the world's greatest warriors sleeping at the foot of the Prince of Peace, and it seemed to me that, whether intended or not, the bringing of these two into that position gave the lesson to the world that, after all, Love is greater than Force, and this raising of the crucified Christ above this war god typifies the coming of the day when man will find his glory in doing good and his ideal in the service of mankind. (Applause.) MR. Low: I have to say that the resolutions which have been adopted by the Congress have been printed and that you can get a copy of them. This Congress began its work under the auspices of the Minister of the Christian religion, and owing to the suggestion of Rabbi Pereira Mendes, the session shall be brought to a close by the use of the words of the benediction of Israel: "The Lord give thee Peace." Rabbi Pereira Mendes then pronounced the benediction. THE BANQUET OF THE NATIONAL ARBITRATION AND CONGRESS HOTEL ASTOR PEACE Wednesday Evening, April Seventeenth MR. ANDREW CARNEGIE Presiding MR. CARNEGIE: Please come to order. I am to report to you that the banquet at the Waldorf, with quite as many as we have here, is proceeding splendidly. (Applause.) They are having a really good time, and of course I sent them word that I hoped they were, because the time that we were having had never been excelled in New York. I wanted to have our end kept up as much as theirs. (Applause.) Now, there is to be an exchange of speakers. Two of our most distinguished speakers go down there after speaking to you, and two of their most important speakers come here. A fair exchange is no robbery. (Laughter.) Ladies and gentlemen, we have with us to-night the representative of His Majesty, King Edward. (Applause.) You know that past kings of Britain used to conquer their enemies on the Continent. His Majesty conquers his friends there. (Applause.) He is a great messenger of Peace wherever he travels, and I want you Republicans here to understand that there is behind the King, a man (applause), and a man of Peace. He is represented upon this side of the Atlantic by one of whom it is difficult to speak in terms of moderation. (Applause.) It was my good fortune to know him long before he came here to represent his sovereign, in the days when he represented himself; and we have, in Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, one of the men of the earth who deserves to rank in the very foremost ranks of those who carry Peace and Good-will to their brethren wherever they may be. I have great pleasure in calling upon His Excellency to address you. EARL GREY: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND MR. CARNEGIE: That sounded almost like a military note. (Laughter.) I hope Mr. Carnegie does not expect me to speak, for the few minutes during which I shall engage your attention, in sympathy with the prelude which has been played by his trumpeter. (Laughter.) I desire, Mr. Carnegie, if I may do so, to offer you, whom I have long known as a great race imperialist (Laughter. Mr. Carnegie said "Hear! Hear!"), to offer you my hearty congratulations upon this distinguished assembly that you have convened. (Cries of "Hear! Hear!") I have been asked by some of my friends what is the use of attending a Peace Congress? What effect will the speeches and resolutions passed by that Congress have upon the executive governments who are face to face with the duty of safeguarding their peoples against the possible invasion of predatory foes? Well, Mr. Carnegie, ladies and gentlemen, those of you who have been able to attend the meetings which have taken place during the last week and to witness the enthusiasm which they invoked will have a pretty conclusive answer to give to any such question that may be addressed to you. (Applause and cries of "Hear! Hear!") But I also received what seemed to me to be a full and conclusive answer on my way here in the train last night. I was traveling in a car which received its light from power generated by the rapid revolution of the wheels. There appeared to be a fixed and definite relation between the train and the illumination of the car. (Laughter.) When the speed of the train was below twenty-five miles an hour, the lamp gave so faint a light that it was almost impossible to read, but as soon as the speed indicator pointed to twenty-seven miles an hour, a difference of only eight per cent, the dull carbon suddenly, and without a moment's warning, burst from the state of its depressing dullness into a dazzling and glorious illumination which made the interior of my car as light as day. Now, this seems to me to be the way which the train had of expressing its agreement with the dictum of Mr. Straus, that disarmament is an effect, and not a cause, and with the declaration of Mr. Root, that it is the desires and the impulses of mankind on which the issues |