Sea, s. See, s. See, v. The ocean, a vast A bishop's diocese. To behold, to descry. body of salt water. That sea you write with e and a— That sea where wild waves roll and play; EXERCISE. 'They that go down to the sea in ships, and occupy their business in great waters; these men see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' 'The sea-wort floating on the waves, or rolled up along the shores, Ye counted useless and vile, heaping on it names of contempt: Yet hath it gloriously triumphed, and man been humbled in his ignorance, For health is in the freshness of its savour, and it cumbereth the beach with wealth. And herein, as thou walkest by the sea, shall weeds be a type and an earnest Of the stored and uncounted riches lying hid in all creatures of God.' The bishop found the affairs of his see in disorder. The elevation of this ecclesiastic to the see will give great satisfaction. 'Ill-minded man! why scourge thy kind Who bowed so low the knee? By gazing on thyself grown blind, 'I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers I bear light shade for the leaves when laid 'Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; O Thou who changest not, abide with me.' After Charlotte adopted her nephews we were surprised to see how she adapted herself to circumstances, though her means were inadequate to meet her expenses. Spell seam with a, where edges twain unite; EXERCISE. 'Work, work, work! Till the eyes are heavy and dim— Several members of that family seem threatened with con sumption. Seize, v. To take by force; to fasten on. Whenever it means seize, to snatch and hold. EXERCISE. 'How wonderful is the Providence that guides the seal and the whale, whose blubber is the chief source of the oil they use as food, to the seas of those desolate regions!' 'Do all things like a man, not sneakingly; Think the king sees thee still; for his King does.' 'Some hug their business, some their pleasure-scheme; Heart locked in heart, some kneel and watch apart.' The Bishop sees the clergy of the sees of Oxford and London are earning good opinions by their zeal. Write sew with e, whene'er of work you tell; When by the sow you mean to sow the seed. EXERCISE. ‘As a madman who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death; so is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport ?' 'As you sow, so you must expect to reap.' 'But if infirmities that fall In common to the lot of all, Sew up that hole in your glove; it is so untidy.-But Thêseus forgot to make the change of sails; so that Ægeus, seeing the ship return with her equipment of mourning unaltered, was impressed with the sorrowful conviction that his son had perished, and cast himself into the sea. Sloe, s. A fruit. Slow, a. Not fast; deliberate. Sloe ends with e, fruit found on bushes hardy; EXERCISE. 'He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.' The sloe is a small wild plum, with a rough taste. 'There is music on the midnight— A requiem sad and slow.' Better be 'slow and sure' than 'rapid and wrong.'-Our friend Matthew, with his slow intellect, could not comprehend the lecturer's comments on æsthetic and ethical emotions. Some, a. More or less; a portion; certain persons or things. Sum, s. A calculation; a certain quan- S-o-m-e spells some, a part, not all; EXERCISE. 'But how my childhood runs to waste! The worst of men have some good feelings that might be roused into action by judicious treatment.-This sum is incorrect; take more pains with your arithmetic.-'Some of the most illustrious bishops and priests who had died by fire during the reign of Mary had left wives and children.' Son, s. Sun, s. A male child, male descendant. The great luminary that lights the earth. Son, spelt with o, the male child then it names; EXERCISE. 'Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.'-'Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy fathers.' 'Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, To hide Thee from thy servant's eyes!' Her son is in pain; he has cut his hand with a pane of glass. He is a susceptible subject, and I fear mischief, but the lotion applied will act as a palliative, and, I trust, relieve him.-The poor wandering alien died; his suffering was brief. His chief grief was the belief that his son had been proved a thief: when he saw me by his side, he sighed deeply and turned away.When the son of the candidate came to canvass on that auspicious morning, a suspicious and ominous canvas* bag was occasionally visible.-We waste the light of the sun, and pay in health and pocket for gas and candles. *Or canvass. Spell sole s-o-l-e, whene'er you wish EXERCISE. 'For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?' 'He was the chief of the executive administration, the sole organ of communication with foreign powers, the captain of the military and naval forces of the State, the fountain of justice, of mercy, and of honour.'-Andrew ran a nail into the sole of his foot. My fishmonger has not a sole in his shop to-day. 'Sum up, at night, what thou hast done by day; 'This traveller did justice to the beef-steak.'-The pamphleteer will stake his reputation on the correctness of his statements; read his arguments in a consecutive series.-The martyr adhered to his principles and asserted his belief even when bound to the fiery stake.-I stake the interest of my money, not the principal: I pledge myself not to place that in jeopardy.-Ralph pulled a stake out of the hedge and cut it into wedges for our windows. |