Imágenes de páginas



RULE I. Monosyllables ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel.

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RULE II. - Polysyllables accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel.

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Note. - Polysyllables not accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, do not double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel.

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Exception I.- Final silent e preceded by c or g is retained before a suffix beginning with a or o in order to preserve the soft sound.

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Exception II.

out ra geous

- Words ending in ie drop the e and change the i to y

before a suffix beginning with i.

die dy ing

lie ly ing


ty ing

Exception III.

The following words retain final e before the suffix ing :

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RULE IV. Final silent e is usually retained before a

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Exception. The following words drop final e before a suffix beginning with a consonant:

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RULE V. Use i before e except after c.

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RULE VI. The final letter of a word or prefix is usually retained before the same letter in the suffix or root.

le gal
il le gal

le gal ly

il le gal ly

sim i lar

dis sim i lar
dis solve

RULE VII. Final y preceded by a consonant is changed

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Exception. — Final y is retained before the suffix ing:


ber ry ing
ry ing

mag ni fy ing

mul ti ply ing

tes ti fy ing

RULE VIII. —A prefix or a suffix ending in usually

drops one l

al to geth er

ful fil
truth ful

wel fare


al ways

[ocr errors]

· Credit is due to Daly's Rational Speller for some of the rules

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[blocks in formation]

au thor i ty

au tumn

aux il i a ry

av er age

awk ward

bach e lor

bal ance

balk y bal loon

ba na na bap tize bar gain bat tal ion bay o net bea con

beau ti ful

be gin ning

be neath ben e fi cial

ben e fit

bi cy cle

bis cuit

bla ma ble

blame less

cam paign
cam phor
can cel
ca pa ble
cap tain
care less

car riage
car ry ing
cash ier

cat a logue cat a ract cau tion cel lar

cham ois change a ble char ac ter chif fo nier

chim ney chis el choose chron i cle

cir cuit

cir cu lar

cir cum fer ence ci vil i ty

civ i li za tion clause

clean li ness

со соа

colo nel co lo ni al

com mer cial

com mit tee com par a tive

com pass

con ceal

con cede con demn con fec tion er y con science con sci en tious

con scious

con so nant con ve nient con vey cool ly

cor dial

cor re spond ence coun ter feit

cou ra geous cour te ous

cour te sy cred it or

cres cent

crit i cise

crys tal

cus tom cyl in der

dai ly debt or

de ceive

dec i mal

de clen sion,

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