Some soft hands are covered Hand in hand with angels Yet it doubtless reaches P LUCK the rose while blooming; Wait not till to-morrow : Time is swift in flight. Do thy deeds of kindness Wouldst thou make life useful, 7. BENEDICTION. EASTER. I. HYMN. 2. SCRIPTURE LESSON: JOHN xx. 1 COR. xv. 3. A WAKE, thou wintry earth! Fling off thy sadness! Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth Your ancient gladness! Christ is risen! Wave, woods, your blossoms all; Lift up your head! Christ is risen! Come, see! the graves are green; It is light: let's go Where our loved ones rest In hope below. Christ is risen! All is fresh and new, Full of spring and light: Wintry heart, why wear'st the hue Of sleep and night? Leave thy cares beneath; Leave thy worldly love; Begin the better life Christ is risen! Thomas Blackburn. L 4.. EASTER CAROL. ET the merry church-bells ring; Let the birds sing out again Praising Him with whom in vain "He arose, and is not here," Let the past of grief be past; 5. LESSONS OR ADDRESS. 6. FESTIVITIES. 7. HYMN OR SONG. 8. BENEDICTION. WHITSUNDAY. I. H Y M N. 2. SCRIPTURE LESSON, ISA. lv. JOHN iii. 3. COME, deck our feast to-day With flowers and wreaths of May; And bring an offering holy, pure, and sweet. Makes earth his dwelling-place : Prepare your hearts your Lord with joy to meet! O golden rain from heaven! Thy precious drops be given Upon the Church's waiting, thirsty field; 266 |