these remarks with a renewed expression of hope, not only as a Rhodes Trustee, but in the name of peaceful people, that the Hague Conference will not be prorogued until it has established rules which will apply to the conduct of international disputes the same principle which during the last month has on three separate occasions secured the industrial Peace of Canada by averting industrial war. (Applause.) And now I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for the kind way in which you have listened to my remarks, and I shall have great pleasure in reading to you the telegram which I received this evening from Senator Dandurand, the Speaker of the Senate of the Dominion, in Ottawa. He telegraphed me as follows: “A Canadian group of members of Parliament, numbering one hundred and fifty, was formed this morning and have joined the Interparliamentary Union for Peace. (Applause.) They send greetings to their American cousins, who are working toward the same end." (Applause.) I wish, Mr. Carnegie, the telegram had been a little more explicit. Members of the Senate are also Members of Parliament. I should like to have known whether those one hundred and fifty Members of Parliament which by friend, Senator Dandurand, tells me about belonged entirely to the House of Commons or whether they belonged to the two Houses of the Legislature. The total number of our Senators and of our Members of the House of Commons does not exceed three hundred, from which you will see that you have a majority of the two Houses in favor of the principles for which, Mr. Carnegie, you have worked so hard. I thank you. (Great applause.) MR. CARNEGIE: After such an encouraging message from our neighbor on the North, I tell you that if our English-speaking race does not, through its delegates appearing at the Hague Conference, have something of vital importance to say, somebody is very much to blame. (Applause.) Ladies and gentlemen, you have heard from our great neighbor, our great and prosperous neighbor in the North. Remember, we have a great and prosperous neighbor in the South (applause), a republic that cannot boast as long a history as our Canadian friend, but one that has made such rapid progress in the life of one man as to challenge our admiration. We have in President Diaz one of the great leaders of men. He has made a republic that has taken a position on the face of the earth with other nations. And only the other day he joined with President Roosevelt through his ambassador here and prevented war between four South American republics-actually prevented it. This foretells the day when we, on this continent, will unite with Canada and Mexico and other republics below and will tell the smaller republics that no nation on this continent can be allowed to disturb the general peace in which all other nations on this continent are greatly interested. That is to be the solution of this question of Peace, in my humble opinion. (Applause.) Ladies and gentlemen, we have with us to-night the ambassador of that dear neighbor on the South, and I wish to present to you-and have the greatest pleasure in so doing His Excellency Señor Don Enrique Creel, who will now address you. (Applause.) SENOR DON ENRIQUE CREEL: His Excellency General Porfirio Diaz, President of the Mexican Republic, wishes to express his feeling of high appreciation for the honor and courtesy of your invitation to him, and he regrets exceedingly that on account of his official duties, Congress now being in session, he could not be present at the meetings of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress, and at this magnificent banquet. He has honored me with his high representation and has asked me to convey to you his sympathy for the good work which you are doing in behalf of the most noble ideal which humanity can pursue. Peace by arbitration is the great conquest that civilization has to make, and every effort, every move, every study, every investigation and every conference on these lines is a step forward to accomplish the great ideal and should be received with cheers by all of the rulers of the world, as it means the labor to perfect the scientific structure of Peace Tribunals, and as it is the seed which is being deposited in the heart of the human family and whose growth and fruit, by education, the coming generations will enjoy. We all realize the many difficulties which are in the way, not so much to have the principle accepted in its high and broad views and proper limitations, as to territory and national honor; but to establish the World's Tribunal of Peace, free of political or any other influence, and inspiring full and complete confidence in every country on both continents. The proper organization of such a high tribunal is a subject which should be given the most careful consideration, as it is the basis, the real foundation on which good or bad results will have to stand. It is best to know what the main difficulties are, so as to overcome them by wisdom, thought, prudence and determination. All of this will be accomplished, we hope, by the continual and persevering work of men of noble altruistic feelings like yourselves, by public opinion and by rulers whose policy is one of Peace and justice. It will also be supported, beyond any doubt, by the education of the people to higher and higher standards of intellectuality, justice and morality. The initiative of one of the great rulers of the world in establishing the Hague Conference; the response of the Powers; the philanthropic gift of one of the best men of the human family for a perpetual palace for the Hague Tribunal; the work of this honorable National Arbitration and Peace Congress, and other similar institutions, the lectures of scientific men and the advances in public education, are all important factors for the success of international arbitration. It is very gratifying to notice the great progress which has been made in the sound promotion and advancement of the principle of arbitration; how strong public opinion is becoming to support it and how bright and promising the outlook is for this holy and sacred cause of humanity. For what has already been accomplished, allow me, Mr. Chairman, to congratulate you in the name of President Diaz, and, through you, the members of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress. I also want to enjoy the high privilege of presenting to you (the speaker turning to Mr. Carnegie) the warm congratulations of all of the many ladies attending this brilliant banquet, and the gentlemen of the different nationalities, for your high respect and love for the principles of justice. (Applause.) Together with those congratulations, I may say that your name has been pronounced by millions and millions of people of the American continent and of the European continent with high respect and From Stereograph, Copyright 1907, by Underwood & Underwood, New York. HIS EXCELLENCY DON ENRIQUE C. CREEL SIR EDWARD ELGAR HIS EXCELLENCY EARL GREY HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES BRYCE MR. J. M. W. VAN DER POORTEN SCHWARTZ ("Maarten Maartens ") |