Freedom, thou art not, as poets dream, A fair young girl, with light and delicate limbs, And wavy tresses, gushing from the cap With which the Roman master crowned his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to the teeth, art thou ; one... Poems: By William Cullen Bryant - Página 227por William Cullen Bryant - 1862 - 264 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1843 - 278 páginas
...With which the Roman master crown'd his slave, When he took off the gyves, A bearded man, Arm'd to the teeth, art thou : one mailed hand Grasps the broad...sword ; thy brow, Glorious in beauty though it be, is scarr'd With tokens of old wars ; thy massive limbs Are strong and struggling. Power at thee has launch'd... | |
 | John Goldsbury, William Russell - 1844 - 440 páginas, is scarred II With tokens of old wars ; thy massive limbs II Are strong with struggling. Power I at thee has launched His bolts, and ' with his lightnings...They could not quench the life thou hast from heaven. 25 Merciless power | has dug thy dungeon deep, And his swart armorers, by a thousand fires, Have forged... | |
 | James Sheridan Knowles - 1847 - 344 páginas
...\Vith which the Roman master crown'd his slave, "When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Arm'd to the teeth, art thou : one mailed hand Grasps the broad...sword ; thy brow, Glorious in beauty though it be, is scarr'd With tokens of old wars ; thy massive limbs Are strong and struggling. Power at thee has launch'd... | |
 | 1856 - 544 páginas
...cap With which the Roman master crown'd his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Arm'd to the teeth, art thou : one mailed hand Grasps the broad...sword ; thy brow, Glorious in beauty though it be, is scarr'd With tokens of old wars. — The Antiquity of Freedom. It is in accordance with the striking... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1849 - 384 páginas
...cap With which the Roman master crowned his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to the teeth, art thou; one mailed hand Grasps the broad shield, and one the sword; thy brow, 840 LATER POEMS. Glorious in beauty though it be, is scarred With tokens of old wars; thy massive limbs... | |
 | John Greenleaf Whittier - 1850 - 324 páginas
...With which the Roman master cruwned his slave, When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to (he teeth, art thou ; one mailed hand Grasps the broad...struggling. Power at thee has launched His bolts, and with bis lightnings smitten thee; They could not quench the life thou hast from Heaven." Bryant. WHEN the... | |
 | John Greenleaf Whittier - 1850 - 326 páginas
...master crowned his slave, When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to the teeth, art thou 5 one mailed hand Grasps the broad shield, and one the...struggling. Power at thee has launched His bolts, and with hi$ lightnings smitten thee ; They could not quench the life thou hast from Heaven," Bryant. WHEN the... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1852 - 384 páginas
...cap With which the Roman master crowned his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man, Armed to the teeth, art thou ; one mailed hand Grasps the broad...strong with struggling. Power at thee has launched I His bolts, and with his lightnings smitten thee ; They could not quench the life thou hast from heaven.... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1852 - 590 páginas
...[brow, With tokens of old ware; thy massive limbs Are strong and struggling. Power at thee has launch'd His bolts, and with his lightnings smitten thee ; They could not quench the life thou hast from HeaMcrciless Power has dug thy dungeon deep, [ven. And his swart armourers, by a thousand fires, Have... | |
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