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Ask your jeweler for a WALTHAM watch and he will supply it, no matter if he happens to have personal prejudices in favor of some other. Insist upon having a WALTHAM and no other. There are other American watches and other American watch companies, but none of them can make a WALTHAM watch. The American Waltham Watch Company is the first American company; the first to be organized (nearly half a century ago), and the first at the present time in the quality and volume of its product. WALTHAM watches are all good time-keepers—some of them better suited for one class of service, some for another.

We particularly recommend movements engraved with our trade-marks "Riverside" or "Royal," as combining high quality and medium price.

Waltham, Mass.

For sale by all jewelers.

Please mention McClure's when you write to advertisers,


Around the World with Stoddard


Describing with Pen and Picture 18 Years of Travel

Over 3200 Illustrations Each one made expressly for this work
To be issued in 10 volumes, crown 8 vo. Entertaining Reading,
Geography, History, Science and Discriminating Humor

Sold by Subscription Exclusively

Send for Descriptive Circulars to

Belford, Middlebrook & Co Publishers

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New York



Address Nearest Office

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Mason & Hamlin Organs have been the standard of the world. Their pre-eminence has been unquestioned. The same qualities which have made the organs so famous are to be found in the MASON & HAMLIN


which the Company has been making since 1882. The many improvements which these pianos possess over other makes can hardly be described in an advertisement. Write to or call at any one of our offices before you purchase, and see for yourself some of the points of superiority in our pianos.

[blocks in formation]

$1000.00 CONTEST

YOU PAY NOTHING TO ENTER. You Win a Prize, Sure. Valued $10. to $500.

We announce the greatest Word Contest of the age, an absolutely fair and honest contest conducted in a manner that everybody can understand.


shown below to those who make the largest correct list of words out of the word "ALPHABETICAL" and if a sufficient number of persons enter the contest we will distribute an extra quantity of prizes of the same sort as in the list. Make words from the word "Alphabetical" like this: BIT, AT, HABIT, IT,

RULES: PIT, TIP, A, etc. Use these 7 and as many more as you can make, but you

must not use any letter twice in a word unless it appears twice in "Alphabetical," for instance, you can use L twice or A 3 times in a word if needed. ALL WORDS will be allowed that appear in WEBSTER'S UNEXCELLED DICTIONARY, which our examiners will use in making awards. To every person who buys the Dictionary and sends over 50 correct words, we guarantee to award a prize of $10.00 guarantee, or over. We will send you the Dictionary postpaid for 25 CENTS (it is worth a dollar). If you want to get it before starting on your list, send 25 CENTS to HOME TREASURY CO., AUGUSTA, MAINE.

You need not send any Money with your List of Words.

All we ask is that you write your list plainly, in accordance with rules, put your name and address in your letter as well as your list and send to us before Oct. 15, 1897. As soon as the lists are received they will be turned over to examiners. When the winners are chosen and prizes awarded, soon after Oct. 15, you will then learn whether or not you have been successful.

Bear in Mind you are not to send any remittance with your list, it costs

nothing to enter. The only expense you can go to is buying Webster's Unexcelled Dietlonary at 25 cents, which is a very good volume and worth the money; you needn't buy our Dictionary unless you desire. spent in vain if their list does not win a prize.

This is a Fair Contest and nobody can feel that any money has been

Our object in conducting this great contest is to make

Home Treasury Magazine

popular. We know that if you become familiar with the name you will sooner

or later become a regular sub Give Away the Prizes Advertised

scriber and we are willing to

in order to popularize our businesss. Now just think of it! Even if you have been unsuccesful in other word contests, you can go into this with the knowledge that you may win much but can lose nothing.

The following list of 167 Grand Prizes will be awarded to the 167 persons who send largest lists of words made from ALPHABETICAL in accordance with rules.

First Prize. Five hundred dollars in cash for largest correct list. Second Prize. A $100 Bicycle, 1897 model, for lady or gen


Set of Furniture, valued at $85.00, for third

fourth largest,

Third Prize. largest list.
Fourth Prize. Cornish Parlor Organ, valued at $50.00, for
Fifth Prize. Sewing Machine, $50.00, for fifth largest list of words.
Sixth Prize. Solid Gold Elgin Watch, value, $50.00, for

sixth largest.

Prizes 7 to 90. to each of the senders of 83 next largest lists. Prizes 90 to 146. Pearl Gem Ring (our valuation $12.50 each)

A Solid Gold Genuine Diamond Ring

A Beautiful Kimberly Diamond and

to senders of 56 next largest lists.

Prizes 146 to 161. Gentleman's Watch, or a Beautiful

A First Class Springfield Quick Train

Chatelaine, Gold, Lady's Watch to each of the senders of 15 next largest lists. Value of watches $10.50 each.

Prizes 161 to 167. A Ten Dollar Gold Plece to each of the

six persons sending the next largest lists.

Names and addresses of 167 Prize Winners


As a grand special proposition, we will, if the number of entries to contest war rants, give an extra number of gifts selected by us from the schedule. It is a con dition of this contest that every person to whom is awarded a grand prize, as specified in the above, shall become a regular subscriber at 25 cents per year. We make this condition because we do not want people to compete in this contest merely for the purpose of getting a prize. We want to gain a large list of regular subscribers & it must be understood therefore, that when a prize of $500.00 or an organ, or any other of the above described gifts is awarded to you. that you shall become a regular subscriber to Home Treasury. Don't send your subscription until you are notified that you have won one of the Grand Prizes. READ WHAT OUR BANKERS SAY:


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that we have received from the publishers of HOME TREASURY, the sum of $1000.00 to be held by us as guarantee of the fairness of their "ALPHABETICAL" word contest. We shall forward cash prizes as offered, promptly to winners, as directed, by the examining committee, and we have every reason to believe that HOME TREASURY CO. will meet its promises in every respect. AUGUSTA SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO.,

F. E. SMITH, Treasurer.

HOW TO WIN If You feel that you can afford to spend 25 cents for our

Dictionary to help you, send for it, but if you don't want to buy it, or if the time is too short, simply make up your list and send it to us with out a cent, but be sure and put your name and address on it. You must mall us your list before midnight of Oct. 15, and the sooner the better as our learned committee can first examine lists that first arrive and we abso lutely guarantee you a prize if you send a list of over 50 words. Remember, we are thorougly reliable and you need not send a cent with your list. Address plainly:


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Please mention McClure's when you write to advertisers.

Prices of Oxydonor Greatly Reduced

(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, 1896.)


Send for New Price List


(Trade Mark Registered Nov. 24, 96.)

The New Life Giver

Gives vigorous health by instilling Oxygen From The Air into the System, and cures all forms of disease, without medicine or electricity. Applied as in illustration; it is as simple as breathing. Hundreds of Public Men and More than a Million Persons in all countries now depend upon the OXYDONOR exclusively for health. Get the Genuine, made by the Discoverer and Inventor, Dr. H. SANCHE. Book of particulars and price-list sent free to any address. 423 Marlboro Street, BOSTON, MASS., May 12, 1897.

DEAR DOCTOR.-I have an Oxydonor for every member of my family, and have had for nine years more or less. I would on no account be without them. No one thing, so far as I know, is so efficient and reliable to reinforce our powers in the struggle for existence, outside of Divine aid, as is this discovery of yours. W. W. MANNING, of Marquette, Mich.


Yours truly,

George P. Goodale, Sec'y Detroit Free Press, writes May 2, 1897: "Oxydonor is the chiefest single blessing with which I have made acquaintance on this earth; and I would not voluntarily forego its benefits for a deed in fee simple of Greater New York.' Reliable Dealers wanted in all parts of the country. Liberal terms.


261 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

61 Fifth Street, corner Fort, DETROIT, MICH.




L. B. SEELEY & Established 1884.

Canadian Office, 142 St. Lawrence Street, Montreal, Canada.

Principal and Founder.


Send for Book.



CO., 25 8. 11th St., Philada, Pa.


The method employed for the
Permanent Cure of Stammering and
Stuttering is the fruit of a long personal
effort of Mr. Johnston to overcome a
severe impediment from which he has
suffered forty years.

The system is endorsed by

Philadelphia, Pa.

Prof. HORATIO C. WOOD, and


of the University of Pennsylvania.

Send for 60-page book to PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE 1033 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.

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DELICIOUS ARNICA TOOTH SOAP, Delightfully clensing, cooling and refreshing. Keeps the teeth white and beautiful and preserves them from decay Antiseptic, it destroys all germs. Thirty yrs. on the market. Try this peerless dentifrice. 25c, all druggists or by mail. C. H. STRONG & CO., CHICAGO.




It can be given without the knowledge of the patient if desired. Book free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 439 Race St., Cincinnati, O. Write for our literature, on the Painless Cure of the Opium and Morphine Habits."

Blair's Pills

Great English Remedy for

Druggists, or 224 William St.. New York.

[blocks in formation]

When you have tried all other "removers," write me. I advertise but little; my friends keep me busy by sending others. I have no quicklime, soapstone, sulphur or electrical specific." I have the true secret of killing the hair by dissolving roots. Hair never returns. Over 9000 cases successfully treated last year. Send two stamps for private

sealed information.

My personal attention given you. Mrs. HELEN S. MARKO,

Am. Tract Society Bldg., New York City, N. Y.

Please mention McClure's when you write to advertisers.

to GIVEN absolutely

00 to AWAY

absolutely FREE by



and over 1,500 PRIZES


that are attractive to all




to further introduce the magazine into new families.

HE COLUMBIAN to-day has the largest circulation of any publication in this territory except one. At our present rate we shall soon pass it. Our last contest for the largest list of words from the nine letters in the word COLUMBIAN proved highly successful. The full list of prize winners was published in a recent issue. We now offer hundreds of valuable and attractive prizes to those who can form the greatest number of words from the twelve letters in the two words T-I-E C-O-L-U-M-B-I-A-N. Here are samples: The, tan, tea, can, calm, cabin, am, aim, bin, lamb, etc. Every person who makes a list of fifteen words cr more will receive a prize. You can think up words with the help given you above. RULES: English words only; use no letter more than once in any one word; use words spelled alike but once; use any legitimate word, including proper nouns, pronouns, prefixes, suffixes. The person sending in the largest number of words made from the twelve letters in the words THE COLUMBIAN will receive $100, the second $50, the two next $10 each, the two next a fine Bicycle each. the four next $5 each, the 100 next a $3 Kombi Camera each, the 500 next a life subscription to THE COLUMBIAN, five next a good American Watch each, ten next $1 each, next 1.000 each an extra year's subscription to THE COLUMBIAN. In addition to the above grand prizes

SPECIAL! we shall give away absolutely free hun

dreds of dollars worth of PRIZE BUDGETS to all who send lists of fifteen words or more. PRIZE BUDGETS sent, all charges prepaid, same day as lists are received. Grand Prizes will be awarded as soon as posisble after close of contest, which will be on Christmas Eve, and list of winners published in first possible issue thereafter. REMEMBER, every contestant sending a list of fifteen words or more will receive by immediate return a PRIZEBUDGET, consisting of book of over seventy novels and stories by most popular authors, a score of late songs, with words and music, a great col lection of jokes, magic tricks, puzzles, parlor games, cooking and money making receipts, secrets of toilet, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of Dreams, etc., etc. Entertainment for months to come.

To Enter the Contest liver or 27 one-c.

you must send 25c. stamps, for six months trial subscription, with your list of words. Every person sending a subscription with list of fifteen words or more will receive THE COLUMBIAN six months, a PRIZE BUDGET free, sent same day list is received, and a Grand Prize according to length of list. We guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Any publisher or bank in this city can be referred to as to our reliability. We make these offers to thoroughly establish THE COLUMBIAN as a National Literary success. Make up your list at once and send 25c. silver or 27 one-e. stamps. Address THE COLUMBIAN, 13, 15, 17 Otis St., Boston, Mass.

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have come again, and now what you want is a


A Prentiss Clock will do this
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Also Electric Clocks, Pro-
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Our constitutional treatment not only gives relief, but eradicates the cause of the disease and cures to stay cured. Particulars and blank for free examination mailed on application.

DR. HAYES, Buffalo, N. Y.

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