Imágenes de páginas

office, 821; on Lord Mayor's day at
Guildhall, 822; and Fox, 827; ill with
gout, carried into the House, 828; his
mark of contempt, 829; sent for by
George III., 832; his legacy from Sir
W. Pynsent, 834; visited by the Duke
of Cumberland, 836; his defence of the
bill for repealing the Stamp Act, 841;
growing eccentricity of his habits, 843;
created Earl of Chatham, 845; his first
speech in the Upper House, 816; state
of health and nerves, 818; last appear-
ance and death, 851; funeral and tomb
in Westminster Abbey, 852.

Pitt, William, the son of Lord Chatham,
851, 852.

Pius V., 557.

Pius VI., 566.
Pizarro, 536.

Place de Grêve, 564.

Plassey, 546, 549, 602; battle of, 527, 537,

Plato, philosophy of, 410, 549, 731, 923.
"Plebeian," the, and "Old Whig," 761.
Plomer, 648.

Plot, Anabaptists', 734; Popish, the, 354,
455, 618.

Plunkett, 596.

Plutarch, 83; anecdote from, 477.
Plymouth, 639.

Poetry, English, 187; law of its develop-
ment, imperfection of critical analysis,
50; absurdity of general rules for its
composition, 51; reasoning powers im-
proved at expense of the imagination,
54; imagination, a despotic power in
a barbarous age, means by which im-
aginative works are brought to perfec-
tion, 55; during the Protectorate, 59;
rhyme introduced into plays, 60.
Poetry of Spain and Italy, 52; level of
Newdigate, or Seatonian, 660.

Poland, 558, 682, 683; King of, 656;
Queen of, 682.

Poland Street, 696, 698.

Pole, Cardinal, 28, 255.

Police, Consular, and Imperial, 801.
Politicians, reptile species of, 810.
Politics of the 17th century, 435.

Pollilore, 623.

Pollio, 732.

Polybius, as a historian, 78.

Polycletus, 519.

Pompeii, 734.

Pompadour, Madame de, 679, 680, 918.
Pondicherry, 516, 622, 682.
Poonah, 622.

Pope, Alexander, his affectation of Dutch
taste, 69; elevation from poverty;
satirical genius of, 208: accepts the
dedication of Voltaire's Mahomet, 661;

Essay on Man, 832; mentioned, 706,
728, 752, 756.

Popes, History of the, by Leopold Ranke,
translated from the German by Sarah
Austin, review of, 518-567; antiquity
of the Papacy, 548; extent of the
Church of Rome, 549; the Albigensian
heresy, 551, 552; height of the Papal
power, 552; Boniface VIII. outraged,
553; the Romish Church upheld in
Italy and Spain, 554; Canaffa and
Ignatius Loyola, 555; altered spirit of
the Popes, 557; Catholic reaction, 558;
organization, 559; the Church of
Rome's dealings with enthusiasts, 560;
friars and sisterhoods, 561; triumph
of Catholicism, 562; decline of Catholic
States, 563; fall of the Jesuits, insults
to the Church in France, 565; death of
Pius VI., 566; caution against French
translation of the work, 567.
Popham, Major, 630.
Porson, 695.

Portland, Duke of, 846.
Porto Carrero, 273, 277, 283.
Porto Novo, 623, 627.
Port Royal, 564, 565.
Portuguese independence, 445.
Posilipo, 734.

Potsdam, 656, 668, 672, 673, 675.
Pragmatic sanction, the, 662, 664, 679.
Prague, 553, 665; battle of, 683.

Pratt, Chief Justice, 813, 811. See Cam-

[blocks in formation]

Prior, 735.

Protestantism, 261, 553, 557, 559.

Prussia, duchy of, 656; organization of,


Ptolemy, solar system of, 560.

Pulteney, 315, 741, 845.

Purgatorio, quotation from, 553.

Puritans, the, 21, 59.

Pynsent, Sir W., 834.

Pyramid, the great, 879.

Pyrenees, Treaty of the, 455; inhabitants

of the, partial to Barère, 804.

QUAKER feeling about an oath, 624.
Queen Anne, 287, 696, 740, 747, 754, 759,

Charlotte, 639, 641, 647, 706, 707.
of Denmark, 817.
Dowager of Spain, 283.

of Hungary, 663, 664, 665, 666.
of Poland, 682.

Quintilian, 923.

RACINE, 659, 660, 674, 731, 752.
Rackrent, Sir Cordy, 695.
Rajah Goordas, 615.

Sahib, 516.

Ramgunga, the, 610.

Ramsay preferred to Reynolds, 825.

Rape of the Lock, the, 752, 756.

Raphael, 665.

Rasselas, 697, 700, 720,729.
Reaction, Roman Catholic, 558.

Rebellion (the Great), its resemblance
to the Revolution, 15; the, in Scotland,

Reformation, the, 257, 559; in Spain,
270; and French Revolution, 256.
Reform Bill, argument against, 328.
Reformed Churches, doctrines of, 882.
Reformers, excesses of, 296, 373, 559.
Regency, the, 642, 917; Bill, the, 650;
debates on the, 650; the Portuguese,

Regent, choice of a, 835.

Reign of terror in India, 624.
Religio Laici, Dryden's, 68.
Republic, Cisalpine, the, 566.

Restoration, the, 458; dramatists of, 510.
Revolution, history of, 335-369; authors
of, 363.

Revolution, the French, 341; of July
1830, 780.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 63, 594, 598, 647,
698, 703, 731.
Rhætian Alps, the, 735.
Rheinsberg, 659, 661, 671.
Rich, 597; House of, 760.
Richardson, 700, 749.

Richelieu, 655, 668, 678; Duke of, 686.
Richmond, Duke of, 851, 852.

Rigby, 843, 846.

Right, Declaration of, 363.

Riots, Lord George Gordon's, 642.
Robertson, Dr., 732, 757.

Robespierre, 565, 732, 793.

Robinson Crusoe, 53, 635, 873, 883.

Robinson, Sir Thomas, 325.

Rochelle, 678.

Rochester, Earl of, 469, 729.

Rockingham, Marquis of, 543, 838, 841,

842, 844, 846, 848, 849, 850, 851.
Roe, Sir Thomas, 537.

Rohilcund, 610, 611, 630, 643.
Rohillas, the, 531, 610, 614, 627.

Roland, Madame, 775; execution of, 784,

Roman literature, 56; despised by the
Greeks, 85.

Rome, 562, 733; Court of, 557; decline
of, 889.

Rooke, Sir George, 279.
Rosamond, Opera of, 743.
Rosbach, battle of, 686.
Roscommon, 729.
Roundheads, 13.

Rousseau, 674.
Rowe, 757.

Rowland, Mr., 720.

Royalists, their vices and virtues, 23,
Royullab, 525.

Roxburghe Club, the, 657.
Rucellai Cosimo, 43.
Rue St. Antoine, 674.

Rulers, responsibility of, 173; their hold
on the affections of their subjects, 815.
Rumford, his scheme for feeding soldiers,


Russell, Lord, 468.
Russell, Sir John, 754.
Russia, 678.

SABRES of Oude, 628.

Sacheverell, 740, 747, 817.

Sackville, Lord George, 533, 814.
St. Angelo, Castle of, 566.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, 564.

St. Bernard, in Ireland, 498.

St. Cecilia, 647.

St. Clement's Church, 208.
St. Denis, 697, 915.

St. George's Channel, 745, 760; Cross of,
610; Hospital, 504.

St. Ildefonso, 845.

St. James's, 628, 641, 657, 707, 747,749.
St. James's Square, 697; Street, 642.
St. Jast, 741.

St. Just, 793, 795.

St. Kitt'e, 863.

St. Martin's Street, 696, 704, 707.

St. Patrick, 498.

St. Patrick's, Dublin, 754; Swift at, 755.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Somerset, Duke of, 761.

Somerset House, 636.
Somerville, William, 760.
Sonnets, Milton's, 13.
Sophocles, 7, 56, 660, 925.
Sorr, battle of, 667.
Soubise, Marshal, 686.
Soult, Marshal, 835.
Southampton, Lord, 401.

Southcote, Joanna, 551, 562.

Southey, Robert, his colloquies on the
progress and prospects of society, 137;
his talents, acquirements and idiosyn-
crasies, 137; his poetry superior to his
prose, 138, 139; his lives of Nelson and
Wesley, 89, 139; history of the Penin-
sular War, 140; the Book of the
Church, his bitterness of spirit towards
his opponents, 140; Sir Thomas More's
visit, conversation with, 141; his
opinion of the manufacturing system,
142; his wisdom, 143; his political
economy, 144; dissertation on the
National Debt, 146, 148; on govern-
ment, 149; his disgust at the respect
paid to public opinion, 149; the paternal
duties of Governments, 150; his view
of Catholicism, 153; the prospects of
Society, 135; his forecast on the eve

of the abolition of the Test and Cor-
poration Acts, 153; his view of the
labouring classes, 155; his doctrine
about national wealth, 157; his edition
of the Pilgrim's Progress, 217.
South Sea Company, the, 314.
Spain, 266; decay of, 269; finances of,

270; mentioned, 565, 621, 635, 718.
Spanish Juntas, the, 636; people, character
of, 283; War of the Succession, 266-


"Spanish Friar," Dryden's, 61.

"Spectator," the, 733, 745, 749, 750, 751,
754, 762.

Speech, Pitt's first, 318; Lord Holland's
opinion as to the best ever made in the
House of Commons, 646; Sheridan's
"Begum," 649.

Speeches, of Lord Chatham, printed from
notes of Francis, 613; the way to read
them, 926; of Pericles, 927.
Spence, Joseph, 731.

Spenser's failure to make an allegory
interesting, 218.
Spitalfields weavers, 836.
Spring Gardens, 749.

Stage, characters of the French, 58; the

pleasure derived from its illusions, 53.
Stamp Act, the, 835, 839; Repeal of,

Stanhope, General, 285, 286, 649.
Staremburg, General, 285, 286.
State, the Church above the, 506.
States-General, the, of France, 650, 733;
of Holland, 665.

Statesmen, English, first generation, 372.
Statesmen, Indian, 635, 837.

Steele, Richard, 289, 743, 748, 749, 751,
753, 755, 758, 760, 761.

Stella, 741, 742.

Sterne, 718.

[blocks in formation]

728; homage of the great, 741; con-
trasted with Addison and Voltaire, 745,
746; at Dublin, 754; political career
of, 755.
Sylla, 800.

TACITUS, 647, 661.
Tale of a Tub, 755.
Talleyrand, 598, 921.
Tallien, 793, 795.

Tamerlane, heir of, house of, 622, 628.
Tasso, 729, 756, 880.

"Tatler," the, 742, 744, 745, 747, 749.
Telemachus, 661.

Temple Gardens, 906.

Temple, Lord, 328, 814, 821, 826, 836, 844.
Temple, Sir William, Life and Writings

of, 432-476; his biographer, 432; his
character, 433; statesmanship, 434;
pedigree, 436; early life, 437; at Cam-
bridge, 437; his courtship, 438; his
mistress, 440; marriage, 441; in Ireland,
441; resident at Brussels, 444; goes to
Holland, 445; the Triple Alliance, 447;
retires from publicity, 450; his first
writings, 451; returns to Holland, 455;
forms a Cabinet, 456; his political
scheme, 460; quarrels with the king,
466; retires to Sheen, 467; in Parlia
ment, 469; his life at Moor Park, 470;
his essays, 471, 472; death, 475.
Temple, the, 896.

Terence, 741.

Thackerary's Life of Chatham, 312
Thalaba, Southey's, 140.

Thales, 549.

Theatrine order, 549.

Themistocles, 639.

Theocritus, as a historian, 75.

Théot, Catherine, 793.

Thermidor, month of, 794.

Thibet, 653.

Thiébault, M., and Frederic the Great,

Thrale, Mr., Mrs., 703, 722, 731, 925.
Three Bishoprics, the, 666.

Thucydides, 75, 76, 77, 661.

Thurlow, Lord, 545, 596, 640, 614, 645,

Thylis, 737.

Tiber, the, 734.

Tickel, Thomas, 743, 755, 761, 762.
Tillotson, 564, 661, 747.

Timery, fort of, 517.

Toledo, Archbishop of, 273; Austrian
troops in, 284.

Toleration Act, the, 301.
Tomline, Bishop, 501.
Torcy, 668.

Tories, the, 593, 739, 741, 747, 751, 755,
756, 761, 762, 823, 845.

Tory, foxhunter, the, in Addison's Free-
holder, 316, 734, 756; party, 520.
Toulouse, 552, 564.

Townshend, Charles, 814, 815, 846, 847,

Townshend, Lord, 315, 760.
"Town Talk," 756.
Trafalgar, 639.

Tragedy, dignity of, 439; Dryden's, 62.
Transylvania, 558.

Treasure ships, American, 278.

Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 668; of Breda,
445, 447; in the Carnatic, 520; the
commercial, 642; French, 622; an ima-
ginary, 493; with the King of Sicily,
821; of the Pyrenees, 455; of Ver-
sailles, 863; of Westphalia, 553; of
William III. and Louis XIV., 271.
Treaties, violation of, 448.
Trianon, the Little, 628.

Triennial Bill, the, 471.

Trimmers, the, 455.

Triple Alliance, the, 447.
Trissotin, 654.

Troy, 678.

Tudors, 269; their tyrannical acts, 260.
Tuileries, the, besieged, 780.

Turgot, M., his council, 919.

Turin, 665.

Turks, History of the, 464.

UGBROOK, Clifford at, 453.
Ugolino, 522.

United provinces, account of, 451; war
with, 444.

United States, 621; independence of,

Utrecht, Peace of, 290.

VALENCIA, Peterborough at, 284; con-
quered, 285.

Valladolid, 286.

Vanbrugh, 150, 589.

Vansittart, Mr., 624.

Vatican, the, 670, 734.

Vattel, Pitt's ignorance of, 820.
Vellore, 516.

Vendome, Duke of, 286.

Venice, 566, 680.

Vergniaud, announces condemnation of
Louis XVI., 777.

Verres, 536, 647.

Versailles, 282, 236, 642, 650, 657, 661, 666,
667, 731, 747, 815, 915.
Vespuccio, Amerigo, 840.
Vesuvius, 734.

Victor Amadeus, 290.

Vienna, 663, 678, 680.
Vigo, harbour of, 278.

Villani, John, his account of the Floren-
tine Republic, 30.

Villa-Viciosa, battle of, 286.
Villemain, M., 811.
Villiers, 393.

Vinegar Bible, 657.

Virgil, idolatry of, by Dante, 52, 886;
parody on third eclogue, 641; Addison's
imitation of, 728; mentioned, 733, 760.
Virginia, Crisp's Tragedy of, 700.
Voltaire, influence of circumstances on,
50; doctrines of, 565; Memoirs of, 670;
mentioned, 515, 516, 550, 564, 660, 661,
666, 667, 673, 674, 676, 677, 697, 745,
746, 752, 915.

Voluntary system, the, 479.
Von Artevelde, 699.
Vortigern, Ireland's, 727.

WALCHEREN, ditches of, 747.

Wales (see Prince), Princess Dowager of,
815, 835.

Wallenstein, his horror of loud sounds,

Waller, Edmund, the languor of his
verses, 59; attacks the cruelty of mili-
tary chiefs, 357; compared with Lord
Bacon, 389; mentioned, 706.

Walpole, Horace, Letters of, to Sir Horace
Mann, edited by Lord Dover, 292-311;
character of, 293; politics, 294; pur-
suits, whims, 295; French writers, 296;
writings, merits, 300; unpublished anec-
dote of, 533; French style of, 745; pre-
vents Conway's resignation, 846, 847.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 301; conduct of,
304; fate of his colleagues, 307;
patriots, 306, 309; mentioned, 408; his
opinion on elections, 520; the first
Lord Holland educated by, 595; and
cant, 599; retires to Houghton, 665;
fall of, 811.

War, American, the, 863.

[blocks in formation]

Warren Hastings, Memoir of Life compiled
by Rev. G. R. Gleig, 599-655; parti-
ality of the biographer, 599; family
and boyhood of Warren Hastings, 600;
a writer at Calcutta, 601; a volunteer
under Clive; member of Council, 602;
returns to England, 603; in love, 604;
Governor of Bengal, 605; directions of
the East India Company, 609; bargain
with Surajah Dowlah, 611; efficiency
of Hastings' rule, 612; charges against,
615; execution of Nuneomar, 618;
Hastings' conduct censured, 619; mar-

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