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Attorney General'sent.
Begun and holden at Regina the Twenty-eighth day of October, and closed on the
day of December, 1897
bis honour Charles Herbert Mackintosh
Printed by JOHN ALEXANDER REID, Queen's Printer for the Territories
Ree. Cor. 1, 1914
3. An Ordinance to amend The School Ordinance 1896.
4.-An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 9 of 1895 respecting
the legal profession.
5. An Ordinance to amend The School Ordinance.
6.-An Ordinance to amend and extend The Judicature Ordinance
and amendments thereto.
7.—An Ordinance respecting the sale of intoxicating liquors and
the issue of licenses therefor.
8.-An Ordinance respecting Municipalities.
9.--An Ordinance respecting Villages and Hamlets.
10.—An Ordinance respecting Statute Labour.
11. An Ordinance to amend and consolidate as amended the law
relating to Elections.
12.-An Ordinance respecting controverted Elections.
13. -An Ordinance respecting the Public Service of the Territories.
14.-An Ordinance respecting the Department of the Attorney
15.-An Ordinance respecting the Department of the Territorial
16.-An Ordinance respecting the Treasury Department and the
auditing of Public Accounts.
17.--An Ordinance respecting the Department of Public Works.
18.---An Ordinance respecting the Department of Agriculture.
19.—An Ordinance respecting the Herding of Animals.
20.--An Ordinance respecting Estray Animals.
21.-An Ordinance respecting Pound Districts.
22.--An Ordinance respecting Stallions and Bulls.
23. An Ordinance respecting the Marking and Inspection of
24.--An Ordinance for the prevention of Prairie and Forest Fires.
25.-An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 17 of 1896 respecting
Weed Districts.
26. -An Ordinance to further ameid The Game Ordinance.
27. An Ordinance respecting Public Health.
28. An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 10 of 1889 intituled
An Ordinance respecting the expropriation of lands.
29. -An Ordinance respecting Ferries.
30.-An Ordinance to provide for the inspection of Steam Boilers
and the examination of Engineers operating same.