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Providing for the care and treatment of insane convicts.

WHEREAS, There are at present some fifty odd convicts in the penitentiary, for whose proper treatment no adequate provision is made, and whose condition is pitiable, indeed, and whose presence in the present overcrowed state of the prison renders discipline difficult, and involves danger to life and property; and,

WHEREAS, It is believed that quite a number of the cases of insanity occurring in the prison would yield to proper treatment; and,

WHEREAS, Under existing provisions of law and precedent, the governor may suspend sentence in such cases, allowing the removal of prisoners for treatment in the state hospital for insane; therefore,

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the governor be and he is hereby requested, upon the concurrent recommendation of the warden and physician of the penitentiary, and the approval of the superintendent of the Columbus hospital for the insane, to order the suspension of sentence of any convict thus recommended for transfer from the penitentiary to said hospital, under provisions of law in such case made and provided.

Resolved, That the subject of permanent provision for proper hospital care of insane convicts, be referred to the board of state charities, and the chairman of the board of directors of the penitentiary, and that they constitute a commission to take the subject of such permanent provision under consideration, and report to the next general assembly such plan of relief as in their judgment may seem best.

Adopted April 24, 1877.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.


Requiring the proceeds of the sale of certain lands to be placed to the credit of the fund of the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College.

WHEREAS, The board of public works, by virtue of an act of the general assembly passed April 29, 1872, requiring them to survey, appraise, and return to the auditor of state certain lands in that act specified, and the auditor to sell the same, did, by mistake, appraise, and, on the 30th of August, 1875, the auditor sold to Collins Wright and A. Kuhns eightysix and sixty-nine hundredths acres of land in the Virginia military district, embraced within the provisions of the acts of congress of February 18, 1871, granting the unsurveyed and unappropriated residue of said lands to this state, which were, by the act of the general assembly passed April 30, 1873, conveyed to the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College; therefore,

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the proceeds of said sale, amounting to the sum of thirteen hundred and eighty-seven dollars, with the interest thereon from the date of said sale, be placed to the credit of said college fund, as provided and required by the sixth section of said act of April 3, 1873.

Adopted April 24, 1877.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS,

President of the Senate.


Providing for binding in muslin the report of the secretary of state for 1876.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the superintendent of public printing be directed to have the report of the secretary of state, authorized by law, bound in muslin.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.

Adopted April 24, 1877.


Providing for the sale of old furniture and carpets, now in the possession of the adjutant general, and belonging to the state.

WREREAS, The adjutant general has in his possession a lot of old furniture and carpets, which were at one time in use by the state, and now of no use to the state; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the adjutant general be and he is hereby authorized to sell such furniture and carpets at public or private sale, and that he keep a true and accurate account of the items so sold, to whom, and for what price, and pay over the proceeds to the treasurer of state, and that he report the amount of said sales to the state in his annual report next thereafter.

Adopted April 24, 1877.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.


Providing for the binding and distribution of the state library catalogues.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the supervisor of public printing be and he is hereby directed to have bound in "library" form two hundred and fifty copies of the catalogue of the Ohio state library now in the state bindery; and that the state librarian be and he is hereby directed, on the order of the presiding officer of the senate or house of representatives, to distribute said catalogues as follows: One copy to each member and officer of the sixty-second general assembly: one copy to each minister of the gospel who has officiated as chaplain of either branch of the present legislature by invitation of the presiding officers, or appointment of the ministerial association; the balance to be left in the state library subject to the order of the legislature.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President pro tem. of the Senate.

Adopted February 24, 1877.


Directing the auditor of state and attorney-general to adjust the claim of William M. Ampt, Esq., of Cincinnati, provided he complies with certain conditions herein mentioned.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the auditor of state be and he is hereby directed to immediately demand of William M. Ampt the money in his hands belonging to the state, with interest from the date he received it.

Resolved, That in default of said Ampt paying over the moneys mentioned in the foregoing resolutions within a reasonable time after demand, the attorney-general of the state is directed to bring suit to recover the same.

Adopted April 27, 1877.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.


Providing for the binding of additional copies of the debates of the constitutional


WHEREAS, It appears from a communication from the supervisor of state printing and binding, made to this general assembly at its session for 1876, that there are three thousand copies or sets of the debates of the constitutional convention of the years 1873 and 1874 remaining unbound, quite a proportion of which are now ready for binding, and of the first volume all but one thousand, and of the second volume a part, are already bound; and,

WHEREAS, It also appears by said communication that the “volumes unbound are not in a safe condition," and "are exposed to vermin," and that a small amount comparatively will be necessary to complete the work; therefore,

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the supervisor of public printing and binding be and he is hereby directed to have bound the remaining unbound copies of the debates of the constitutional convention of 1873 and 1874 aforesaid, in numbers not exceeding sufficient to complete three thousand sets. Said debates when so bound shall be distributed as follows: To each member of said convention ten copies (two volumes each), and to the members of the sixty-second general assembly seven copies (two volumes each); and the remainder to be deposited in charge of the secretary of state, and disposed of as shall be hereafter determined. Copies for members of the convention and of the legislature shall be boxed, and sent to their order by the secretary of state, under the regulations and provisions requiring the distribution to members of the general assembly the reports of the secretary of state.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.

Adopted April 27, 1877.


Awarding damages to H. P. Clough and company.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the board of trustees for the Columbus insane hospital and the board of trustees of the asylum for idiotic and imbecile youth be and they are hereby directed to certify and pay out of the moneys appropriated for said institutions for construction of drains thereto the sum of five hundred and thirty-seven dollars, damages sustained by H. P. Clough and company by reason of the non-fulfillment of the contract awarded to H. P. Clough and company for work to be done at said institutions. Upon the payment thereof, said Clough shall receipt in full of all claims growing out of non-fulfillment of said contract.

Adopted April 28, 1877.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.


Directing the Secretary of State to ship and distribute certain public documents.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the secretary of state be and he is hereby directed to have boxed up the geological survey reports and the statistical reports of the secretary of state to which the members of the general assembly are entitled, and ship the same to the address of the several members respectively; and the secretary of state is hereby directed to prepay the charges for shipping the same out of the amount appropriated for the distribution of the laws, journals, and public documents, and to take vouchers for the same.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. CURTISS, President of the Senate.

Passed April 30, 1877.


Directing the Railroad Commissioner to confer with authorities of other States, with a view to the adoption of an improved system of accounts for railroad corporations.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the railroad commissioner be and he is hereby instructed to confer with the authorities of other states, as far as practicable, with a view to the adoption of an improved system of accounts for railroad corporations, and that he report his action herein to the next general assembly.

C. H. GROSVENOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. H. W. ČURTISS, President of the Senate.

Adopted May 3, 1877.


Providing for the printing and distribution of the fifth volume of the final report of the Geological Corps of Ohio.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be printed of the fifth volume of the final report of the geological corps of Ohio (being Volume III, Geology) twenty thousand copies, with such maps, plates, and sections as are prepared to illustrate the report; the printing to be in the best style, on good paper, in royal octavo, and bound in muslin; two hundred and fifty copies for the geological corps, two hundred and fifty copies for the geological board, five hundred copies for the state library, and the remaining for the present general assembly, to be divided equally among the members thereof, and sent to them as soon as printed and bound. To determine what number of such reports are to be printed in German, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state to ascertain from each member of this general assembly, also from the geological corps, geological board, and state librarian, what number of the reports they are entitled to receive they wish in the German language. The aggregate amount so determined shall be the number authorized to be printed in German, and they shall be distributed accordingly. That there shall be deposited in the the township library in each county in the state of Ohio one copy of this report, by the member representing the same in this general assembly at the time of their distribution.

Resolved, That the joint resolution relative to the printing and distribution thereof, adopted March 30, 1875, be and the same is hereby rescinded.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Adopted May 3, 1877.


Providing for the removal of insane persons to district hospitals, and for the treatment of the chronic insane.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall be the duty of the state board of charities, within ninety days after the opening of the Columbus hospital for the insane, to report by name, with so much of the personal history as may be deemed important, of all insane inmates of county infirmaries who shall have been declared insane by inquest of lunacy according to law, to the superintendent of the hospital for the insane in the district in which said county may be located, who is hereby required, as soon thereafter as practicable, to receive said patients without any further proceedings being had: Provided, that in each hospital for the insane fifty beds shall be reserved for the reception of recent cases, at the time this resolution takes effect, and also that of [if] the quotas of such county shall be more than filled by such transfer of these inmates, and the hospital be filled, then such patients whose disease is complicated with epilepsy shall not be transferred.

Be it further resolved, That from and after the expiration of said ninety days, it shall not be competent for directors of county or city infirmaries to receive to the care of such institution any insane person whatever,

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