); contains Guenstige Vorzeichen and Der Process by Roderich Benedix, and Einer Muss Heirathen by Zechmeister, all well suited for amateur acting and school exhibitions. -LA POUDRE AUX YEUX, par Labiche et Martin, (86 pp.; 25c.), edited by Benjamin W. Wells, is a delightful bit of raillery at social pretenders, thoroly healthful in tone and full of sparkling humor. Harper & Brothers. -ALEXANDER POPE, by Samuel Johnson, edited by Kate Stephens (197 pp.; offers in convenient form one of the best examples of English criticism for school use. Matthew Arnold recognized the great merit of Johnson's Lives of the Poets as a means of gaining an insight into English literary history and life, and this is one of the very best of them. It is itself an admirable example of good English writing, almost wholly free from those faults which later characterized Johnson's style. The editor has bestowed great pains upon the book, gathering into the extensive notes quotations and explanatory matter from a wide range of reading and has thus made the essay still more distinctly a means for studying the times as well as the man who was its leading literary light. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. -THE PRINCESS, by Alfred Tennyson (190 pp.; paper, 30c.)—a double number of the Riverside Series--is an exceedingly attractive book, with its numerous beautiful illustrations, and the valuable notes of William J. Rolfe. In this third edition the editor has been able to supply omissions as to original editions of the poem and to correct a few misprints. -THE ÆNEID, Books I-III, translated by Christopher P. Cranch (paper 15c.), is a welcome addition to the Riverside Series. No other English metrical translation approaches this in its truth to the spirit and meaning of the original. It is vigorous, dignified and musical, and may give to English readers some true sense of the power of original. -THE FLIGHT OF A TARTAR TRIBE, by Thomas De Quincey, edited by Milton Haight Turk (78 pp.; cloth, 25c.), one of the fascinating narratives by this master of English narration, has in this edition a biographical sketch of the author, a chronological table of his times, and abundant notes. American Book Co. -STORY OF TROY, by M. Clarke (255 pp.; 6oc.), very successfully retells for young readers the story of the Iliad, with two chapters additional devoted to the subsequent adventures of some of the heroes. Frequent quotations from the best metrical translations of the Iliad, and numerous fine pictures from great works of art add much to the value of the book. It belongs to the well-known Eclectic School Readings. -DIE JOURNALISTEN, a comedy in four acts, by Gustav Freytag, edited by J. Norton Johnson (171 pp.; 35c.), is one of the best representatives of modern German drama, well edited, with full vocabulary and attractively printed and bound in boards. Miscellaneous. -FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE, for use in grammar grades, by Elroy M. Avery and Charles P. Sinnott (160 pp.; 60c.; Sheldon & Co., publishers), offers a series of systematically arranged lessons, giving by experiments a clear notion of principles, and calling for applications to familiar experiences. It requires little apparatus, seeks to develop the pupils' power of thinking, and leads him thro the chief subjects of physics in an elementary way. book has been carefully thot out, is well illustrated and seems very teachable. The -The second volume of the Historical Series of Bulletins of the University of Wisconsin, is introduced by the thesis of George Henry Alden, on NEW Governments West of the Alleghanies before 1780 (74 pp.; 50c.). -The University of Iowa issues STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGY, edited by Prof. Patrick (89 pp.), containing studies on school and college students, effects of loss of sleep, fatigue in school children, right and left handedness, etc. LITERARY NOTES. -Maynard, Merrill & Co., announce The Young American, by Henry Pratt Judson, a book of patriotism. -The Peter Paul Book Company announce The Chatelaine by G. E. X., a unique book from the experiences of travel. -Arnold Tompkins' Science of Discourse, announced by Ginn & Co., is of unusual interest because of the author's success in dealing in an original and valuable way with problems of pedagogy. -To those planning their summer vacations, the "Recreation Number' of The Outlook (its Magazine Number for June) offers special attractions, and is full of useful hints. Delightfully illustrated articles on possible vacations, lists of coming summer schools and meetings, remarkably full information about summer resorts and routes of travel everywhere all this and much more is included in the nearly or quite two hundred pages. This is the eighthand best-of The Outlook's popular summer Recreation Numbers. [$3.00 a year, The Outlook Company, 13 Astor Place, New York.] The Most Beautiful Ever Printed THE FINCH PRIMER WITH COLORED PICTURES By ADELAIDE V. FINCH, Principal of Normal Training School, Lewiston, Maine, Formerly of the Minneapolis Public Schools. Sq. 12mo. 90 pages. Fully illustrated. For Introduction, 30 cents. This is a primer for beginners in reading. It considers the environment of the child at the different seasons of the year, and presents simple and carefully graded lessons appropriate to the autumn, winter, spring and summer months. It endeavors to inculate a love of nature, of home, of country, and kindness to animals. The lessons, until after the holidays, are in engraved vertical script; then a few pages embracing both script and print are given, and the remainder of the book is nearly all in print. There are three hundred new words. Each new word is repeated as many times as is consistent and necessary without sacrificing literature to repetition. The illustrations include a large number of colored pictures, representing things which it is a distinct advantage to show in colors. The teacher is left perfectly free to use the method she prefers, but the lessons are intended to be outgrowths of conversational, objective language work, as such lessons from their very nature appeal strongly and directly to the child. The lessons are of the character of those used in the most progressive schools of our country, and to the thousands of teachers now working with the same thought in view, this little book cannot fail to be acceptable. Descriptive circulars sent free on application. We cordially invite correspondence. BOSTON NEW YORK DALLAS Ginn & Company, Publishers Address 378-388 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO The month of hot days and thermometers high; When we long for the mountains and cool, shaded streams, Or the storm-beaten rocks on the sands by the shore, Where the billows are rolling in musical roar. Taken from "A Little Folks' Calendar for 1897," by Clifford Howard, in Ladies' Home Journal |