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In the outskirts of a town in Northern Ohio stood an old brick farm-house. One side of the house was covered with woodbine, while suspended from the long porch across the front, was a drapery of wisteria blossoms. It made a striking picture, with its background of hickory-nut, beech and maple trees. Walking down the lane, at some distance, hand in hand, came little Richard and his young mother. Richard was joyously singing, "When I'm big I'll

his toys were kept. The little wooden soldiers were chosen, and he arranged them in rows of twos and fours, using one for the captain of the company, and another for the general of the army.

Soon a sound of distant guns, and a dull tramp o. weary feet reached the mother's ears, and suddenly the dreadful battle was in progress. Oh, it could not be! God would surely hear her prayer, and give her strength to reach the spot where her precious boy lay slain. Did he whisper her name as his spirit passed away and she

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two kindergarten teachers, mothers, babies. and kindergarten children.

The trolley ride was about two miles into the country; when the car stopped at the entrance to the woods the children were delighted. They ran across the rustic bridge, over the brook, and on into the woods by a path lined with beautiful willows on the side of a pond.

We stopped to take photographs of the children in the May-pole dance and the King and Queen. Every one decided they were so hungry that it must be lunch time. Gathering in a kindergarten circle we opened the lunch baskets. When lunch was



Our April work closed with the May party. Our plan for May will of necessity begin with the same thought. The experiences of our out of door party at this season of the year may well be chosen as the basis for many lines of thought. Now, too, some of the seed planting has come to quite a stage of development. It would be quite impossible to undertake to say just when attention should be given to the At anytime, as growing things about us. often as possible, they should be spoken of.

As much time as possible should be spent out of doors. Stories may be told in a shady spot. Occupation work of a simple

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finished the children played games, watched the little fishes in the brook and gathered O! such beautiful bouquets of flowers and ferns.

The time came all too soon when we collected our belongings to watch for a car. Everyone had enjoyed the outing and each mother promised to visit those beautiful woods again very soon. When we reached the end of our journey all were happy though tired, yet looked forward to the time when the children would again select. their King and Queen for another wonderful May Party.


1 Carlton Place, Passaic Park, N. J.

character can be done outside. Gift boxes have been carried to the grass or a cozy corner of a playground. Games may be played out of doors. More walks are now possible. Wet sand for tunnels, hills, valleys, river beds, mud pies may be freely indulged in from now until the close of the


The policeman will be quite in evidence in our frequent walks so he will be a fitting subject for the "Helper" this month.

The awakening of animal life is quite as marked as that of the flowers. We will have bird life as as center of this thought. Butterflies will probably flit about. Their resurrection will be a source of delight and awe to us. The bright sunshine, blue

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Sleeping Beauty.


Garden plots of other classes in the school and in neighboring schools. Farmers' plots.

Illustrative Material

Pictures relating to May Day.

Strawberries, radishes, pictures of strawberry plants and plots, radish plants and plots, other garden plots.

Gifts and Occupations

Continue gift work in connection with gardening. Much time will be spent on actual gardening so that the regular gift and occupation periods will be fewer. Sticks-Rings-Seeds.Flower borders.

"In My Little Garden Bed."-Finger Building Blocks

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Cut out some simple drawings and paintings for flower gardens in sand tray. Drawing-Cutting-Folding-Pasting


Cut a house. Draw the windows. and paste the green shutters. Have shutters that close to keep out the bright sunshine in the middle of the day and open for cool breeze in evening.

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Have some work with transparent paper. Possibly the windows of the house could be transparent. A frame could be cut; a pressed flower mounted between two transparent sheets and placed in frame. Hang in windows of kindergarten. A picture could be used in which a window or the moon is shown. Cut out the window or the moo and paste in the place a transparent paper the proper color. Sand

I. Have the May Party represented. Use the cut out drawings of the children to represent the people, etc. Have the miniature May pole as last month. Use sunbonnet babies.

2. Make radish patch with clay radishes. Make a strawberry patch the same way.

3. Garden plot using flowers drawn and painted and sunbonnet children as caretakers.


Subjects for Morning Circles

Bird life.

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"Once I Saw a Little Birdie.-Mother Goose.

"Spring Birds."-Kindergarten Chimes. -Wiggin.

"Flying Birds."-Songs and Games for Little Ones.-Walker-Jenks.

Blow edition.
"In a Hedge."-Mother Play-Froebel,

"Birdies in the Green-Wood.”—Songs and Games for Little Ones.-WalkerJenks.

"Hop, Hop, Come Birdies All."-Songs and Games for Little Ones.-Walker-Jenks. "Polly."—A Baker's Dozen for City


"Ball. Roll Over, Come Back."-Merry

I. Recall the birds that remain during Songs and Games.-Hubbard.

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Sense Game-Seeing. Colored balls represent birds. Can you tell little playmate? Remove two and three balls at one

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