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The punishment for neglect of duty is, that by and by you cease to love duty, then to care for it, then to know what it is. When you no longer respect duty, you no longer respect yourself. You become weak and foolish, and fond of silly pleasures that do nothing but harm.

What is the punishment of uncleanliness? The punishment of uncleanliness is loss of health, loss of beauty, loss of attractiveness, and the dislike of those who might love you.

What is the punishment of neglecting air and *exercise?

It is weakness, dulness, loss of vigor, lowness of spirits, and ill health.

What is the punishment for putting off till tomorrow what should be done to-day?

It is an increase of work and trouble; vexation; loss of time and opportunity; mortification; the displeasure of those whom we disappoint, annoy, and perhaps distress; and, at last, great weakness and sorrow.

What is the punishment for over eating and drinking?

It is headache, dyspepsia, heart-burn, dulness of brain, stupidity of feeling and purpose, laziness; in the end, perhaps, violent pain from sickness, with little pity to soothe it; possibly early death; always the mortification of your friends: every body despises the glutton, and loathes the drunkard.

What is the punishment for unkind and ungentle manners?

It is the dislike of your companions, ill-will, resentment, a bad reputation in society, and sometimes an unkind disposition. They whose manners are unkind will be thought unkind, and may really become so.

What is the punishment for fault-finding? It is censure from everybody; it is general distrust and hate; it is loss of power to see the amiable qualities in people, and the loss of power to make them see your own; it is an nnamiable temper and a bad heart.

What is the punishment for untruthfulness? It is distrust, suspicion, alienation, shame, and disgrace. The liar is always abhorred. He who lies in order to make others believe what is not true finds in a little while that people suspect him of lying even when he tells them what is true. He may at last lose the power to know what is true from what is false.

What is the punishment for selfishness?
It is being left alone with one's self.

What is the punishment for carelessness of the opinions of those about us?

It is a surly temper and social ill-will.

What is the punishment for shrinking from necessary pain?

It is the increase of the pain, timidity, weakness, and regret. Every pain avoided is a worse pain incurred.

What is the punishment for neglecting those who need our aid, - the poor, the sick, the sad? It is cold-heartedness and neglect when we ourselves may be sad, sick, or poor.

What is the punishment for meanness?

More meanness, and the contempt of all who know what generosity is. The mean man loses one of the keenest joys of existence, - the joy of making others happy by his gifts.

What is the punishment for malicious teasing? The hatred of those you tease.

What is the punishment for telling a secret? Loss of confidence on the part of those who have secrets to confide.

What is the punishment for neglect to cultivate a love of the beautiful?

Loss of the joy and spirit that beauty imparts. What is the punishment for irreverence ?

Insensibility to the worth of holy and divine things; want of seriousness in character; coarseness of mind, and hardness of feeling; a trifling and flippant heart.

What is the punishment for neglecting studies? Ignorance and incapacity.

What is the punishment for avoiding society? Loneliness, shyness, sadness; want of power to converse or sympathize with others; poverty of thought and feeling.

What is the punishment for neglecting worship?

It is that the great object of worship disappears, and we are left alone, without the feeling of a God above us, a spirit within us, or a heaven beyond. What is the punishment for disobeying the voice of conscience?

It is that conscience dies, the sense of evil is lost, and the power of distinguishing evil from good is taken away.

What is the punishment for indulging in profane or impure words or thoughts?

It is that the heart becomes unclean, and loves unclean things. The impure in heart will be impure in life; and they who take the Holy Name in vain will be in danger of going without help from the Holy Spirit.

What is the punishment for neglecting to learn God's will as taught in the Scriptures, in all holy books, and in the lessons of Providence?

It is that God's will is not known; and, when God's will is not known, it cannot be loved or obeyed. Then self-will and passion rule us. The greatest of all duties is to study God's will wherever it may be found, but chiefly where it is written the most clearly, - in the words of the New Testament.


Children ask Teacher.

WHAT is reward?

Reward is the pleasure that goes with

doing well.

Is all pleasure reward?

All healthy pleasure is reward. Happiness is reward, joy is reward, and goodness is the best reward.

Is all reward pleasure?

Yes: it is. We do not always feel punishment; but we do always feel reward. God never lets us miss a feeling of joy.

Is goodness always rewarded? Always; and the reward is great in proportion to the goodness. The best people have the most. joy.

But we have often been unhappy because we were good; because we told the truth, or refused to play truant, or would not do mischief with our companions, or would not hide a fault.

Yes; but, if you were really good, you must have felt a joy in being good, much greater than any pleasure you might have had from not being good, -the joy of a good conscience and a pure heart.

But will you tell us what rewards we may


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