The Christian Hero: An Argument Proving that No Principles But Those of Religion are Sufficient to Make a Great Man

J. Tonson, 1755 - 78 páginas

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Página 32 - Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?
Página 38 - ... with him that wants a support ; and to be helped implies to be indigent. In a word, after all you can say of a man, conclude that he is rich, and you have made him friends > nor have you utterly overthrown a man in the world's opinion, until you have said he is poor.
Página 37 - The necessitous man has neither hands, lips, or understanding, for his own or friend's use, but is in the same condition with the sick, with this difference only, that his is an infection no man will relieve, or assist, or...
Página 38 - ... from a great, not a groveling idea of things ; for as certainly as pride proceeds from a mean and narrow view of...
Página 74 - With the undoubted character of a glorious captain, and (what he much more values than the most splendid titles) that of a sincere and honest man...
Página 75 - ... and that there may be in the womb of time great incidents, which may make the catastrophe of a prosperous life as unfortunate as the particular scenes of it were successful?
Página 13 - I, Brutus, being the daughter of Cato, was given to you in marriage, not like a concubine, to partake only in the common intercourse of bed and board, but to bear a part in all your good and all your evil fortunes; and for...
Página 68 - ... the world, that men glory in their very passions, and pursue trifles with the utmost vengeance; so little do they know that to forgive is the most arduous pitch human nature can arrive at. A coward has often fought, a coward has often conquered, but
Página 37 - He is slighted in men's conversation, overlooked in their assemblies, and beaten at their doors. But from whence, alas, has he this treatment? from a creature that has only the supply of, but not an exemption from, the wants for which he despises him.

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