Father, passion of one on the murder of a favourite child the best guest at his son's nuptials : 147 73 anger of one 243 the curse of one on his child 244 Faults of others no justification of our own 32 Favourites compared to honeysuckles 60 Female friendship 55 Females, cautions to young ones 206 Ferdinand, his swimming ashore described 69 and Miranda, interesting scene between 71 Filial ingratitude 244 Flattery, and an even-minded man 217 Fleet setting sail, description of 134 Fool, description of one, and his moralizing on time 17 Gentleman, an accomplished young one 82 Hamlet his soliloquy on his mother's marriage 205 his speech on the appearance of his father's ghost, and the ghost, scene between his mad address, described by Ophelia his reflections on the player and himself his soliloquy on life and death his instructions to the players his reflections on the king conference between him and his mother his reflections on Yorick's scull Happiness consists in opinion Hatred, remorseless Health, a Hector, description of him in battle Henry IV. his character of Percy and prince Henry his pathetic address to his son 107 108 211 213 214 216 218 220 224 226 212 144 227 329 114 118 must be active to preserve its lustre 324 Kent, county of, described King, in Hamlet, his despairing soliloquy Kings, evil purposes of, too servilely executed 162 her speech to Cardinal Wolsey 163 on her own merit ib. compared to a lily 164 146 218 104 Kings, misery of 110 divinity of 225 Labour 198 Lady a complete one: Lavina at her lute the loss of her tongue described Lear, on the ingratitude of his daughters his distress in the storm his exclamations in the tempest his distraction described his description of his flatterers and Cordelia, scene between his speech to Cordelia when taken prisoner dying Liberty indulged, the consequence of it spirit of it Life chequered reflections on the vanity of recluse, described demands action the vicissitudes of it loathed - the power of 28 in a grave severe governor 35 messenger, compared to an April day 45 true, ever crossed 52 in idleness |