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the valuation of the shares of such bank or banking association, it shall be the duty of the auditor of the county in which such bank or banking association is situated, to make out and transmit to the auditor of state a copy of the statement made to him by the cashier of such bank or banking association, together with the valuation of the shares for taxation, as equalized and determined by the board of equalization designated in section two of this act.

State board of equaliza


SEC. 5. That the auditor of state, treasurer of state, and attorney-general shall constitute a board of equalization of the shares of such banks or banking associations of this state, as fixed and determined by the several county auditors and county boards of equalization, for the purpose of taxation, under the provisions of said act; said board shall Meeting of meet on the third Tuesday of June, at the office of the audi- board. tor of state, in Columbus and shall have power to hear complaints and to equalize the valuation of the shares of such banks or banking associations, as fixed and determined by the several county auditors or county boards of equalization under said act; not, however, increasing or decreasing the aggregate value of the amount returned by the county auditors or county boards of equalization, more than one hundred thousand dollars.

SEC. 6. The auditor of state shall, forthwith, after such equalization shall have been made by said board, certify to the auditor of the proper county the valuation of the shares of such bank or banking association as equalized by said board, and said shares shall thereupon be charged with the taxes upon the duplicate at such valuation for said year.

SEC. 7. That the act entitled "An act to provide for the equalization of the valuation of bank shares for taxation," passed April 12, 1876 (O. L., vol. 73, p. 251), be and the same is hereby repealed.

SEC. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Auditor of state shall certify.

Passed April 12, 1877.


To inquire into the causes of, and means, of prevention and cure of diseased animals.

WHEREAS, For several years past there has been a contagions or epidemic disease prevailing among the live stock in different parts of the state, more particularly among the swine, destroying many thousands of those valuable animals

Appoint commission


Duties of commission


annually, estimated in value at from two hundred and fifty thousand to five hundred thousand dollars; and,

WHEREAS, Such disease is still on the increase, threatening not only one of the great industries of the state, but also the health and lives of consumers of hog product; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the governor be and he is hereby required to appoint two commissioners, who shall hold their office for one year, and shall receive for their services eight dollars per day, for the time actually employed, not to exceed sixty days each, to be paid out of the state treasury; such persons shall be appointed who are qualified and competent to make the necessary examination into the cause, nature, and character of the disease known as hog cholera.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to fully investigate into the cause, pathology, and best means for prevention and cure of any epidemic diseases affecting the live stock of the state, and for this purpose they are required to visit any portion of the state where such diseases prevail, and shall have authority to employ such agencies, and to do, or cause to be done, such acts as they may deem necessary to further the purposes of the commission.

SEC. 3. The commission shall report, from time to time, the result of their labors to the governor, who shall lay the same before the legislature at its next session.

SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Passed April 19, 1877.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate.

Duties of township as



To amend sections one, two, and three of an act entitled "An act requiring township assessors to ascertain the number of sheep killed and injured by dogs (S. & C., page 87).

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That sections one, two, and three of the above recited act be amended so as to read as follows:

Section 1. That it shall be the duty of each township assessor in this state, at the time of taking lists of chattel property for taxation in each year, to require each person in their several townships to make a statement, specifying the number of sheep killed by dogs; and, also, the number of hogs that have died from any epidemic or contagious diseases in his district during the preceding year, together with the value of the sheep killed and the estimate of the injury done; and, also, the value of hogs that have died from any

contagious or epidemic diseases, and the assessors are required to make such return of the aforesaid statement to the county auditor of their respective counties at the time of returning the lists of chattel property for taxation.

Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the auditor of each Duties of county to furnish to the assessors of their respective counties county andisuch blanks as may be necessary for taking the aforesaid tor. statements, and said county auditors shall, as soon as possible after the aforesaid statements are returned to him, make out and forward to the auditor of state, a statement showing the number of sheep so killed and injured, and the number of hogs lost by disease as aforesaid, and the aggregate loss sustained thereby in each township in their respective counties.

Sec. 3. And it shall be the duty of the auditor of state, on receipt of the statement aforesaid, to make out and furnish to the secretary of the state board of agriculture, to be by him published in the annual report of said board, a statement, showing the number of sheep killed and the number injured respectively; also, the number of hogs that have died as aforesaid, in each county, and the aggregate loss in each county sustained thereby.

SEC. 2. That said original sections one, two, and three be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate.

Duties of

auditor of


Passed April 19, 1877.


Supplementary to "An act to provide for the settlement of the estates of deceased persons," passed March 23, 1840 (S. & C., p. 566).

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State To disallow of Ohio, That if any heir or creditor of a deceased person, or claims. any person who has purchased, or claims to hold, by purchase or otherwise from such heir, any lands or other property inherited by such heir from such decedent, shall file in the probate court of the county in which administration is taken out on any estate, a written requisition on the administrator or executor, to disallow and reject any claim presented for allowance, and which has not been paid in full, and shall enter into an undertaking, with sufficient surety, to be approved by the probate judge, conditioned to pay all costs and expenses of contesting such claim, in case it shall be finally allowed, such claim shall, in such case, be disallowed and rejected by such administrator or executor, and the holder of such claim shall be required, within six months after such

Action against administrator or executor.

rejection of such claim, to bring his action against such administrator or executor, as the case may be, to enforce such claim, and if he recover, the judgment shall be against the said administrator or executor, as the case may be, and in such action, such heir, creditor, or other person claiming to hold such property, shall be made a party defendant with such administrator or executor, and shall have the right to plead and make any defense to such action which such administrator or executor could make; whenever such written requisition and undertaking shall be so filed in the probate court, the probate judge shall at once notify such administrator or executor thereof; and such administrator or executor shall thereupon at once notify the holder of such claim that such claim is rejected and disallowed; and if the proceedings shall have been commenced to sell the lands of such decedent to pay such claim, such proceedings shall be stayed, and no further order or decree taken therein, until after the validity of such claim shall have been determined.

SEC. 2. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and shall apply to all cases and proceedings now pending.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.

Passed April 19, 1877.


Making partial appropriations for the year 1877.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be and is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury, to the credit of the asylum fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thirty thousand dollars. for payment on certain existing contracts for the Columbus hospital for the insane.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Passed April 19, 1877.


Prescribing the rate of taxation for county, bridge, road, and township purposes, and to repeal certain acts therein named.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the county commissioners are hereby author

ized, annually, at their June session, to levy on each dollar of the taxable property of their respective counties, as valued and entered on the list of taxable property of such county, taxes at the rates herein specified, namely:

For all county expenses, other than expenditures for roads, bridges, county buildings, sites therefor, and the purchase of lands for infirmary purposes, where the amount of such taxable property does not exceed three millions of dollars, not to exceed five mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds three millions and does not exceed five millions of dollars, not to exceed three and five-tenths mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds five millions and does not exceed eight millions of dollars, not to exceed two and five-tenths mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds eight millions and does not exceed eleven millions of dollars, not to exceed one and eight tenths mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds eleven millions of dollars and does not exceed fifteen millions of dollars, not to exceed one mill and five-tenths of a mill; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds fifteen millions and does not exceed twenty-five millions of dollars, one mill and three tenths of a mill; where the amount of said taxaable property exceeds twenty five millions of dollars and does not exceed seventy millions, one mill and one-tenth of a mill; where the amount of said taxable property exceeds seventy millions and does not exceed one hundred millions, seven-tenths of a mill; and where the amount of such taxable property exceeds one hundred millions, six-tenths of a mill.

Rates of tax

ation and limitations.

Bridges and

For the purpose of building county buildings, purchasing sites ther for, and lands for infirmary purposes, where the intirmary amount of such taxable property does not exceed three mill- purposes. ions of dollars, four mills and five-tenths; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds three millions and does not exceed five millions of dollars, three mills and eight-tenths of a mill; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds five millions and does not exceed eight millions of dollars, three mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds eight millions of dollars and does not exceed eleven millions of dollars, two mills; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds eleven millions of dollars and does not exceed fifteen millions of dollars, not to exceed one mill and five-tenths of a mill; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds fifteen millions and does not exceed fifty millions of dollars, not to exceed one mill; where the amount of such taxable property exceeds fifty millions, not to exceed sixtenths of a mill. The commissioners of Hamilton county may levy a tax not exceeding three-tenths of one mill on the dollar of the taxable property of said county, to aid in the support of the Longview asylum.

SEC. 2. That the commissioners of the respective counties in the state, are hereby authorized, at a special session in

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