AND MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. BY T. BABINGTON MACAULAY. New and Rebised Edition. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: A. HART, LATE CAREY & HART, NO. 126 CHESTNUT STREET. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. THE very general and high commendation bestowed by the press and the community upon the American edition of Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings has induced the publisher to issue a new edition embracing the remainder of the articles in the Edinburgh Review, and several articles written and published while the author was at college. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following volumes contain the miscellaneous writings of Thomas Babington Macaulay, consisting of various essays which have appeared in the English Reviews, principally the Edinburgh, since the year 1825, printed from a list corrected by himself. His articles have been universally admired, both in England and America, for their vivid eloquence, extensive learning, and splendour of illustration; and the publisher has had reason to believe, that a collected edition of them would be received with favour by the American public. It has been his aim to present them in a form worthy of the high merit of their contents. Mr. Macaulay has not been exclusively occupied with the literary productions which have given him so brilliant a reputation. He has been hardly less distinguished in public life. He came into Parliament shortly before the debates upon the Reform Bill, and his speeches, especially upon that question, were highly eloquent, vigorous, and effective. He resided for some time in India, in a lucrative and responsible official capacity. He returned to England about three years since, and is now a Member of Parliament for |