From Stereograph, Copyright 1907, by Underwood & Underwood, New York. HON. NAHUM J. BACHELDER SAMUEL GOMPERS HON. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN HON. JOHN BARRETT WILLIAM MCCARROLL EIGHTH SESSION ORGANIZED LABOR IN RELATION TO THE PEACE MOVEMENT COOPER UNION Tuesday Evening, April Sixteenth, at 8.15 MR. JOSEPH R. BUCHANAN Presiding MR. CHARLES SPRAGUE SMITH: I am sorry to have to announce that Mr. Duncan, who was expected to preside this evening, sent a telegram at the last moment saying that on account of conditions that had arisen in his trade, it was not possible for him to be present, so that the presiding officer to-night will be Mr. Joseph R. Buchanan, the Chairman of the Local Committee. MR. BUCHANAN: This meeting has been arranged by the Local Committee of labor men in conjunction with the People's Institute. It is intended as a labor session of the National Arbitration and Peace Congress now holding sessions in this city. In considering the substitution of arbitration for war as a means of settlement of disputes between nations, it appears to us peculiarly appropriate that the voice of labor should be heard. Upon the workers fall the heaviest cost and the greatest burdens, which wait upon and follow war. From their ranks come those whose bodies stop the bullets from either side in battle, and upon their backs are cast the burdens which war leaves behind. Therefore, I say, we consider it peculiarly appropriate in the discussion of this question that labor should give expression to its views. When the time comes, and God hasten the day, that the workers of the world shall be united in a universal brotherhood, and that brotherhood shall declare that no more will the workers of one land take up arms at the command of some mercenary or revengeful ruler (applause) against the workers of some other land, then, my friends, war will cease (applause), for, while they may declare war, there will be none left to fight its battles. (Applause.) I am very sorry that it was necessary to make this substitution of myself for Mr. Duncan as Chairman of this meeting; and I am very sorry to say that some difficulties in organizations throughout the country have prevented the attendance of others of the American Federation of Labor whom we expected here this evening. However, we have not placed all our eggs in one basket, and I am satisfied that you will be entertained, edified and instructed by those who will speak to you from this platform to-night. It will be in order now for the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Robinson, of the American Federation of Labor, to read some telegrams that he has received in relation to the meeting. MR. ROBINSON (reading): "Philadelphia, Pa.- Mr. Herman Robinson, 25 Third Avenue. Dear Sir-Regret that conditions have arisen in our trade that make it impossible to reach New York to-night. Dennis Hayes." "Quincy, Mass., April 16th-Very reluctantly must forego interest and pleasure of participating in to-night's meeting. Unexpected turn in trade dispute in this State demands my attention to-day. Am to adjust by application of Peace methods, so am to that degree in the good work. I stand squarely on Peace Resolutions of Minneapolis Convention bearing my name, and wish Cooper Institute meeting greatest success. James Duncan." MR. BUCHANAN: The telegram just read by the Secretary from Mr. Duncan refers to the resolution adopted by the American Federation of Labor at the Minneapolis Convention; and, firmly believing that that resolution voices the sentiment of labor on the question before us, we will present it for action at this meeting. The resolution will now be read by the Secretary. MR. ROBINSON (reading): "Whereas, The Delegates to the Minneapolis, Minnesota, Convention of the American Federation of Labor, November, 1906, in convention assembled, believe that action which makes for the Peace of Nations is intimately bound up with the welfare of the workers of all nations, and that labor should make an organized effort to aid the movement for arbitration on international disputes; therefore, be it "Resolved, That the President of the American Federation of Labor is hereby instructed to send a copy of this resolution to each local union affiliated thereto and to each local union of affiliated national or international bodies, also to every affiliated central body and state branch, and notify them that it is the sense of this convention that each local union, central or state body should communicate with their representatives in Congress asking whether they belong to or are in sympathy with the Arbitration Group, and requesting them and the President of the United States to give the support of our government to the resolutions of the Interparliamentary Union, regarding the subjects to be discussed at the second Hague Conference, to the end that there shall be established: "1. A general arbitration treaty. 2. A periodic world assembly. 3. Impartial investigation of all difficulties before hostilities are engaged in between nations. 4. Immunity of private property at sea in time of war." This resolution was adopted at the Convention held at Minneapolis last November. I move, Mr. Chairman, that this resolution, adopted by the American Federation of Labor, be adopted by this meeting. MR. BUCHANAN: You have heard the motion. MR. BUCHANAN: Those in favor of the adoption or re-affirmation of the resolutions as read by the Secretary will say Aye. (There was a storm of Ayes.) MR. BUCHANAN: The Ayes have it; so ordered. As I have already announced, several of the gentlemen who were to speak here could not arrive on account of trade matters that are keeping them, and we have had to change the program, so that you will not find upon the printed program you have in your hands the names of all the speakers, nor the order in which they will speak; but, as I have already said, I am satisfied that |