Imágenes de páginas

whether parlor, bed room, or kitchen. If they decide parlor, after it is properly furnished, another room may be added. This may be done until you have a house of four rooms.

Teachers who have not tried this plan will be astonished at the materials brought and made by the children, the taste, suggestions for home making, and the ingenuity displayed by them.

Each week some little girl may be appointed to care for the house.

In what way may the furnishing and caring for this little home correlate with the formal teaching? These are some of the practical lessons a certain first grade teacher has worked out with her pupils. Out of the variety of wall paper brought in by the children, came the lessons in color and design.

A color lesson used as busy work in connection with the doll house, was the following: Each child had a sheet of 6x9 drawing paper and a box of Dixon's colored crayons. The children tinted their papers a light green. Each child was then given a small conventional fleur-de-lis, which the teacher had cut out of cardboard. This was placed on the tinted paper by the child to make a simple wall paper design. From this lesson came additional lessons of whether this design was to be used for side wall, ceiling, or border pattern.

With pegs and sticks children may originate designs for either wall or floor covering. drawing them on squared paper, and perhaps at another time working out these same patterns in color.

With slats, children may weave shades for the little windows.

The floor of the doll house gives abundant scope for lessons in color and design. As the children bring in carpet for one room the teacher may direct the children's attention to the harmony with the wall covering, the appropriateness of color to the practical use of the room. The children may decide to paint the floor, in which case it gives an impetus to the weaving of a little rug.

It is not necessary to buy looms for weaving. Ingenious teachers may make them out of cigar boxes or chalk boxes. Take the bottom from the

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Within the attractive covers of this book are contained thirty songs, such as children can sing with ease, and upon subjects which will both interest and stimulate the child-mind. Musically they show fresh and bright melody with a wellwritten but not difficult piano part.

The verses are gracefully worded, treating largely of familiar things in a vivacious, entertaining, and informing manner. Many of the songs may be used as action songs in costume for special occasions; each one of these is equipped with explicit directions for costuming, music, jumping and action, making a very pleasing entertainment. This feature alone enhances the value of the book to many times its price, and a careful examination is urged upon all those interested in the instruction or pleasure of children. Descriptive Circular H contains list of all our books for children. Send for it. Free on request.

CHAS. H. DITSON & Co., New York
J. E. DITSON & CO., Philadelphia

Order of your home dealer or of the above houses

Cheap and Excellent Books

SONG KNAPSACK, 142 songs for schools, 10c; $1 dozen.

"PAT'S PICK, 124 pp. All the music to the KNAPSACK songs. Sweetest, sanest, jolliest song book made. Cloth, 50c.

PRIMER OF PEDAGOGY, by Prof. D. Putnam. Just what the times demand. Cloth 122 pp. 25c. MANUAL OF ORTHOGRAPHY AND ELEMENTARY SOUNDS, by Henry R. Pattengill. Up-todate. 104 pp., 25c.

CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF U. S., by W. C. Hewitt. 118 pp., complete, new, cloth, 25c; $2.40 per doz. MEMORY GEMS, 1000 GRADED SELECTIONS, by H. R. Pattengill. 143 pp., linen morocco finish, 25c.

MORNING EXERCISES AND SCHOOL RECREATIONS, by C. W. Mickens. New, 267 pp., 50c. PRIMARY SPEAKER FOR FIRST AND SECOND GRADES, by Mary L. Davenport. Fresh, elegant. 132 pp., 25c.

OLD GLORY SPEAKER, containing 80 of the choicest patriotic pieces written. 126 pp., 25c. HINTS FROM SQUINTS, 144 pp. Hints comical, hints quizzical, hints pedagogical, hints ethical, hints miscellaneous. Cloth, 50c.

SPECIAL DAY EXERCISES, 165 pp., 25c. Best medicine ever to cure that "tired feeling" in school.




I told my pupils that we would play the schoolroom was the United States. I named a different state for each child to visit, and told them to go to the place in the room nearest the direction in which it was from their home. After all had gone and mistakes were corrected, I told them to return and tell us what they had seen. The one visiting Florida saw oranges, the one visiting Colorado saw Pike's Peak, and so on. After each had told his experiences I gave them new places to visit. We all had a good time. -Ivy L Perkins, in Oregon Teacher's Monthly.

When it is as broad as it's long it must be the square thing.



Vocal Training in the Kinder-
garten and Primary Grades
of Schools

William M. Lawrence.

Price 25 Cents.

This is a series of six little songs written for the special training of vowel pronunciation in singing-they afford equal benefit for similar vowel training for the reading voice as well.


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There is no prettier feature for and complete factory in Chicago program than a pantomine. for the manufacture of school Best of all, it is the most easily goods. They make many things arranged of all attractive enter- that are interesting to kindergarttainments. The common way of ners and primary teachers, and presenting a pantomine is to take will send their new catalogue free some pretty and well-known song, to any address. and while a singer or a chorus sings the words at one side of the platform, or behind the scenes. the actors on the platform carry out the sentiment of the words by the use of appropriate gestures. Only one rehearsal with the singing is necessary, and two hearsals with the director repeating the words of the song are sufficient. Require all the actors In rehearsing tell each to watch to commit the words of the song. his own gestures and not to permit his gaze to wander. The song will be most effectively rendered as a solo and chorus, with piano and cornet accompaniment.Oregon Teacher's Monthly.



or the Game of Telling Time

invention is to furnish new and inter The object of this new and original esting and amusing entertainment to interest, help to educate them. TeachAdults, to excite the interest of children and, by taking advantage of this ing valuable lessons without the aid of older persons.

It is a game for ANY LANGUAGE, so simple that all can play, requiring no skill nor science, so amusing that both the Parent and the Child are entertained while playing together.

Timo-Graph has merit. It is an Entertainer and an Educator.

With TIMO-GRAPH the child learns to read figures, to count and add the Ara bic numerals. He learns the face of the clock, that fifteen minutes make one quarter of an hour, that thirty minutes make one half hour, that sixty minutes hours make a day. make one hour and that twenty-four Retail price $1.00.


I have found the following
word game a very interesting and
instructive one for my first-grade
children. When they are able to
recognize as many as sixty words
I cut little two-inch squares of Huntsville
cardboard and place on each card
one of the words with which they
are acquainted. I mix with these
some new words. When we are
ready for the game I give each
child an equal number of words
and divide the school into equal
sides. I then call for the words
in this way: "I want the word
name of an animal

Training of this nature given in the form of song, not only takes away the dryness of vowel practice when exercised alone, but arouses enthusiasm and eagerness on the part of pupils to do the work, in fact the enjoyment realized does away with the consciousness of work and the that tells the educational benefit is all the more that catches mice."

marked as well as more easily attained.

The child

Strong claim can be made for the having the word "cat" raises his


You Can Work Wonders in Your Class Room, Whatever the Age,

by using

Harbutt's Plasticine

"The pertect modeling material." Always ready for use. No water required. If your dealer cannot supply you write to us. Ask for Booklet K.

merit of these songs, they are tuneful hand and is given credit for one. The Embossing Company,

and childlike, and are written with musicianly polish. The verses are written with the view of bringing in the particular vowel as often as possible.



A pupil is appointed collector,
and as the words are used, he
collects them. If any one fails
to recognize his word, when it is
called, or gives in the wrong
word, one is taken from his side.

Words by Anna B. Badlam In this way they learn

Music by Carrie Bullard.

Price 50 Cents.

These songs, 15 in number, show the result of unified co-operation between author and composer. They give every evidence of combined and harmonious effort.

recognize words rapidly, and also
learn the meaning of many words.
-Canadian Teacher.


This is a plan which I have

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

The poems are thoroughly child- found very effective in teaching like in character; are written with the a review. I have the children experience of one who is in close touch bring to class a number of queswith modern child training and contain the excellence in thought and literary ex- tions (usually ten) on the review pression which meet present day require- which they consider would be ments in Kindergartens and Schools. The melodies are strictly in keeping, good for examination. Each one Pardon our use of slang, but if you possessing childlike simplicity without is to be prepared with the answers being commonplace, and are furnished to his questions. When they come have school books you don't need, don't with accompaniments that show the finburn them. You can sell them for cash ish and polish of the capable, talented to class we usually have each one or exchange for others you want. in turn ask a question and ask Send for list of Books Wanted (giving some one to answer it. This has prices paid), also, if interested, for Barproved very successful as every-gain List of Books for sale at Low Prices. one is very much interested in

[blocks in formation]

bringing questions and they feel C. M. Barnes-Wilcox Co., III. that they have a part in the work. 262 Wabash Avenue

-Ina J. Wilcox.

Chicago, Ill.

Bradley's School Paints, Raphia, Reed, and all Construction


THOS. CHARLES CO. 80-82 Wabash Avenue., Chicago, Ill.


For School and Kindergarten Use.

We manufacture a complete line of wax, chalk, and other crayons of a superior quality-nearly 100 different packages from 9 crayons in a box for a penny up to the highest grade crayons. Free samples will be sent to any kindergartner or primary teacher inquiring for same. Our No. BI1 crayon is a hydraulic pressed crayon, will not smear, put up in neat strong box containing six principal colors with black and brown; unsurpassed for

school and kindergarten work. If your dealer does not have our crayons write us: Standard Crayon Manufacturing Company, Danvers, Mass.

Do You Teach Arithmetic?

We have secured the entire stock of Smith's Rapid Practice Arithmetic Cards

and offer them at

Just Half the Pul.lishers' Price

Our price, 25c per set, prepaid. Each set contains 200 or more problems. There are 32 sets, covering every branch of arithmetic. Send for circular giving complete list of subjects. SCHERMERHORN & CO.,

New York. numbers of

Hot Air Furnaces the Kindergarten-Primary Maga

zine for September-October, 1908, Will pay 15c each for a limited number. Address J. H. Shults, Manistee, Mich.

Endorsed by the leading Kindergartners The Todd Adjustable Hand Loom


From our files WE OFFER FIRST AID to any one who is preparing an address on any educational theme. Send us your subject and we will send you one more back numbers of "Education" containing articles by experts on the same theme. Our charge is 35c for each number. Subscription price $3.00 per year.

The Palmer Co.,

120 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.

Loom No. 1 is also made in size 20x20 in. for pillow tops, pieced

rugs and with continuous

warp for

rugs of any le oth




To every teacher who introduces either of these pens in his or her classes we will send a card showing the process of manufacture. This card contains a sample of the pen after each operation, and will be very useful in teaching the children how pens are made.

Todd & Todd

"The Odd Shop"

319 Sixth Street So. MINNEAPOLIS,


C. Howard Hunt Pen Co., Send for descriptive circulars of looms

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and weaving material containing di rections for making hammocks and


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Volume XXII, No. 3.

$1.00 per Year, 15 cents per Copy

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