THE STATE OF OHIO. General and Local Laws AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS, PASSED BY THE SIXTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT THE ADJOURNED SESSION, HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, COMMENCING TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1877. VOLUME LXXIV. COLUMBUS. NEVINS & MYERS, STATE PRINTERS. 1877. GENERAL LAWS. AN ACT Making appropriations for deficiencies and partial appropriations for the year 1877. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be and hereby is appropriated, out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, Adjutant to wit: general. For Adjutant General : Salary, five hundred dollars. Salaries of clerks, eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars. State arms, etc. Care of state arms, three hundred dollars. Contingent expenses, three hundred dollars. dollars. Expenses of batteries, (section 16, act of 1874,) two hundred dollars. For Attorney General: Salary of clerk, one hundred and fifty dollars. Contingent expenses, fifty dollars. For Auditor of State: Salaries of clerks, three thousand dollars. Contingent expenses, six hundred and twenty-five dollars. For Board of Public Works: Attorney's fees and incidental expenses, seventy-five dollars. Salaries of members of board, six hundred dollars. Salaries of commissioners, twenty-seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. Salaries of clerks, fourteen hundred and sixty dollars. For Commission to aid the Supreme Court: Salaries of members, deficiency, five hundred and ninetyeight dollars and sixty-four cents. Salaries of members, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Salary of assistant clerk, deficiency, fifty dollars. |