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Pocket Map Free

A map of Wisconsin and Michigan sent free on application to any teacher or member of a board of education who will send us his or her name and address.


The United States makes the best school furniture and the best school supplies in the world. Wisconsin is the best State in the Union, and we have the best facilities and the best location in Wisconsin for selling school supplies and furniture. We sell everything in this line, and we believe you are patriotic enough to patronize home industry.

Send to us for prices and catalogue.

Wisconsin School Supply Co.



Owing to the business difficulties of the pub- SAVE MONEY!

lishers from whom we have been getting our premium library for our subscribers, there has been an annoying delay in sending some of the books called for by our subscribers with coupons. The list published in the December issue of the JOURNAL is the one from which the assignee was able at last accounts to supply books. With the new year we drop the coupon offer for this reason only, and with regret, because it was supplying a felt want of our readers. We shall try to straighten out all orders as soon as possible, either by securing books or by returning the money. If any readers who have sent in coupons and have not yet received books, find some other books in the list given in the December number of the JOURNAL which they would be willing to take in place of the books ordered, a postal card note to that effect, naming the books desired now, will be notice to us.

WANTED-Forty-three teachers for the various grades of public schools in Wisconsin for next September. Must be good at discipline and instruction. F. M. SHIPLEY, Waterloo, Iowa.


By getting a Clubbing Rate for your Magazine with the

Wisconsin Journal of Education

The North American Review alone is $5.00 a year.
We give it and the Wisconsin Journal of Education to-
This offer is to actual teachers only.
gether for $3.50.
Harper's Monthly alone is $4.00.
We give it with the Wisconsin Journal of Education
for $4.00.


(The Atlantic Monthly

Frank Leslie's

Harper's Weekly, or

Harper's Bazaar

costs $4.00 alone.

Any one of these with the Wisconsin Journal of Education is $4.20.

Littell's Living Age is $6.00 a year.

And with the Wisconsin Journal of Education thrown in it costs just the same.

Judge costs $5.00 alone.

It costs just the same with the Wisconsin Journal of

Texas Siftings costs $4.00 alone.

And with the Wisconsin Journal of Education it costs just $3.55 for both together. The Arena costs $3.00 alone.

Clubbed with the Wisconsin Journal of Education it costs only $3.50, and we are authorized to offer it to our subscribers till March I at the low rate of $3.00 for both the Arena and the Wisconsin Journal of Education.




A Progressive State.

No other State in the Union offers greater inducements for the location of Industries and Manufacturing Plants than Wisconsin, with its limitless Iron Ore deposits, abundance of Hardwood Timber, numerous Clay, Kaolin and Marl Beds, and other advantages.

The Wisconsin Central Lines penetrate the Center of the State, and Manufacturers can find excellent locations for Plants, with facilities for reaching markets everywhere. Reliable information will be cheerfully furnished upon application to W. H. Killen, Industrial Commissioner, Milwaukee, Wis.


will find the lands in Northern Wisconsin
desirable, and splendid Hardwood Farming
Lands adjacent to the Wisconsin Central
Lines can now be purchased at a very low
figure and on easy terms.

Write for free illustrated pamphlet with
maps to Fred'k Abbot, Land Commission-
er, Milwaukee, Wis.
H. F. Witcomb,

B. Johnson,
Gen'l Frt, Agt.

Gen'l Manager.

Jas. C. Pond,

Gen'l Pass. Agent.


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. Six months.

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. One year.

.Six months.


.Three months.


..One month....

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Send for complete catalogue to THOS. CHARLES CO., 211 & 213 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

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For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the

Scientific American

Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, 83,00 a
year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUNN & CO
PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York City.


Scribner's Magazine


THE ENTIRE NOVELTY of many of the plans for 1897 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to "London as Seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr. Gibson visited London last summer for SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, for the purpose of depicting with pen and pencil those scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endless variety.

Of like novelty is the first considerable Novel by Richard Harding Davis,

"Soldiers of Fortune."' The hero is one of the most vigorous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by C. D. Gibson.

"The Conduct of Great Businesses." "The Great Department Store;" Management of a Great Hotel;" "The Working of the Bank," and "A Great Manufactory."

"Undergraduate Life in American Colleges." Judge Henry E. Howland writes on "Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on "Princeton," and Robert Grant and Edward S. Martin on "Harvard."

"Japan and China Since the War" will be a most interesting group of articles richly illustrated.

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"The Unquiet Sex." Mrs. Helen Watterson Moody will write a series of articles: "Women and Reforms,' "The College-Bred Woman,' "Woman's Clubs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper on domestic service.) W. D. Howells's "Story of a Play." George W. Cable will give a series of

four short stories, the only ones he has written for many years.

How to Travel Wisely. Mr. Lewis Morris Iddings, in two articles, will offer a variety of useful suggestions and data on "Ocean and Land Travel." This will be happily rounded out by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on "Travellers One Meets: Their Ways and Methods." The illustrations by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent.

**It is impossible in a small space to even mention the many attractive features for 1897. A beautiful illustrated booklet has been prepared, which will be sent, postage paid, on request.

Scribner's Magazine $3.00 a year
25 cents a copy.

CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 153-157 Fifth Avenue, New York.

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Thompson's Teacher's Examiner.



The Evolution of "Dodd".

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Fountain Pens

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Young Folks' Stories of American History,

by Pansy, Nos. 1 and 2, each...

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Fallows' Synonyms and Antonyms.

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Madison, Wis.

Cyr's Children's Readers

Just Published


....The Children's Third Reader...

Cloth. 260 Pages. Fully Illustrated

For Introduction, 50 Cents

The plan adopted in Cyr's Second Reader of making the children acquainted with some of our poets is continued in this book. Stories from the lives of Lowell, Holmes, and Bryant are introduced. A large proportion of the prose lessons has been carefully selected from such writers as Lucy Larcom, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Phelps Ward, Celia Thaxter, Louisa M. Alcott, Abby Morton Diaz, and Julia C. R. Dorr, thus making the book a representative of a child's library.

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No. 3

Journal of Education

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Like a frolicsome lion March comes with a roar,
And stirs up the weather as never before;
But the days of old Winter are passing away;
His breath becomes feeble; he stops in his play.
The brooklets are melting, the winds cease to blow,
And the trailing arbutus peeps out from the snow.
While far in the distance the bobolinks sing,

'T is the Winter's goodbye and the greeting of Spring.

Taken from "A Little Folks' Calendar for 1897,"

by Clifford Howard, in Ladies' Home Journal,

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