Supplement to the American Journal of International Law: Official Documents, Volúmenes13-14American Society of International Law, 1919 |
Dentro del libro
Página 113
... rule of conduct among governments , and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one an- other , the Powers signatory to this Covenant adopt this ...
... rule of conduct among governments , and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one an- other , the Powers signatory to this Covenant adopt this ...
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Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Supplement to the American Journal of International Law: Official ..., Volumen6 Vista completa - 1912 |
Supplement to the American Journal of International Law: Official ..., Volumen4 Vista completa - 1910 |
Supplement to the American Journal of International Law: Official ..., Volumen5 Vista completa - 1911 |
Términos y frases comunes
accordance administrative agreement agrees Allied and Associated Allied or Associated Alsace-Lorraine ANDRÉ TARDIEU Annex apply appointed armies Armistice Associated Governments Associated Powers Austria Austria-Hungary Austrian Empire Austrian Government Bulgaria Bulgarian nationals camp claims Clauses Clearing Office coming into force concerned Convention Council Court Czecho-Slovak debt decision declaration Delegates effect Empire enemy entitled established favour fixed former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy France French frontier German Empire German Government German nationals Germany undertakes High Contracting Parties Honourable insurer Italy kilometres League of Nations ment military Minister Mixed Arbitral Tribunal naval necessary neutral country obligations paragraph payment period persons Plenipotentiary Poland ports present Treaty President Principal Allied prisoners prisoners of war provisions of Article railways ratifications recognised regard regulations Reparation Commission repatriation representatives respect rights and interests Roumania Section Serb-Croat-Slovene Serbia stipulations sums thence thereto tion transferred transit Treaty of Peace Treaty of Versailles United vessels vote