Dean George W. Kirchwey, of the School of Law, presided at this conference, which was attended by about 200 delegates, and addresses were also made by Professor John Bassett Moore and Dr. Ernst Richard of Columbia University, by Professor Clark of the College of the City of New York, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University and by several student delegates. After full discussion it was decided that an Intercollegiate Arbitration Society be organized and the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that a committee, composed of R. C. Masterton, Columbia (chairman); C. DeW. Pugsley, Harvard; J. B. Carlock, Lehigh; R. S. Sidebotham, Princeton; E. S. Whitin, Columbia; H. P. Barss, University of Rochester; E. J. Klein, Stevens Institute; H. R. Sayre, Williams; J. B. Farrell, College of the City of New York, be appointed, with power to add to its number, for the purpose of forming an intercollegiate organization to promote the study and discussion of international affairs, with a view to the dissemination of correct information, the removal of misunderstandings and the amicable settlement of international disputes on the basis of law and justice. At the close of the conference luncheon was served to the delegates at the University Commons. At 2:30 P. M. the Honorable William Jennings Bryan delivered an address to the visiting delegates and the students of Columbia University (including those of the Horace Mann School) in the Auditorium of the Horace Mann School. Receptions Monday noon, April 15th, from 1 to 2.30, at the City Club. Tuesday noon, April 16th, from 1 to 2.30, at Barnard Club, Tuesday noon, April 16th, at Barnard College, the Dean and Students of Barnard received the delegates from women's colleges, after which an address on the Peace Movement was delivered to the delegates and students in the Barnard Theatre by Mrs. Henrotin of Chicago. At the conclusion of this meeting the visiting delegates were entertained at luncheon at Barnard College. Tuesday afternoon, April 16th, from 3 to 4 at Sherry's. The Patriotic Committee received the delegates from patriotic societies. Tuesday afternoon, April 16th, from 4 to 6 in Earl Hall, President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University, and Mrs. Butler received the foreign visitors, the University and other delegates. Wednesday noon, April 17th, from 1 to 2.30, at the Metropolitan Club. A luncheon was given to all the editors, foreign guests, principal speakers and officers of the Congress. HISTORICAL NOTE The first Peace Society of America, or in the world, was founded in New York by David Low Dodge and his associates, in August, 1815. The Massachusetts Peace Society, which owed its initiative to Noah Worcester, was organized in Dr. Channing's study in Boston, in Christmas week of the same year. The London Society was organized the next year; and from that time on Peace Societies multiplied. But almost a generation passed before the inauguration of Peace Congresses. The first International Peace Congress was held in London in 1843. It was the thought of the English philanthropist, Joseph Sturge, the friend of Garrison and Whittier and other American anti-slavery leaders, and was first broached by him in 1841 to members of the American Peace Society in Boston. Our Society warmly endorsed it and commended it to the English Society, and through the co-operation of the two, the memorable London Congress was brought about. It was almost exclusively a British and American Congress, 294 of the 337 delegates being from Great Britain, 37 from America, and 6 from the continent of Europe. Perhaps the most important practical proposition considered at this first Congress was that of Judge William Jay of New York, President of the American Peace Society during the decade in which the historic Peace Congresses in Europe in the middle of the last century occurred, that an arbitration clause should be embodied in all future commercial treaties between the great powers. At the four subsequent Congresses the American representatives stood preeminently for the demand for a Congress of Nations, which should develop and codify international law and create an international Tribunal; and this constructive program, which our own day at last is seeing realized, was popularly spoken of in Europe throughout the decade as "the American way." It was an American, Elihu Burritt, who was the chief inspiring and shaping force for the Brussels Congress in 1848, followed by the great Congresses of Paris, Frankfort and London in 1849, 1850 and 1851. At both Paris and Frankfort there were more than twenty American delegates, at London more than sixty. The Paris Congress, over which Victor Hugo presided, and the London Congress, held in the year of the first International |