man who does an unselfish act is blessed in proportion as his act blesses others. And we who gather to promote the cause of Peace will be rewarded if we succeed, not only in the bringing of Peace to others, but in bringing a Peace unto ourselves. We have our national ideals, and in the past we have erected monuments that have indicated what our ideals were. I am satisfied that there is a growth in ideals. I saw upon the walls of a temple in Egypt the picture of a monarch who held in one hand the hair of a group of captives, and in the other hand he raised a club to strike a blow. What monarch to-day would permit himself to be thus pictured in his own land? (Applause.) There has been improvement, and yet I have seen, even in modern times, monuments reared, made of cannons captured in war, a glorifying of a victory over a fallen foe. I believe the time will come when we will get beyond the rejoicing that gives visible evidences of our having put other people to death. (Applause and cries of "Hear! Hear!") I visited Windsor Castle a few years ago and I saw a piece of statuary. It was a piece placed there after the death of Queen Victoria's husband. I do not know who the artist was, but I think that it embodied a more beautiful idea than was embodied in the "Greek Slave" or in the "Winged Victory." It represented the Queen and her husband, standing together, he with one arm about her waist and the other hand pointing upwards, and beneath it said: "Lured to brighter lands, and led the way." Let the emblems of our nation rather picture helpful service than triumph by force, and I know of no better emblem for any nation than an emblem that will picture us as going forward in every good work and leading others with us and loving them and being loved by them. I thank you. (Great applause.) MR. CARNEGIE: We will all join in the singing of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." (The audience rose and joined in the hymn.) MR. CARNEGIE: Good night! Good night! (The audience responded to Mr. Carnegie's salutation and the banquet came to an end.) MR. Low: THE BANQUET AT THE Wednesday Evening, April Seventeenth HON. SETH LOW Presiding LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: On behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, I welcome you here this evening. You know it is said, and I believe it to be true, that there is no moment at which a man is so likely to be at Peace with all the world as after a good dinner. (Laughter and applause.) I hope that is equally the case with the ladies present. (Laughter.) As I recall the days of controversy that have marked the different meetings of the Peace Congress, it is no small satisfaction to the presiding officer to know that the speeches made on this occasion are to be made under such favorable auspices. I feel it to be my duty, however, to give you, or to sound, two notes of warning, to the speakers of the evening. The first is that if there is any disagreement with the Chairman, the matter shall be referred to the Hague Tribunal. (Laughter and applause.) If, on the other hand, it is only a difference between themselves, they may settle it as they please. (Applause and laughter.) The second suggestion is made necessary by the number of speakers to whom we hope to have the pleasure of listening before the evening is over. Some are to come to us from the other dinner. Earl Grey, for example, and Mr. Bryce, are both expected here later in the evening. (Applause.) The Baron d'Estournelles de Constant and Mr. Bryan, after speaking here, will go to the Hotel Astor to speak there. Somebody says that, "a fair exchange is no robbery." (Laughter and applause.) I hope that the people at the Astor will think that they have made a fair exchange, as we of the Hotel Waldorf feel that we are giving a very good equivalent for what we shall get. (Laughter and applause.) But, after viewing the list of the speakers who are to address you, I think I must point out the moral of my next warning through the guise of an anecdote; it is of a Boston girl of whom I have always been very fond. (Laughter and applause.) She was riding in the cars in the street-car, reading her Emerson, with her muff by her side; she was not particularly conscious of a Harvard student sitting by her, until she suddenly felt his hand clasping hers in her muff. She looked up from her page for a moment and caught his eye, and said, "Sir, I will give you just ten minutes to take your hand out of my muff." (Laughter and applause.) I think there is no necessity of making the application any more direct to the speakers who are to follow me. My conception of the duty of the Chairman, however, is not that he is to make a speech. He is only to open the way for those who are to do the speaking. I shall ask time, only, therefore, to set before you one question for your reflection. You remember, I am sure, Stockton's conundrum of the Lady and the Tiger. I want to put a conundrum before you. When Tennyson wrote that immortal line about "The parliament of man, the federation of the world," was it a poet's dream or a poet's vision? A good many will tell you it was only a dream, but I want to give you my reason for believing it was a vision, and give it in the words of James Russell Lowell: in the words which, in his poem on Columbus, he put into the mouth of the great discoverer, as he soliloquized upon the deck of his ship on that fateful day which his sailors agreed to give him before they insisted upon turning back: that day which sufficed to discover a new world. "For I believed the poets, it is they Who gather wisdom from the central deep That is why I believe Tennyson's immortal lines were a vision and not a dream. I have now the very great pleasure of presenting to you my dear friend, Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, who goes from us to the other dinner. BARON D'ESTOURNELLES DE CONSTANT: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I wish my dear friend, the Hon. Seth Low, would have delivered this speech for me; it was such an agreeable thing for me to listen to him, and it is difficult for a foreigner to have to thank you in English for your kind reception,-I do not say to address you, but to try to address you in English. While I was sitting here at the table I was thinking of the duty of that expression, of the duty I have to fulfil, and I remembered the story all of you certainly know very well, but which I did not, the story of poor Daniel in the lion's den. It has been told to me here, and I find it very fine, especially to-night. I could see that poor Daniel, who had been sent down to the lion's den. The cruel, barbarian king was looking at him, surprised to see that Daniel was not displeased at all, but that he seemed, on the contrary, very happy. The king was rather disappointed. He thought Daniel would cry, and ask for mercy. Not at all! The king said, "What is the matter with you, why are you so pleased now?" "Great king," replied Daniel, "it is because I know that there will be no speeches when the meal is over." I must try to express the feeling of gratitude that we foreigners will all take back to our own countries after your splendid reception. It is something more than gratitude. Without willingly flattering you I want to tell you that we have had a double supply with what we have seen in America; such a splendid gathering of the representatives of the government, of the public powers, of all the branches of American activity,-all to greet, to applaud this idea of Arbitration, of Peace, of the organization of the Peace Movement. That means a great deal. That means a great progress achieved for me. How different it was only a very few years ago. When I was at school we were only speaking of such things, and now wonderful things may happen in a very few years. Five or six years ago the people who ought to have encouraged this idea of arbitration and justice, and the application of arbitration to war, preferred to laugh at it. They preferred not to believe in it, and affairs might have gone on like that possibly years more, but for the American people, who gave |