❝at all at once, and it will be mixed with a great many "Corruptions and Frailties of Nature; but as thofe "ill Mixtures are the perpetual Grief of his Soul, "fo it is his chief Care to watch over and to mortify "them; he will be in a continual Progrefs, ftill "gaining Ground upon himself; and as he attains to a good Degree of Purity, he will find a noble "Flame of Life and Joy growing upon him." O happy State! Who fhould not ardently defire and endeavour, by the Grace of God, to obtain fuch Felicity? Now I exhort you with Solomon, Fear God, and keep his Commandments, for this is the All of Men. Then you may be affured of God's Bleffing; for as many as walk according to this Rule, Peace be on them, and Mercy upon the Ifrael of God, Gal. vi. 16. And remember the Words of David, What Man is he, that defireth Life, and loveth many Days, that he may fee Good? Keep thy Tongue from Evil, and thy Lips from Speaking Guile. Depart from Evil, and do Good; feek Peace, and purfue it. The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous, and his Ears are open to their Cry; but the Face of the Lord is against them that do Evil, to cut off the Remembrance of them from the Earth. The Righ teous cry, and the lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their Troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken Heart; and faveth fuch as are of a contrite Spirit, Pf. xxxiv. Herewith I conclude, praying for you to God; and I defire that ye might be filled with the Knowledge of his Will in all Wisdom and fpiritual Understanding, that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleafing, being fruitful in every good Work, and increafing ir the Knowledge of God. Commending you to God, and to the Word of his Grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an Inheritance among all them that are fanctified. Amen. FINI S. A FTER the Answers to the 19th, 21ft and 37th Questions of the Heidelberg Catechism were inted, I have by precifer Examination found fome Miltakes in the Translation done by one unknown Author, in the Year of our Lord 1720; which the Reader is defired to correct in this Manner . In the Anfwer to the 19th Queftion, Line 8, read, mnly begotten Son. In the Anfwer to the 21ft Question, Line 6, instead of will, read, hath; and instead of grant, read, granted. In the Anfwer to the 23d Quetion, Line 3, read, only begotten Son. In Question -33, read, only begotten. In the Anfwer to the 37th Queftion, Line 5, before propitiatory, leave out a, read, the only. Which Miftakes have occafioned me to compare the Translation (where I have made use of in this System) with the Latin and Low Dutch Catechifm; and finding therein more Errors, I have (without depreciating the Work of the Author, but only for the Prefervation of our Doctrine) corrected them in general, where I thought neceffary to give the true Sense and Meaning of it. a N. B. Knowing that it happens as rarely to find Book without Errors, as a Raven with white Feathers, I fhould the Correction of thofe (crept into this System by the overlooking of the Author or Printer) have left to the Candour of the Reader: But it being in general the Nature of Mankind to cenfure the leaft Miftakes of others, though they cannot improve thein, when they should be in the fame or like Circumftances, I thought fit to infert them here; and which I hope the Reader will please to correct, before he attempts criticizing the Work. PAG In the DEDICATION, AGE 2, line 19, read edification; p. 3, l. 13, r. being; 1. 16, r. edification; 1. 28, r. unworthy; P. 5, 1. 12, r. bath. In the PREFACE, ཉང་ Page 2, 1.5, r. innaccuracies; 1. 9, r. fequel; p. 3,1. 3,r. questions; 1. 25, r. John 1 ; p. 4, 1. 21, r. ridicule; 124, r. badft. In the ADDRESS to Parents, Page 2, 1. 38, r. brackish; p. 3, l. 5, r. lies; 1. 6, r. ftabbing; 1. 15, r. mortally; 1. 20, r. melancholy; p. 4, 1. 34, r. wholly; 1. 38, r. feigned; p. 7, l. 1, r. bearkened; 1. 10, r. vouchave. In the SYSTEM. Page 1, 1. 3, r. religion; 1. 20, r. world; p. 2, l. 25, after, 3dly, add, That we fhew the right Means of our Reconciliation to God according to his Juftice. And, 4thly; p. 3, 1.4, r. 2 Pet. i. 21; p. 4, I. 3, r. the, 1. 4, leave out more, r. and justly; 1.6, r. infallible; 1. 11, r Job xi. 7, Duter. xxix ; p. 5, l. 12, add contained, after not; p. 36, 1. 28, r. merits; p. 38, 1. 38, r. John v. 43; p. 50, l. 25, for religion, r. reafon; p. 60, 1. 34, add in, after with; p. 63, 1. 16, for should, r. do; p 71, queft. 34, in the anfwer, leave out his, r. by virtu thereof; p. 87, 1. 5, add as the chief angel, after wher he; for by the, 1. by his ; 1.6, leave out, of his angel; p. 90, l. 12, r. fan&tifier, p. 91, 1. 14, г. wholly; p. 100 1. 3, r. infallible; p. 107, l. 26, r. difpenfer; p. 116 queft. 4, in the answer, 1. 9, instead of, as is, r. asi was; p. 79, 1. 30, r. afcenfion; p. 125, 1. the laft, r con fcioufnefs; p. 127, queft. 81, in the answer, 1. 5, instead of, converted, r. covered; p. 132, 1. 16, r. John 3; P 141, 1. 27, r. folving; p. 160, queft. 100, in the an fwer, 1. 9, F. forbidden; p. 175, 1. 19, r. commended. In the APPLICATION. Page 179, 1. 9, r. nor; 1. 17, r. conjunction. Leffer Miftakes are left to the Candour of th Intelligent. QUESTION I. OF the Chriftian Religion. Page I QUESTION 2. The 1 and 2d Questions of the Heidelberg Cate- The 3d, 4th and 5th Questions of the Heidelberg Cate- chifm. II Of the Knowledge of our Mifery by the Law. Of the Origin and Greatness of our Corruption. 17 The 9th, 10th and 11th Questions of the Heidelberg Of God's Juftice, and the Punishment of Sin. The 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Questions of the Hei- Of the Redemption of Man; the Means of our De- liverance; and Quality of our Redeemer. 26 The 13th, 14th, 15th 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Que- The 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d Queftions of the Hei- The 24th and 25th Questions of the Heidelberg Ca- techifm. The 27th and 28th Queftions of the Heidelberg Ca- The 29th and 30th Questions of the Heidelberg Ca- The 31 and 32d Questions of the Heidelberg Ca- techism. The 33d and 34th Questions of the Heidelberg Cate- chifm. The 35th and 36th Questions of the Heidelberg Ca- techism. The 37th, 38th and 39th Questions of the Heidelberg The 40th, 41, 42d, 43d and 44th Questions of the Of Christ's Death, Burial and descending into Hell. 71 The 45th Queftion of the Heidelberg Catechifm. The 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th Queftions of the Hei- The 50th, 51ft and 52d Questions of the Heidelberg Of Chrift fitting on the right Hand of his Father, The 54th, 55th and 56th Questions of the Heidelberg The 57th and 58th Questions of the Heidelberg Ca- techifm. Of |