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kinds of energy and tast computers take over the drudgery men and women-and chudren used to endure what see people to do i the nteresting, poucy part of each task creative planning Fauning-our kind of work. The tast but stupid computers what ather a can ony Cunt from zer one have to be red by our more compies and agje human brains their red w3Dders to perform And the of relates among people has t be a rapy wing industry when nearly everyone becomes through education a sovereign thinker and communicator and Commates technology maxes remoteness and 150lator

Harlan Cleveland

The author, Harlan Cleveland has held many posts during his career including that of US Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organi zation and President of the Universty of Hawai

Whie Director of the US China Aid Program in 1948, he first used in a speech title the phrase Revolution of Rising Expectations which is attributed to himn Bartlett's Famar Quotations In 1961 President Kennedy made him Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs and in this capacity he worked closely with Adla: Stevenson ther US Ambassador to the United Nations

Cleveland's continuing professional fascination with administrative complexity is reflected in his 1972 book The Future Executive Harper & Row $9.95 which is widely used in business and pubic-service execu tive training programs The book is trom the World Future Society s bock service

Cleveland currently is Director of the Aspen Institute's Program in Internationa. Attairs His article is adapted from remarks he made at a panel on The Quality of Life in the Year 2000

Cleveland's current address is Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies Rose dale Road, Post Office Box 2820, Princeton New Jersey 08540


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Who w. ben charge of all this progress in overa charge no 200 for growing complexity seems to re quire a constantly wooser and more :d admistration of human But thos toc is good news for those who worry about whether there w be enough m'eresting work to around The general management of the Cured States is areads spread among a me leaders or more deal 108 with each other un zontal relationships The post-industria society wont work ruess aterally me ons of mer and women are acting r their own places and hunchors as setstarting organizers and energizers and innovators Each year more and more Americans are drawn to positions as private and pubuk leaders-not "st more of us but a greater proportion of us My impression is that the same is true in varying degrees in other indus tral societies

Se in the 23 years from now to the Year 2000 and bey and fewer and fewer of us we have an excuse for advxating a short day in a short week in a short year The tasks that ma chines cannot do will be creative enough to lure men and women to work schedules that are lengthened by the sheer excitement of the work to be done

In such a society the people who seek the easy tobs and the shortest hours of work wil die of man's most easy curable disease-absence of adventure suffocation of the spirit, and boredom of the brain The age at which they die of these avoidable maladies will hardly matter Died at 40 buried at 70 will be their epitaph I don't know about you But I m looking forward to the Year 2000 & THE FUTURIST, October 1977




a journal of forecasts, trends and ideas about the future.

Editar Edward S. Carminh
Assistant Editor Jerry Richardson
Research Director Lane Jennings

Art Director Roy Mason
Graphic Arts: Diane Smirnow
Staff Photographer. Mice Delianova

Editorial Assistant. Hugh Myers Chairman. Advisory Editorial Board. Julius Cahn Contributing Editors Sally Woodhull Cornish (General) Elliott Frauenglass (Peace Research, William T Gay (Utopias, Ralph Hamil (General). Barbara Hubbard (Images of Man. John Ham General. Joseph P Martino (Technological Forecasting). Roy Mason (Architecture), Jay 8 Mendell (Innovation, John Waring (Technological Trends)

Advertising and Circulation Peter Zuckerman

THE FUTURIST is published bimonthly by the World Future Society. An Association for the Study of Alterna tive Futures The Society is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization founded in 1966. Articles in Society publications reflect the views of their authors of persons quoted The Society acts as an impartial clearinghouse for a variety of different views and does not take positions on what will happen er should happen in the future

Directors Arnold Barach, Executive Editer, Changing Times Magazinn. Orville L Freeman, President Business International Corporation, Barbara Habbard, Organizing Directer, Committee for the Future Sol M Linowitz, Senior Partner, Coudert Brothers, formerly Chairman of the Board. The Xerox Corpuration: Carl H Madden. Professor of Economics, American University, formerly Chief Enomist, Chamber of Commerce of the US Michael Michaelis, Benior Consultant. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Glenn T Seaborg, University Profemor of Chemistry. University of California at Berkeley, formerly Chairman. US Atom Energy Commision, Rowan & Wakefield, Principal Wakefield Washington Associates, Inc. for marly Vice President. Aspen Institute.

Officers Edward S. Cerish, President. Frank Bowden Hopkins, Vice President. Peter Zuckerman, SecretaryTreasurer, William C Moore, General Counsel, Hells Vail. Audio Chairman; Harry T Pritchett, Director of Development; Frank Snowden Hopkins, Director of Chapter Services: Gregg Edwards, Director of Profes sional Activities: Howard P. Didsbury, Jr, Director of Special Studies.

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Subscription For individuals: One year-815; two years 377 three years-$37 For libraries. One year316 two years-$32, three years $44 Payment may be made in US currency or the equivalent in other currency No additional charge is made for overseas postage Mem bers of the World Future Society receive a subscription to THE FUTURIST as one benefit of their membership Information on Society membership is included near the bark of each issue of THE FUTURIST.

Single copy price $2.50 Multiple copy rates: 5-9 copies 62 25 16-19 cupino @ $2.00. 20-49 copies @ 51 50 50 99 copies@81 23. 100 or more copies @ 31 on For class room us, please make inquiry.

Bank lasues: THE FUTURIST has been publabed in February April, June, August. October, and December of each year, starting with 1967. Early insum have been reprinted so that all back im are available The price of beck issues is $2.00 per ise or $15 per year (volume).

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WORLD FUTURE SOCIETY Post Office Box 30369 Bethesda Branch Washington, D.C. 20014 U.S.A.

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Copyright 1977 World Future Society All rights reserved.

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Thank you for the opportunity to present testimony from the B'nai B'rith Energy Committee of Maryland for the January 1978 Committee on Science and Technology Hearing on Future Space Programs. Enclosed is the testimony and the abstract for publication in the records of the hearing.

Respectfully yours,

Bruce Friedman

Bruce Friedman, Chairman
B'nai B'rith Energy Committee
of the State of Maryland

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