Imágenes de páginas

Where fervent bees with humming voice
Around the honied oak rejoice,

And agèd elms with awful bend

In long cathedral walks extend!

Lulled by the lapse of gliding floods,
Cheered by the warbling of the woods,


How blest my days, my thoughts how free,
In sweet society with thee!


Then all was joyous, all was young,

And years unheeded rolled along :

But now the pleasing dream is o'er,

These scenes must charm me now no more.
Lost to the fields, and torn from you,-


Farewell! a long, a last adieu !
Me wrangling courts, and stubborn law,
To smoke, and crowds, and cities draw:
There selfish faction rules the day,
And pride and avarice throng the way;
Diseases taint the murky air,
And midnight conflagrations glare;
Loose revelry, and riot bold,

In frighted streets their orgies hold;
Or, where in silence all is drowned,
Fell murder walks his lonely round;
No room for peace, no room for you;
Adieu, celestial Nymph, adieu!



Shakspeare no more, thy sylvan son,


Nor all the art of Addison,

Pope's heaven-strung lyre, nor Waller's ease,

Nor Milton's mighty self, must please:

Instead of these a formal band,

In furs and coifs, around me stand;


With sounds uncouth and accents dry,

That grate the soul of harmony,
Each pedant sage unlocks his store

Of mystic, dark, discordant lore;

And points with tottering hand the ways
That lead me to the thorny maze.
There, in a winding close retreat,
Is Justice doomed to fix her seat;
There fenced by bulwarks of the law,
She keeps the wondering world in awe;
And there, from vulgar sight retired,
Like eastern queens, is more admired.
O let me pierce the secret shade
Where dwells the venerable maid!
There humbly mark, with reverend awe,
The guardian of Britannia's law;
Unfold with joy her sacred page,
The united boast of many an age;
Where mixed, yet uniform, appears
The wisdom of a thousand years;
In that pure spring the bottom view,
Clear, deep, and regularly true;
And other doctrines thence imbibe
Than lurk within the sordid scribe;
Observe how parts with parts unite
In one harmonious rule of right;
See countless wheels distinctly tend
By various laws to one great end:
While mighty Alfred's piercing soul
Pervades and regulates the whole.

Then welcome business, welcome strife,
Welcome the cares, the thorns of life,
The visage wan, the pore-blind sight,
The toil by day, the lamp at night,
The tedious forms, the solemn prate,
The pert dispute, the dull debate,
The drowsy bench, the babbling hall,
For thee, fair Justice, welcome all!
Thus though my noon of life be passed,
Yet let my setting sun, at last,









Find out the still, the rural cell,
Where sage Retirement loves to dwell!
There let me taste the homefelt bliss
Of innocence, and inward peace;
Untainted by the guilty bribe,
Uncursed amid the harpy tribe;

No orphan's cry to wound my ear;
My honour and my conscience clear;
Thus may I calmly meet my end,
Thus to the grave in peace descend.




Sir William Blackstone.


A Juggler long through all the town Had rais'd his fortune and renown; You'd think (so far his art transcends) The devil at his fingers' ends.

Vice heard his fame, she read his bill; Convinced of his inferior skill,


She sought his booth, and from the crowd
Defied the man of art aloud.

'Is this then he so famed for sleight?
Can this slow bungler cheat your sight?
Dares he with me dispute the prize?
I leave it to impartial eyes.'

Provoked, the Juggler cried, 'Tis done;

In science I submit to none.'

Thus said, the cups and balls he played;
By turns this here, that there, conveyed.
The cards, obedient to his words,
Are by a fillip turned to birds.
His little boxes change the grain :
Trick after trick deludes the train.




He shakes his bag, he shows all fair;
His fingers spread, and nothing there;
Then bids it rain with showers of gold;
And now his ivory eggs are told;
But, when from thence the hen he draws,
Amazed spectators hum applause.

Vice now stept forth, and took the place,
With all the forms of his grimace.

'This magic looking-glass,' she cries,


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"(There, hand it round) will charm your eyes.' Each eager eye the sight desired,


And every man himself admired.

Next, to a senator addressing,

'See this bank-note; observe the blessing. Breathe on the bill. Heigh, pass! 'tis gone.' Upon his lips a padlock shown.

A second puff the magic broke ;

The padlock vanished, and he spoke.
Twelve bottles ranged upon the board,
All full, with heady liquor stored,

By clean conveyance disappear,



And now two bloody swords are there.
A purse she to a thief exposed;
At once his ready fingers closed.
He opes his fist, the treasure's fled:


He sees a halter in its stead.

She bids Ambition hold a wand;

He grasps a hatchet in his hand.

A box of charity she shows.

'Blow here;' and a churchwarden blows.


'Tis vanish'd with conveyance neat,

And on the table smokes a treat.

She shakes the dice, the board she knocks,

And from all pockets fills her box.

A counter, in a miser's hand,


Grew twenty guineas at command.

She bids his heir the sum retain,
And 'tis a counter now again.

A guinea with her touch you see
Take every shape but Charity;
And not one thing you saw, or drew,
But changed from what was first in view.
The Juggler now, in grief of heart,
With this submission owned her art:

'Can I such matchless sleight withstand?
How practice hath improved your hand!
But now and then I cheat the throng;
You every day, and all day long.'

John Gay.





When Britain first at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main,

This was the charter of her land,

And guardian angels sung the strain:

Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!
Britons never shall be slaves.

The nations not so blest as thee

Must in their turn to tyrants fall, Whilst thou shalt flourish great and free, The dread and envy of them all.

Still more majestic shalt thou rise,

More dreadful from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak.

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame;
All their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse thy generous flame,

And work their woe and thy renown.




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