As amply titled as Achilles is, By going to Achilles: That were to enlard his fat already pride; And add more coals to Cancer,* when he burns With entertaining great Hyperion. This lord go to him! Jupiter forbid; And say in thunder-Achilles, go to him. Nest. O, this is well; he rubs the vein of him. Dio. And how his silence drinks up this applause! [Aside. [Aside. Ajax. If I go to him, with my arm'd fist I'll pasht him Over the face. O, no, you shall not go. [pride. Ajax. An he be proud with me, I'll pheezet his Let me go to him. Ulyss. Not for the worth that hangs upon our Ajax. A paltry, insolent fellow, quarrel. Nest. How he describes [Aside. Ајах. I will let his humours blood. Agam. He'll be physician, that should be the patient. [Aside. Ajax. An all men Where o' my mind, Ulyss. Wit would be out of fashion. Ajax. He should not bear it so, [Aside. He should eat swords first: Shall pride carry it? Nest. An 'twould, you'd carry half. [Aside. * The sign in the Zodiac into which the sun enters June 21. "And Cancer reddens with the solar blaze." a Ulyss. He'd have ten shares. [Aside. Ajax. I'll knead him, I will make him supple:- with praises: Pour in, pour in; his ambition is dry. [Aside. Ulyss. My lord, you feed too much on this dislike. [TO AGAMEMNON. Nest. O noble general, do not do so. Dio. You must prepare to fight without Achilles. harm. Here is a man-But 'tis before his face; I will be silent. Nest. Wherefore should you so? He is not emulous,† as Achilles is. Ulyss. Know the whole world, he is as valiant. us! I would, he were a Trojan. Were it in Ajax now Ulyss. What a vice If he were proud? Ay, or surly borne? Dio. Or covetous of praise? Ulyss. Dio. Or strange, or self-affected? Ulyss. Thank the heavens, lord, thou art of sweet composure; Praise him that got thee, she that gave thee suck: Fam'd be thy tutor, and thy parts of nature Thrice fam'd beyond all erudition: arms to fight, But he that disciplin'd thy Instructed by the antiquary times. * Stuff. † Envious. !! Stream, rivulet. ‡ Trifle. § Titles. He must, he is, he cannot but be wise;- But be as Ajax. Ајах. Nest. Ay, my good son. Dio. Shall I call you father? Be rul'd by him, lord Ajax. Ulyss. There is no tarrying here; the hart Achilles Keeps thicket. Please it our great general Agam. Go we to council. Let Achilles sleep; Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep. 1 АСТ III. AN EXPECTING LOVER. No, Pandarus, I stalk about her door, * I am giddy; expectation whirls me round. 1 As doth a battle, when they charge on heaps * Even such a passion doth embrace my bosom CONSTANCY IN LOVE PROTESTED. Tro. True swains in love shall, in the world to come, Approve their truths by Troilus: when their rhymes, As iron to adamant, as earth to the centre,- As truth's authentic author to be cited, As true as Troilus shall crown upt the verse, And sanctify the numbers. Cres. Prophet may you be! If I be false, or swerve a hair from truth, From false to false, among false maids in love, false Is air, as water, wind, or sandy earth, 'ard to the hind, or stepdame to her son; Jea, let them n say, As false as Cressid. to stick the heart of falsehood, PRIDE CURES PRIDE. Pride hath no other glass 1 To show itself, but pride; for supple knees GREATNESS CONTEMPTIBLE WHEN ON THE DECLINE. 'Tis certain, greatness, once falen out with for tune, Must fall out with men too: What the declin'd is, Which when they fall, as being slippery standers, HONOUR MUST BE ACTIVE TO PRESERVE ITS Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back, Wherein he puts alms for oblivion, Those 'scraps are good deeds past: which are de vour'd As fast as they are made, forgot as soon Or, like a gallant horse fallen in first rank, That slightly shakes his parting guest by the hand, f |