OF NATURE. BY JAS.-HENRY-BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE. HENRY HUNTER, D. D. LATE MINISTER OF THE SCOTS CHURCH, LONDON - WALI FIFTH EDITION. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. MAWMAN; J. WALKER; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME; VERNOR, HOOD, AND SHARPE; C. LAW; LACKINGTON, ALLEN, AND CO.; B. CROSBY AND CO.; J. RICHARDSON; Of the Sentiment of Melancholy Of the Sentiment of Love......... STUDIES OF NATURE. STUDY TWELFTH. OF SOME MORAL LAWS OF NATURE. Weakness of Reason; of Feeling; Proofs of the Divinity, and of the Immortality of the Soul, from Feeling. SUCH are the physical proofs of the existence of the DEITY, as far as the feebleness of my reason has enabled me to produce and arrange them. I have collected perhaps ten times as many; but I perceived that I was after all but at the beginning of my career; that the farther I advanced, the farther it extended itself before me; that my own labour would soon overwhelm me; and that, conformably to the idea of Scripture, nothing would remain to me after a complete survey of the Works of Creation, but the most profound astonishment. It is one of the great calamities of human life, that in proportion as we approach the source of truth, it flies away from before us; and that when by chance we are enabled to catch some of it's smaller ramifications, we are unable to remain constantly attached to them. Wherefore has the sentiment which yesterday exalted me to Heaven, at sight of a new relation VOL. III. B ! of |