VIII.-1. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. A series of Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by John Ball, M.R.I.A., F.L.S., President of the Alpine Club. London: 2. Where there's a Will there's a Way: an Ascent of Mont Blanc by a new Route, and without Guides. By the Rev. 3. Wanderings among the High Alps. By Alfred Wills, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. London: Bentley. 4. Summer Months among the Alps: with the Ascent of Monte Rosa. By Thomas W. Hinchliff, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. London: Longmans. 5. Scenes from the Snow Fields. By E. T. Coleman. London: 6. The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps. By the Rev. S. W. King, M.A., F.R.G.S. London: John Murray. 7. A Lady's Tour round Monte Rosa. London: Longmans. 214 IX.-1. Capefigue. Louis XV. et la Société du XVIIIe Siècle. X.-1. Manual of British Rural Sports. By Stonehenge. Fourth Edition. London: Routledge and Co. 1859. The Shot-Gun and Sporting Rifle. By Stonehenge. Lon- 2. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. By Lieut.-Col. P. Hawker. Eleventh Edition. London: Longman and Co. 1859. 3. The Post and the Paddock. By the Druid. Hunting Edition. London: Piper and Co. 1857. Silk and Scarlet. By the Druid. London: Rogerson and I.-The Coming Political Campaign II.—1. Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation, and of the Figure, Dimen- sions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth as derived therefrom. Published by order of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. 1858. Drawn up by Capt. A. R. Clarke, R.E., F.R.A.S., under the direction of Lieut.-Col. James, R.E., F.R.S., M.R.I.A., &c., Superintendent of the 2. Report of the Ordnance Survey Commission. 1858. 3. Report of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey and Topo- graphical Depôt to the 31st December, 1858. 4. The Figure of the Earth. Encyclopædia Metropolitana. 5. Papers on the Deflection of the Plumb Line by Local Attraction. Phil. Trans. 1855. Proceedings of Royal Society, Vol. VII., pp. 176 and 440. By Archdeacon 6. Ditto. Phil. Trans. 1855. Proceedings of Royal Society, Vol. VII. p. 240. By the Astronomer Royal. 7. Ditto. Proceedings of Royal Society, Vol. VIII. pp. 45 8. Pendulum Experiments for the Determination of the Den- sity of the Earth. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. VIII. p. 25. By the Astronomer Royal. 9. Note by Captain Clarke. Proceedings of the Royal Society, V.-On Liberty. By John Stuart Mill. London: J. W. Parker VI.-1. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from the Conquest to Henry VIII.: with numerous Illustra- tions of existing Remains, from original drawings. By T. Hudson Turner and the Editor of the Glossary of Ar- chitecture. 4 vols. Oxford and London: J. H. and 2. Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architecture, Present and Future. By George Gilbert Scott, A.R.A. London: 3. An Analysis of Ancient Domestic Architecture, exhibiting the best existing Examples in Great Britain, from draw- ings and measurements taken on the spot. By F. T. Dollman and J. R. Jobbins. London: Masters, 1859. 4. Dictionnaire Raisonné du Mobilier Français de l'Epoque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance. Par M. Viollet Le Duc, Architecte. Paris: Bance, 1858. 2. English Past and Present: Five Lectures. By Richard Chenevix Trench, B.D. London, 1855. 3. A Select Glossary of English Words used formerly in dif- ferent senses from their present. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D., Dean of Westminster. London, 1859. 4. A Dictionary of Americanisms: a Glossary of Words usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. By John Rus- VIII.-A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. By K. O. Müller, late Professor in the University of Göttingen. Continued, after the Author's death, by John William Donaldson, D.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London: J. W. Parker and Son. 1858. IX.-1. The Autobiography of a Seaman. By Thomas, tenth Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., Admiral of the Red, Rear-Admiral of the Fleet, &c. &c. Vol. I. London. Bentley. 1860. 2. Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru, and Brazil, from Spanish and Portuguese Domination. By BENTLEY'S QUARTERLY REVIEW. THE FRANCE AND EUROPE. THE succession of storm and sunshine on a mountain landscape is scarcely more rapid or more startling than the changes which during the last quarter of a year have played over the shifting sky of European politics. Three months ago there was no sign on the horizon of anything but war-the hopeless, interminable war that has no aim or cause but personal ambition. Men were recalling the memory of the convulsions amid which this century opened, and mournfully forecasting their return. There was a talk again of Tilsit agreements and European reconstructions-of another dynasty of Bonapartes upon the thrones of Italy-of another death-struggle between France and Germany on the Rhine. Every state, great and small, betook itself, in self-defence, to the costly armaments and the burdensome loans, the penalty, which, in spite of our civilization, the caprices of one freebooting power can still inflict on the family of nations. Prussia had even taken the last fatal measure of preparation which is held to be only warranted by the imminent certainty of war. Now the blood shed is stayed, the ambitious aims are for the time renounced; Murat and Plon-Plon must forget, for a few months at least, their dreams of Florentine or Neapolitan grandeur. Prussia has sullenly resumed her wonted attitude of inert suspicion, and all wears the outward guise of peace. And yet every one feels that the interval is more in the nature of an armistice than a peace. No one can point with certainty to the quarter from which the storm will break, or conjecture the pretext which will be used to colour the next aggression. But yet there is a vague, all-pervading feeling of distrust in every market and every exchange from London to Trieste, which cramps commerce and paralyzes enterprise, and which is far too deeply seated for all the Moniteur's' assurances to remove. Men are too intently occupied in watching for every clue, however slender, to the dark thoughts of the Emperor of the French, to have much heart for far-reaching VOL. II. No. III. B projects. Nor is the apprehension peculiar to the timidity of commerce. The conferences of Zurich have not done much to appease the alarms of statesmen, and the governments that had begun to arm are arming still. Prussia, mindful of Lord Malmesbury's threat, is beginning to look to the Baltic coast. The Belgian Chambers have at last convinced themselves that even with such friendly neighbours as Holland and France, it is as well to have one fortress on which they can rely. Germany is bethinking herself of strengthening Mainz and Germersheim, and of renewing the fortifications which have been so often fatal to the unhappy citizens of Mannheim. Russia, with a forecast which is not very reassuring, is urging forward levies that can hardly be interpreted as precautions against another Borodino. And even thrifty England has gone so far as to appoint a commission upon the subject of fortification, whose report she will no doubt in due time receive, pay for, and forget. Every one feels that this last pacification has been an unreal settlement, and that there is not on any side a genuine acquiescence in its terms. It has neither removed the professed nor the actual cause of the war. It has neither assuaged the griefs of Italy nor slaked the French thirst for fame. Every question is unsolved that was unsolved before, and there is superadded to all the other elements of disquietude the feeling that it is now as unsafe to rely upon the Emperor's incapacity for war, as upon his professed attachment to peace. The hasty engagements of the Villafranca breakfast-room, which the Zurich plenipotentiaries are painfully and vainly trying to translate into a practical measure, have no doubt conferred a splendid boon on the inhabitants of the Lombard plains. The dwellers in Brescia and Milan will be the most ungrateful of men if they do not insist on the Pope's canonizing the Emperor. But with the Lombard plains his good deeds end. All the peninsula south of the Po is, so far as the Emperor's stipulations are concerned, abandoned to its former tormentors. And if the Duchies, which have been vindicating their own claims with such a marvellous combination of self-devotion and selfcommand, should succeed in bettering their condition, it will be in spite of and not by the help of the terms obtained for them by the Emperor of the French. At present, by all accounts, their most probable destiny seems to be, to be transferred nominally from one imbecile offshoot of a reigning house to another-practically, from the dull but well-meaning despotism of Austria to the clever and selfish despotism of France. In commenting on the present attitude of the Duchies, the sycophants of the Emperor have complained bitterly of Italian |