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[The OLD MAN and the YOUNG MAN had been conversing. The OLD MAN had asserted that the human being is merely a machine, and nothing more. The YOUNG MAN objected, and asked him to go into particulars and furnish his reasons for his position.]

LD MAN. What are the materials of which a steam-engine is made?

OLD MAN, What are th

YOUNG MAN. Iron, steel, brass, white-metal, and

so on.

O. M. Where are these found?

Y. M. In the rocks.

O. M. In a pure state?

Y. M. No-in ores.

O. M. Are the metals suddenly deposited in the ores?

Y. M. No-it is the patient work of countless ages.

O. M. You could make the engine out of the rocks themselves?

Y. M. Yes, a brittle one and not valuable.

Copyright, 1906, by J. W. Bothwell.

O. M. You would not require much, of such an engine as that?

Y. M. No substantially nothing.

O. M. To make a fine and capable engine, how would you proceed?

Y. M. Drive tunnels and shafts into the hills; blast out the iron ore; crush it, smelt it, reduce it to pig-iron; put some of it through the Bessemer process and make steel of it. Mine and treat and combine the several metals of which brass is made.

O. M. Then?

Y. M. Out of the perfected result, build the fine engine.

O. M. You would require much of this one?
Y. M. Oh, indeed yes.

O. M. It could drive lathes, drills, planers, punches, polishers, in a word all the cunning machines of a great factory?

Y. M. It could.

O. M. What could the stone engine do?

Y. M. Drive a sewing-machine, possibly-nothing more, perhaps.

O. M. Men would admire the other engine and rapturously praise it?

Y. M. Yes.

O. M. But not the stone one?

Y. M. No.

O. M. The merits of the metal machine would be

far above those of the stone one?

Y. M. Of course.

O. M. Personal merits?

Y. M. Personal merits? How do you mean?

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