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Oh! give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:

For his mercy endureth forever.

Oh! give thanks unto the God of gods;

For his mercy endureth forever.

Oh! give thanks unto the Lord of lords;
For his mercy endureth forever.

To him who alone doeth great wonders;

For his mercy endureth forever.

To him that by great wisdom made the heavens;

For his mercy endureth forever.

To him that stretched out the earth above the


For his mercy endureth forever.

To him that made great lights;
For his mercy endureth forever.
The sun to rule by day;

For his mercy endureth forever.

The moon and stars to rule by night;
For his mercy endureth forever.

To him that gave to us our freedom;

For his mercy endureth forever.

To him who hath carried us through the Red Sea;

For his mercy endureth forever.

To him who gave us our land for a heritage;

For his mercy endureth forever.

To him who remembered us in our weakness;

For his mercy endureth forever.

And hath redeemed us from our enemies;

For his mercy endureth forever.

Who giveth food to all creatures;

For his mercy endureth forever.

Oh! give thanks unto the God of heaven;

For lus mercy endureth forever.


Oh! give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:

For his mercy endureth forever.

Let the elders say,

His mercy endureth forever.

Let all the children say,

His mercy endureth forever.

Let them that trust in the Lord say,

His mercy endureth forever.

I called on the Lord in my distress :
The Lord answered me, and raised me up.
The Lord is on my side:

I will not fear what man can do unto me.
The Lord taketh my part:

Therefore I will not fear them that hate me.
It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence, in men;
It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in princes.
The Lord is my strength and song;
He is become my safety.

The right hand of the Lord is lifted;
The right hand of the Lord is mighty.
The Lord doth try me sorely;
But he does not destroy.

Open the gates of goodness,

And I will thankfully go in.

I will praise thee; for thou hast heard me,

And hast become my safety.

God is the Lord, who hath showed us light.

I will not bring to the Lord that which hath cost

me nothing.

Thou art my God, and I will praise thee:
Thou art my God; I will exalt thee.

Oh! give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:
For his mercy endureth forever.

[blocks in formation]

Breathe on our spirits thy love and thy healing; Teach us content with thy fatherly dealing;

Teach us to love thee,

To love one another, brother his brother;
And make us all free, -

Free from the bondage of old superstition,
Free from contempt of our comrade and neigh-


Help us each one to fulfil his true mission;

And teach us 'tis noble, 'tis godlike, to labor.



ING of comfort, King of life,
Thou hast cheered me;

And, when fears and doubts were rife,
Thou hast cleared me.

Not a nook in all my breast,

But thou fill'st it;

Not a thought that breaks my rest,
But thou kill'st it.

Day and night - not once a day

I will bless thee;

And my heart in new array
I will dress thee.

Not one minute in the year
But I'll mind thee:

As my seal and bracelet here
I will bind thee.

In thy word, as if in heaven,
I will rest me;

And thy promise, till made even,
There shall feast me.

And if, dear Lord, when to thy board
Thy child comes begging,

He hath a flower, or to his power
Some lesser offering,

When thou hast made thy beggar glad,
And filled his bosom,

Let him, though poor, drop at thy door
His tiny blossom.

Henry Vaughan.

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