Imágenes de páginas

Hiawatha's home was in the deep woods.

There were many pine trees.
Hiawatha loved the pine trees.

He loved the water, too.

He lived near the water.

He called it the Big Sea Water.


Nokomis made a little cradle for Hiawatha.

It was made of wood and skins.

She put moss in it,


The moss made it soft.

Nokomis put Hiawatha

into his cradle.

She tied him into it.

He did not cry.

She hung the cradle on a tree.
The winds would rock him.

The birds would sing to him.

The squirrels would talk to him.
How do you like Hiawatha's cradle?
Would your baby brother like it?


Hiawatha was sitting at the door of the wigwam.

He saw the stars come out in the sky. Soon he saw some other stars.

They were not in the sky.

They were flying over the grass.
He sang a little song to them.

This is the song that he sang:


Wah-wah-tay-see, little fire-fly, Little dancing white fire creature; Light me with your little candle, Ere upon my bed I lay me,

Ere in sleep I close my eyelids."

Hiawatha saw the moon rise from the


There were black spots on it.

"What is that, Nokomis," said he.

What did she tell him?

Did you ever see a grandmother in the moon?


Hiawatha knew all the birds.

They were not afraid of him.

He knew where they made their nests. He knew when the baby birds came out. He loved all the birds.

He would talk to them.

He called the birds "Hiawatha's Chickens."

Hiawatha knew all about the beasts.

He knew where the squirrels hid their


Do you know that?

Tail-in-air was what he

called the squirrels.

He had names for the rab

bits and the reindeer.

He would talk to all the beasts.

He called them "Hiawatha's Brothers."

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